How to look like the bodies of athletes of different sports

The concept of ideal body shape of a person appeared in ancient Greece, however, the ideal parameters are constantly changing.
Let's take a look at the pictures to compare and see the difference between shapes and bodies of athletes involved in different sports.

1. Photographer Howard Schatz (Howard Schatz's) has created a series of photographs, which are clearly visible differences in the body structure of the athletes.

2. Athletes with rippling muscles, marathon runners with the "thin bone", a high body athletes, Bouncing in length, gigantic figures of wrestlers.

3. If you build pictures in a row, the difference becomes even more obvious.

4. For example, women of bodybuilding, weightlifting and rhythmic gymnastics.

5. Also most of these people is at the peak of their professional growth, presenting a physical ideal that is required for participation and victories in sports competitions.

6. Sports body in the photographs – a great example of how the result of genetics combined with years of training to create the perfect structure of the human body needed for a particular sport. It uses new methods of training, applied professional training equipment such as ankle weights you can buy that can any person who is professionally involved in sports.

7. From left to right: two marathon, decathlon, marathon runner, running.

8. The discus thrower, hammer throw, javelin throw, shot put – women and men.

9. Boxing, basketball, Golf, baseball, handball.

10. Beach volleyball, football, table tennis, basketball, Boxing.

11. Soccer, swimming, Cycling, basketball.

12. Rhythmic gymnastics, sports aerobics, gymnastics, gymnastics, high jump, gymnastics.

13. Skiing, figure skating, ice hockey, water Polo, water Polo women.
Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=461972
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