About money from the point of view of the monkey
Seventy nine million six hundred eighty four thousand eight hundred twenty five
Two scientists from Yale University (economist and psychologist) decided to teach monkeys to use money. And they did it. The idea of money, as it turned out, can learn creatures with tiny brain and needs, limited to eating, sleeping and sex.
Capuchins, in which the experiment was conducted, are considered by zoologists among the most stupid primates.
"At first glance, and in truth it may seem that they in life nothing more is needed. You can feed them candy all day and they'll go and come, go and come at them constantly. It may seem that the Capuchins – walking stomachs", say the researchers.
American ethologists conducted an experiment on the introduction of "labor" relations in the pack Capuchin. They came up in a cage "work" and "universal equivalent" – money. The job was to pull the lever with a force of 8 pounds. Considerable effort for medium-sized monkeys. It is for them a real unpleasant work.
Each muscled arm, the monkey began to receive a branch of grapes. Once the Capuchins learned the simple rule of "work = reward", they immediately entered the intermediate agent – multi-colored plastic circles. Instead of grapes they began to receive tokens of different "denominations". For white badge could buy people a branch of grapes on the blue – two, red – glass of soda, and so on.
Soon monkey stratified society. It appeared the same types of behavior that in the human community. There were workaholics and loafers, thugs and drives. One monkey has managed in 10 minutes to lift the lever 185 times! Really wanted to make money. Someone preferred to work racketeering and robbed others. But most importantly, the experimenters noted, monkeys appeared those traits that were not previously visible – greed, cruelty and rage in defending their money, suspicion towards each other.
In continuation of the study of economic behavior, other monkeys handed the "money" in the form of silver disc with a hole in the middle. A few weeks later Capuchins have learned that for these coins can get food. The experimenter, who in his youth was fond of Marxism, did not check whether it was true labor makes a monkey into a human. He just gave the monkeys these coins and learn to use them to buy fruits. Before that we found out who he likes to set for each of the monkeys his scale of preferences.
First rate was unified for the sour Apple and brush sweet grapes asked the same number of coins. Naturally, apples are not a success, and stocks of grapes melted. But the picture changed dramatically when the price of apples fell by half. After quite some confusion monkey decided almost entirely to spend their coins on apples. And only rarely allow themselves to eat grapes.
One day, when all the test animals in total cell already knew that some items are more expensive and others cheaper, one of the monkeys entered the compartment where he kept the municipal office and appropriated all the coins themselves, fighting off people trying to take away her metal extraction.So the monkeys made the first Bank job.
Several days passed, and Capuchins discovered the phenomenon of prostitution. Young male gave a coin female. Scientists thought, fell in love and made a gift. But no, the girl came for money with knight in a sexual relationship, and then went to the window, which was on duty scientists, and bought them a few grapes. All were satisfied: and monkeys, and scientists. Monkeys have mastered the liberal-capitalist relations, and doctoral scientists defended.
Source: /users/1077
Two scientists from Yale University (economist and psychologist) decided to teach monkeys to use money. And they did it. The idea of money, as it turned out, can learn creatures with tiny brain and needs, limited to eating, sleeping and sex.
Capuchins, in which the experiment was conducted, are considered by zoologists among the most stupid primates.
"At first glance, and in truth it may seem that they in life nothing more is needed. You can feed them candy all day and they'll go and come, go and come at them constantly. It may seem that the Capuchins – walking stomachs", say the researchers.
American ethologists conducted an experiment on the introduction of "labor" relations in the pack Capuchin. They came up in a cage "work" and "universal equivalent" – money. The job was to pull the lever with a force of 8 pounds. Considerable effort for medium-sized monkeys. It is for them a real unpleasant work.
Each muscled arm, the monkey began to receive a branch of grapes. Once the Capuchins learned the simple rule of "work = reward", they immediately entered the intermediate agent – multi-colored plastic circles. Instead of grapes they began to receive tokens of different "denominations". For white badge could buy people a branch of grapes on the blue – two, red – glass of soda, and so on.
Soon monkey stratified society. It appeared the same types of behavior that in the human community. There were workaholics and loafers, thugs and drives. One monkey has managed in 10 minutes to lift the lever 185 times! Really wanted to make money. Someone preferred to work racketeering and robbed others. But most importantly, the experimenters noted, monkeys appeared those traits that were not previously visible – greed, cruelty and rage in defending their money, suspicion towards each other.
In continuation of the study of economic behavior, other monkeys handed the "money" in the form of silver disc with a hole in the middle. A few weeks later Capuchins have learned that for these coins can get food. The experimenter, who in his youth was fond of Marxism, did not check whether it was true labor makes a monkey into a human. He just gave the monkeys these coins and learn to use them to buy fruits. Before that we found out who he likes to set for each of the monkeys his scale of preferences.
First rate was unified for the sour Apple and brush sweet grapes asked the same number of coins. Naturally, apples are not a success, and stocks of grapes melted. But the picture changed dramatically when the price of apples fell by half. After quite some confusion monkey decided almost entirely to spend their coins on apples. And only rarely allow themselves to eat grapes.
One day, when all the test animals in total cell already knew that some items are more expensive and others cheaper, one of the monkeys entered the compartment where he kept the municipal office and appropriated all the coins themselves, fighting off people trying to take away her metal extraction.So the monkeys made the first Bank job.
Several days passed, and Capuchins discovered the phenomenon of prostitution. Young male gave a coin female. Scientists thought, fell in love and made a gift. But no, the girl came for money with knight in a sexual relationship, and then went to the window, which was on duty scientists, and bought them a few grapes. All were satisfied: and monkeys, and scientists. Monkeys have mastered the liberal-capitalist relations, and doctoral scientists defended.
Source: /users/1077