The mother is the source of life, father — law

a scene from the movie "man of steel" ("Man of Steel"), Legendary Pictures of women often you can hear the regret that today's boys do not have enough male parenting, and the lack of men's education men don't manifest themselves like men. This is a huge however, only are we ready for such an education whether women themselves to make the hard rules for men of education, of education like men? A woman a boy a man will not educate, so educate only a man. But the men in the upbringing, the other, not feminine — and masculine approach. Trust a woman parenting her only (of course, fragile and defenseless), this rough and ruthless men? The vital role of parents in the upbringing of children are clearly defined. Mother is the Source of life. Task and the role of mother of a child to love, cherish, support, patronize. The Pope is the Law. The father embodies the society within the family, sets the laws and regulations. He may need to set boundaries, to carry out sanctions and penalties. Mom and dad say differently. Men are more often the security forces, although sometimes they are soft and adorable, it is easy to say so that is understandable: this must be done immediately. And not... the father's word is always stronger than my mother's. Dad's word is Law, and mom — just a mom's opinion. Dad can just say "this is impossible" and "it should", and that is enough for this to be done. Although it is clear that it is better to explain, if possible. Mum's the word weighs less. Women often Dushku, and although they sometimes speak strictly and can even scream, the child knows that her heart is soft. The mother is not iron, and to listen to it is not always necessary. Mom can say "this is impossible, because the Pope said so", but then mum refers to dad. Mom can refer to "all people do", but it is also a link. And if that's not true and "so" do not make all your child's soon to check. Mom can say, "I don't like it" — but that's not the Law with a capital letter. This is just an opinion, a desire, even an authoritative person. Listen to the Pope because he is Pope, and mother, because we love her. The task of the mother, it is her duty to love, accept, child, in any circumstances, to accept the child no matter what his behavior. Task and responsibility of the father not to violate their own rules, consistency and systematic order, consistency (to explain). To make sure the mother also complied with the law and order.
If the family is not complete, harder. Sometimes a woman can change their roles — when-you strain, when you'll regret it, sometimes the function of the father performed by other men — father, uncle, sometimes even neighbors. At least in the villages and small towns this happens. The Pope's role can be filled by any male relative, the grandmother (older) that is no longer perceived as a woman or any male figure from the environment. After the war, when men were few primary caregiver in the yard could be the janitor. It drove kids. He was brought up, I explained what is good and what is bad, he was punished, if necessary. In the present situation, these functions are often blurred, mixed up or taken away — mainly the father, and this unfortunate situation. Functions of love and law between the parents split, and naturally it is better to separate them that way. If these functions are personified by one parent, the child is harder to understand since the functions (unconditional acceptance and restriction) opposite in their manifestations. Separation of functions is less confusing and reduces the neuroticism of the child. However, nothing fatal, and in a good family where parents are able to behave flexibly, in some situations, they can change roles. And if you command it to mom, dad encouraged her children to embrace and warmth to explain that mom is right and test her nerves don't. Dad can be in the family easy and fun, it is important only in serious situations, the children know when the jokes end. Usually it is enough to change the facial expression, tone of voice and say seriously: "So, now I'm seriously not kidding." Understood everything: jokes aside, now everything is in order. If the father in the family does not take these functions the child lives in a situation not marked borders. And he can either break all the boundaries, or "sit still" in trouble, not knowing where these boundaries. If the mother is engaged in the establishment of the law, the child does not listen to mother and not getting love, any sanction is perceived as unfair, groundless punishment. In the presence of the Pope, the mother to assume the functions of law and order is not efficient. For a child of any gender of course listen to man and not better involved father than an authoritarian participating mother. For mom, today a common family culture, can be very uncomfortable. Of course, if necessary, about family rules, mom can ask dad. But their voice will be a Pope. Best female position in the education of the boy — men, it — support the position of the father and his approach to education (of course, assuming that the man in the family is present and that it is adequate). Authors: N. And. Kozlov, S. N. Shishkov
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