Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower matrix is one of the methods of time management to prioritize matters of the day. Looks like the matrix as four quadrants, which are obtained by the intersection of the axes of "Important — Unimportant" horizontally and "Urgent — not Urgent" vertically.

How to use this matrix? Just distribute there own business (e.g., business day) in accordance with their importance and urgency. Over time it will become quite simple, and yet give a bit of explanation.
Important and urgent - those that are very important and cannot wait. Without them, everything will collapse, and make them tomorrow will be too late. These things need to be done today, first and foremost — and always. Examples of important and urgent cases: the task of the project, the deadline of which is almost here; unscheduled trip to the dentist, surgeon or another specialist; an urgent telephone call to the customer or the company. In theory, the square important and urgent cases must be empty, but in practice, sometimes we know sometimes the important and urgent things, part of them is attributed to laziness, part lack of professionalism, and some force majeure.
Important, but not urgent - important, urgent will be soon. If you don't plan to wait and take an unnecessary race, then pay them close attention. Examples of such cases: current (planned) work on your projects; planning new projects; evaluation of project results; visits to the gym to maintain physical fitness.
Things are not important, but urgent. As a rule, this square cases no closer to the goal, whatever it was, it's the things that need doing, but only in order for them to do. To congratulate happy birthday (it turns out, Joe was born is today), the unexpected arrival of guests and others not planned, imposed on the meeting, from which it is impossible to refuse. If this can be something to delegate to someone charging — do it.
Not important and not urgent things - that's the most disgusting category of cases. They are not important, they are not urgent, but they want to do. It's your time-eaters — read glossy magazines, computer games, watching television and surf the Internet. Your choice?
Important: many people start doing stuff when you just get tired. When I want to-want to. So, this is a wrong decision. Right — to plan a quality vacation (a category of Important but not urgent) and relax efficiently, and not doing stuff.
Total — as a tool, Eisenhower matrix works and, moreover, is well organized, if you follow it. You can be proud, if a square is "Important and Urgent" will have you often empty: and it is quite possible, if you more often do things square "Important but not Urgent". So working professionals!
Source: /users/1077