Mineral water will help to lose weight

Mineral called water in which are dissolved mineral salts and bioactive substances. Mineral water for weight loss – what are the rules of its use, what time period is the process of adjusting weight?
How water helps to lose weight? How mineral water helps you to lose weight? We often confuse hunger with thirst — drinking water, we avoid overeating. Correction weight provides both cleansing the body of toxins. Based on the observations of doctors, the human body can settle 2-4 kg of harmful accumulation that is reflected in the weight. Mineral water leads to normal water-salt balance, which indirectly promotes weight loss. The magnesium present in mineral water, reacts with the cells of fat and forms salts that are not absorbed by the body. Because the lipids in the body is needed, it retrieves the required element from the available fat reserves. It should take into account the fact that mineral water helps to reduce appetite.
Rules for the use of mineral water Carbonated mineral water for weight loss is typically not used, since carbon dioxide aggressive acts on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, causing bloating, accelerates the uptake of nutrients received from food, increases appetite. Mineral waters are of different composition – be sure to study it, check the suitability of a particular water given the state of your health. To the fore with obesity out of mineral water, increases peristalsis of intestines — uses of water high and medium mineralization dominated by ions of sulfate, chloride, magnesium, sodium (sulfate-magnesium and sulphate-sodium mineral water). In addition to bowel cleansing such mineral waters reduce the absorption of nutrients (including fat). Chloride-natrium water use is undesirable because they reduce the urine output and it obesity should be strengthened. To enhance oxidation processes and normalization of thyroid function is recommended to use water with a high concentration of iodine.
It is important to remember that mineral water is full of salts and minerals, so in large quantities it can not drink. Low salinity allows you to drink water in a normal volume of about 600 ml per day. Medium and high salinity reduces the rate of 300 ml per day. The rest of the normal fluid is to with ordinary drinking water.
Ways to lose weight easiest way to lose weight is to drink water 30 minutes before meals and 1-2 hours after. Practice shows that before the meals it is advisable to drink water with varied mineral composition, and after eating water with high concentrations of magnesium. Thanks to this scheme, the body receives the necessary supply of minerals, there will be no need to obtain them from food (normal food can be reduced without harm to health). Magnesium will also contribute to a breaking down of fat cells. Clean drinking water will help excrete the products of decomposition. Another option weight loss – water fasting for 1-2 days. Only one mineral water can not drink – combine it with drinking, or with melt water.
Reviews Mineral water for weight loss often finds application in medical schemes – the process of weight correction is carried out under the supervision of a physician. Judging by the reviews, overly fond of mineral water can not be – can worsen a chronic problem.
Source: updiet.info/
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