What to do if You hate to clean

Despite the large number of household appliances, modern women's issues with the cleaning and restoring order, not diminished. Hired assistants, to get fashionable. And even those who can't hire help, following this model, just not cleaned.
Life glitters and shimmers through the glossy pages of magazines, most women are poisoned by this. The house is not cleaned, not comfortable, things lying around.
Women hate cleaning. In order to clean it up some need a "special feeling", many need to restore order in the house causes a bout of depression "because of the cabinets a little, a lot of things, I don't know where and what to stick, as much as a headache".
Cleaning and order become something onerous and terrible. Housework is considered to be a waste of time, because in life there are so many other interests.
The woman is so dependent that she did not want to burden yourself with such boring classes. We are impatient, we believe that today wishes should quickly be satisfied. We would like, what would the procedure suggests itself or someone came and did it for us.
Because in the logs everything is so beautiful, and nobody washes dishes. Life should be just "NICE", it's not pleasant for no need is excluded.
Modern women know how to work, write business plans, marketing strategies, but they do not know how to organize everyday life.
This is a special art, a special women's Magic and Magic – to engage all of your space and make it happy and full. If you these words do not feel you are very far away from their feminine essence in men achieve or invented in the country of dreams — a refuge from herself and her life.
Chronic clutter, dirty dishes, lack of desire to engage in life, suggests that you stayed in childhood. Deep down there's a hope that someone will do it for you, or that these problems will disappear. You cast your husband and your family complete helplessness and inadequacy as a wife. And it is your responsibility.
The home is the main work of women, he should be the main source of strength and inspiration for you and the whole family. Comfort and order in the house gives power to the woman, so the woman is interested in it more than anyone else.
Your home is your mirror. It truthfully reflects what you live, what you think, what you feel where your power is flowing in or out of the family.
If your home needs a male owner, so you can't build a relationship with a man, then you do not know how to interact with him as a woman. You for some reason decided to rely on themselves and keep everything under his own control or eliminate man no need for.
The solution of everyday problems is, first of all, your relationship as husband and wife, it is your worth as a woman, your ability to ask, to accept help and the main agreement — that is, to build cooperation on an equal and sincere.
How to fill the house with comfort:
- You should begin not with cleaning, and our thoughts.
- What do I want?
- And how I want to live?
- As before or...
Treat the house where you live today as a living creature.
Any work must to be conscious. You must invest part of yourself and your love. Pat do you cook, do wash the floors. The only way it creates ENERGY at HOME with LOVE, and not from the state of laziness and depression. And that female power is to make your home energy-charged, not empty and cold. The woman in the house can do much more than work.
Remember where you need to direct your attention and your energy, in your home or from home? Taking care of your house by cleansing it, you fill your life and the lives of their families meaning.
Treat your home with care and respect.
Feel it.
This interaction can be very healing for women.
After all, the house for women is a sacred space, it gives peace, harmony, so it may not zahlamlenija, remain uncleared and unclean negativity, quarrels and swearing. Don't let yourself untidiness, desolation and dirt.
Don't encourage laziness and remember that women's condoning the high price. This house has no future, because without women there is no home.
You don't just wipe the dust, and bring energy to the movement, the energy should not stagnate. You don't just wash Windows, but open and clear horizon for the plans and goals of your husband and family.
The woman is a homemaker. And the hearth is the life of the family, no hearth, no family would be cohabitation or economic marriage.
Men might not notice your new tablecloth, but he will feel your energy and your interest in the hearth.
Remember myself as a child, when you were running home from a walk, you didn't care what the tablecloth is laid a mother, and it was important that the house is cozy, and the mother of the house. What it gives the feeling of happiness, security and joy. Man in this sense, the child, he comes in and he is important to this state of comfort, care and a home.
The woman is in fact not cook, not scrubbing floors, not a migrant worker in his own family, who carry out their work responsibilities, and the HOSTESS.
The mistress transforms his house, plays in a space where everything is subordinated to her thoughts, her wishes and her energy. Where every corner gives strength and gives a wonderful feeling of warmth, light, care and beauty.
Source: vk.com/slav_terem
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