Insomnia during pregnancy

From the beginning of pregnancy lots of people have bouts of insomnia. In the first trimester the reason for this may be the rise of progesterone and several other men in General hormones, uncharacteristic for the female body. In the result of tense nerves, relax and sleep not possible. The growth of the fetus the hormones calm down a little, but when it accumulates the weight back starts to ache, more and more difficult to breathe lying down, and the child is actively moving, kicking. The reasons for not being able to sleep — a lot.

Sometimes nights without sleep is so exhausting that I want to just take a sleeping pill. But without serious consultation with the doctor a pregnant woman to do simply has no right. There is now, unfortunately, these sleeping pills which is not inhibited to the development of the baby in the womb. In addition, their active substances are accumulated in the vulnerable during pregnancy kidney, liver. The maximum that you can assign a physician to ease sleep is Valerian or motherwort.

Remember that pregnancy is a natural physiological condition, and not you debilitating disease. So you can benefit from the advice recommending to deal with insomnia by adequate physical activity. Whenever you feel well enough to do this, pay attention to the special exercises for pregnant women, walking, yoga. Only the activity must not occur directly before bed — then instead of a pleasant tiredness you get agitated. Also it is not necessary to sleep to pay attention to hard mental activity: the effect will be similar. So the last half hour before going to bed better relax, talk to loved ones and family about the pleasant, listen to meditative music.

Pregnant often fall asleep in the middle of the day and then cannot sleep at night. To get rid of such problems, it is desirable to reduce the afternoon NAP to an hour, max hour and a half. Alternatively, you can just replace NAP in some quiet, relaxing kind of vacation. Pay attention to your eating routine. For dinner it is advisable not to eat too much because of the active work of the gastrointestinal tract interferes with healthy sleep. Also, wait for that food and sleep were at least two hours. If you feel hunger, it is going to be poslati, drink a glass of milk with honey: rich in calories and soothes.
