How 2014 changed the lives of women
Two million five hundred twenty six thousand three hundred forty five
In 2014, there have been many events, which all women of the world raise their self-esteem, regardless of age, nationality and race. We will discuss the most striking and emblematic.
The Nobel peace prize was handed to 17-year-old Malala Yusufzai
The name of this Pakistani girl is well known to any person, even a little watching events in the world. Young human rights activist from childhood fighting for access to education for girls around the world. At age 11 she started blogging for Bi-bi-si, describing the atrocities of the Taliban regime. Survived a gunshot attack, came out of the coma and fearlessly keeps his job. Members of the media think this is a clear example of the triumph of feminists, but we'll just say that justice in the face of this fragile of human rights triumphed.
Total: it will inspire many other girls and women to confidently defend their rights.
Emma Watson at the UN spoke about the equality of the sexes
On the website of the world economic forum says it will come in 81 years. If you just sit and wait, it is unlikely that this will happen by itself. So, obviously, thinks 24-year-old actress, who after the appointment of the goodwill Ambassador stated the need for the equal rights of men and women. Emma gave a very eloquent speech, referring to the men (!). She "hinted"that equality would help their sisters and daughters and sons, as it will allow them to Express their feelings and be more vulnerable. Health workers know how dangerous can be a failure to exercise the emotions.
Total: it is difficult to say that Watson discovered America, but to popularize the idea will help women to become brave, for example, requiring a salary Supplement equal rights with men.
Women stormed the sport
1. This year the program of the Olympic games appeared first on ski jumping from a springboard among women. Previously, they were banned because of the fact that during the jump the woman can fall uterus. And that "in a time when our space ships travel through the Universe...".
2. For the first time as a coach in the NBA was a woman — Becky Hammon. All the hostile attacks on their side of the ex-basketball player retorted with the comment: "the Fact that I'm a woman, no more than a coincidence".
3. Mo Ne Davis, 13-year-old African-American, became the first in the history of baseball the girl who managed to carry a shutout (that is dry to defeat rivals) in the World series games, organized Little League. Mo Ne says: "I can throw the ball at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour. That's what "throw like a girl".
Total: this will allow women freer to Express themselves along with their aspirations within gender.
Facebook doesn't block photos breastfeeding mothers
Natalia Vodianova's son Maxim
Until recently, this social network will be deleted or blocked such photos. Sora was Chemali drew attention to it and organized the whole campaign. Her main argument was about why someone decides for women what to do with my chest, and, secondly, why the female body is "listed" as something indecent? After that, the representatives of Facebook said that such photos will not be deleted. Nevertheless, Instagram, for example, removes photos with bare body parts, and Twitter blocks. For Sarai and her company. I wonder what day the Pope was allowed mothers to breastfeed in the Sistine chapel.
Total: this gesture will help women to accept and love your body, feel organic, not perceiving your body as a "working form".
Prestigious mathematics award was first awarded to a woman
As you know, the Nobel prize is not awarded to mathematicians. The best young mathematicians in the world awarded the fields medal prize. In this year occurred the name of the 37-year-old Mariam Mirzakhani, who became the first woman to be awarded this award.
Total: it will inspire girls and women to conquer the seemingly difficult paths.
Fashionable feminism
Demonstration of the collection Chanel Spring 2015 remember this time not so much the talent of the designer Karl Lagerfeld, as organized on the podium with a rally of feminists. The model came with signs, calling to respect the rights of women. Oil poured into the fire, and Beyonce. In 2014, she wrote an essay titled "Gender equality is a myth," and the ceremony MTV Video Music Awards during a performance behind singer huge gaping inscription "FEMINIST".
Total: ladies will no longer be silent in handkerchief. According to the saying, if a woman is silent, it does not mean that she has nothing to say.
Source: hochu.ua/cat-relax/article-57093-kak-2014-god-izmenil-zhizn-zhenschin/
In 2014, there have been many events, which all women of the world raise their self-esteem, regardless of age, nationality and race. We will discuss the most striking and emblematic.
The Nobel peace prize was handed to 17-year-old Malala Yusufzai
The name of this Pakistani girl is well known to any person, even a little watching events in the world. Young human rights activist from childhood fighting for access to education for girls around the world. At age 11 she started blogging for Bi-bi-si, describing the atrocities of the Taliban regime. Survived a gunshot attack, came out of the coma and fearlessly keeps his job. Members of the media think this is a clear example of the triumph of feminists, but we'll just say that justice in the face of this fragile of human rights triumphed.
Total: it will inspire many other girls and women to confidently defend their rights.
Emma Watson at the UN spoke about the equality of the sexes
On the website of the world economic forum says it will come in 81 years. If you just sit and wait, it is unlikely that this will happen by itself. So, obviously, thinks 24-year-old actress, who after the appointment of the goodwill Ambassador stated the need for the equal rights of men and women. Emma gave a very eloquent speech, referring to the men (!). She "hinted"that equality would help their sisters and daughters and sons, as it will allow them to Express their feelings and be more vulnerable. Health workers know how dangerous can be a failure to exercise the emotions.
Total: it is difficult to say that Watson discovered America, but to popularize the idea will help women to become brave, for example, requiring a salary Supplement equal rights with men.
Women stormed the sport
1. This year the program of the Olympic games appeared first on ski jumping from a springboard among women. Previously, they were banned because of the fact that during the jump the woman can fall uterus. And that "in a time when our space ships travel through the Universe...".
2. For the first time as a coach in the NBA was a woman — Becky Hammon. All the hostile attacks on their side of the ex-basketball player retorted with the comment: "the Fact that I'm a woman, no more than a coincidence".
3. Mo Ne Davis, 13-year-old African-American, became the first in the history of baseball the girl who managed to carry a shutout (that is dry to defeat rivals) in the World series games, organized Little League. Mo Ne says: "I can throw the ball at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour. That's what "throw like a girl".
Total: this will allow women freer to Express themselves along with their aspirations within gender.
Facebook doesn't block photos breastfeeding mothers
Natalia Vodianova's son Maxim
Until recently, this social network will be deleted or blocked such photos. Sora was Chemali drew attention to it and organized the whole campaign. Her main argument was about why someone decides for women what to do with my chest, and, secondly, why the female body is "listed" as something indecent? After that, the representatives of Facebook said that such photos will not be deleted. Nevertheless, Instagram, for example, removes photos with bare body parts, and Twitter blocks. For Sarai and her company. I wonder what day the Pope was allowed mothers to breastfeed in the Sistine chapel.
Total: this gesture will help women to accept and love your body, feel organic, not perceiving your body as a "working form".
Prestigious mathematics award was first awarded to a woman
As you know, the Nobel prize is not awarded to mathematicians. The best young mathematicians in the world awarded the fields medal prize. In this year occurred the name of the 37-year-old Mariam Mirzakhani, who became the first woman to be awarded this award.
Total: it will inspire girls and women to conquer the seemingly difficult paths.
Fashionable feminism
Demonstration of the collection Chanel Spring 2015 remember this time not so much the talent of the designer Karl Lagerfeld, as organized on the podium with a rally of feminists. The model came with signs, calling to respect the rights of women. Oil poured into the fire, and Beyonce. In 2014, she wrote an essay titled "Gender equality is a myth," and the ceremony MTV Video Music Awards during a performance behind singer huge gaping inscription "FEMINIST".
Total: ladies will no longer be silent in handkerchief. According to the saying, if a woman is silent, it does not mean that she has nothing to say.
Source: hochu.ua/cat-relax/article-57093-kak-2014-god-izmenil-zhizn-zhenschin/