The experiment with monkeys: the formation of society

Experience №1Kletka. It 5 monkeys. For ceiling tied up a bunch of bananas. Under these stairs. Hungry, one of the monkeys came to the stairs with clear intentions to get a banana. As soon as she touched the stairs, opened the tap and pour all the monkeys with very cold water.
It takes a little time, and another monkey tries to eat a banana. The same ice water. The third monkey, stupor of hunger, tries to get a banana, but the other grabbed her, not wanting a cold shower.
Now, remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new monkey. She immediately noticed bananas, trying to get them. To her horror, she sees the evil monkey muzzle others attacking it. After the third attempt, she realized that she did not get a banana succeed.
Now remove the cells from another of the original five monkeys and start to brand new. As soon as she tried to get a banana, all the monkeys together attacked her, and being the one that replaced the first (and even enthusiastically).
And so, gradually replacing all the monkeys, you will come to a situation where in the cell will be five monkeys that never watered with water, but which will not allow anyone to get a banana.
Experience №2V empty room 5 chimpanzees. At the center of the room stairway lies on top of a banana. When the first monkey sees the banana, she climbs the stairs behind him to grab and eat. But as soon as she approaches the fruits from the ceiling falls on her jet of ice water and knocked down. Other monkeys are also trying to climb the ladder. Everyone knocks down a jet of cold water, and they give up trying to get a banana.
The water was turned off, and one monkey is replaced by a new drenched dry. Do not have time to enter it, the old try not to let it climb the ladder to her also not drenched with water. The new monkey did not understand what was happening. She sees only a group of brothers, hindering her to take a delicious fruit. Then she tries to break through the power, and fights with those who do not want to miss it. But she was alone, and four former monkey prevail.
Another soaked monkey is replaced by a new dry. Once it appears, predecessor to think that this is necessary to meet the newcomers, pounces on her and batters. Junior did not even have time to notice the stairs and banana, it is already out of the game.
Then, third, fourth and fifth drenched monkeys are replaced by turns dry. Each time, once the newcomers appear, their batters. Admission becomes each time more violent. Monkeys together rush to the newcomer, as if trying to improve the ceremonial reception.
In the finals on the stairs is still a banana, but five dry monkeys stunned constant fight and do not even think to approach the fruit. Their only concern is to keep the door from which will be a new monkey, soon to attack her.
Source: notes.s4aste.com
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