Myopathy — features of the disease and its treatment
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If a patient complains that he cannot lift his arm to comb your hair, turn off the lights, then the diagnosis of myopathy requires mandatory laboratory confirmation.
To severe unexplored inflammatory myopathies include polymyositis, dermatomyositis and juvenile dermatomyositis, which affects children. Disease begins, as a rule, with complaints of discomfort and some pain in the muscles. On the doctor the patient complains of such sensations that typically arise and come after heavy physical work.
The disease progresses the person begins to complain of weakness. In the future, create such situations in which he as if nothing hurts, but he can't tear his head from the pillow, can not sit down. When experiencing difficulties with swallowing, the patients panic.
MYOPATHY AND QUALITY of life of the PATIENT If the patient observed lesions of the small joints of the hands, elbows and knees and also a picture of such lesions is similar to that as is the case in rheumatoid arthritis, in this disease it is possible that polymyositis. With timely treatment for medical assistance and the provision of treatment of such manifestations of the disease are usually.
The danger of polymyositis that it can spread to the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm that might lead to shortness of breath even with little physical exertion. In severe cases, this disease can cause damage to the lungs.
In some cases myopathy combined with Raynaud's syndrome when patients complain of chilliness of the hands, changes in skin color of fingers. When such skin lesions myopathy when it is manifested by redness, flaking, it is necessary to mention dermatomyositis.
Appearing rashes of dermatomyositis on the face, scalp, in areas of "cleavage", "shawl", making the overall appearance of a person maloestetichny. Localization of dermatomyositis in the form of swelling around the eyes, the so-called dermatomyositis points, or cracking of the palms, "mechanics hand" bring patients a lot of inconvenience, as all this is besides the fact that accompanied by itching that leads to more muscle weakness.
Despite the fact that such ailments people face more often, but to establish the causes of inflammatory myopathies medicine can not yet. It is suggested that they may trigger radiation and it is only when a person has a genetic predisposition and will long to be in the Sun.
However, according to the statistics of susceptibility to myopathies is still there: it's at an early age from 12 to 25 years among middle-aged people from 40 to 60 years. Sex predisposition often suffer from muscular dystrophy women.
WHAT is the COMPLEXITY of DIAGNOSING MYOPATHY known for many diseases are characterized by the symptoms muscle weakness, joint pain. It is therefore very important to properly and timely diagnose a myopathy.
It features diagnosis of the patient with suspected myopathy should include the fact that it (the diagnosis) never put on the basis of patient complaints and physical examination by a physician. If you suspect myopathy obligatory laboratory confirmation.
With this purpose the patient should be required to donate blood for CPK (CPK). CPK is an enzyme and if its level exceeds the norm, then this will serve as a basis to talk about the loss of muscle.
However, we should not exclude the fact that muscle weakness and, of course, elevated levels of CPK may occur after heavy physical exertion, and as a result of viral infections, endocrine diseases, for example, hypothyroidism, taking certain groups of drugs, such as drugs from the group of statins used for lowering cholesterol in the blood.
Elevated levels of CPK will always be after epileptic seizures. The increase in CPK level is also influenced by drug and alcohol addiction.
Based on these circumstances to confirm myopathy requires a morphological study of the implementation of the biopsy of muscles of the thigh or shoulder.
But to be sure, one important enough for the patient survey on needle electromyography (EMG). Using EMG it is possible to differentiate primary muscle lesion and to distinguish it from primary nervous lesion. This is essential, since it is known that people sometimes don't have the strength to raise his hand if he has a neurological disorder.
Only for these purposes and the necessary electromyography (EMG). After a muscle is injected a thin needle electrode and only then the doctor, according to testimony on the value of potentials, it becomes possible to make an accurate conclusion about the nature of the incident of the disease. The doctor according to the EMG sign an opinion stating: the affected muscle or nerve.
TREATMENT of MYOPATHY When laboratory results clearly indicate that the patient has myopathy, the patient is assigned a treatment. In the treatment of inflammatory myopathies is usually used prednisone or metipred, dosage 1 mg per 1 kg of patient weight. For example, if the patient weighs 75 kg, then during the day it is assigned 15 tablets of 5 mg.
The success of treatment of myopathies is largely dependent on the adequacy of patient for prescription therapy. The adequacy of the patient does not mean that the patient, taking 15 of the tablets, stood up and immediately recovered.
It happens only in fairy tales. The treatment of such diseases as myopathy will require receiving pretty high doses of medication for many months, under the direct supervision of a physician.
And if the dose will be less than needed or because of any reasons, the drug is canceled, the affected muscle begins to be replaced by connective tissue. The result of this treatment will be the inadequacy that the affected muscles can't work as it should or the disease starts to progress.
When in compliance with all requirements of the standard for the treatment of muscular dystrophy will, achieved a certain effect, the dose of the drug may be reduced to half, quarter tablets per week and then to a maintenance level. But all these changes only with a doctor's prescription.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS WHEN RECEIVING DRUG THERAPY Drug therapy myopathy, unfortunately, has several side effects of which patients should know. In particular, when taking prednisone is a danger of developing osteoporosis. That does not happen, prescribers of calcium, for example, "Calcium D3 Nycomed".
A special risk group of osteoporosis patients are in menopause, which is assigned to fosomax. If you suspect a threat to the development of ulcers and gastric disorders, patients are usually recommended as gastroprotection omez, ranitidine.
Significant is the following caution: during treatment, myopathy is strictly prohibited the consumption of sweets. If the patient neglects this ban, there is a high probability of developing diabetes.
Also it is useful to recall the need to avoid drafts and contact with infectious patients, as during treatment of myopathy the immune system of the patient is greatly weakened.
An encouraging development is the decision of the doctor about the need for dose reduction of prednisolone to a maintenance level and a physician's permission to classes of the healing of therapeutic exercise and carry out their work with all possible physical exertion. But in order not to provoke the exacerbation of the disease, exercise is not necessary to bring excessive muscle tension.
Significant in the mode of life of people who have successfully completed the course of treatment of muscular dystrophy, will be mindful of the need not to abuse the time spent in the Sun and in the food to give preference to foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, proteins.
All these tips and recommendations will contribute to the healing of myopathy and restore muscle strength. published
Source: dolgo-zivi.ru
If a patient complains that he cannot lift his arm to comb your hair, turn off the lights, then the diagnosis of myopathy requires mandatory laboratory confirmation.
To severe unexplored inflammatory myopathies include polymyositis, dermatomyositis and juvenile dermatomyositis, which affects children. Disease begins, as a rule, with complaints of discomfort and some pain in the muscles. On the doctor the patient complains of such sensations that typically arise and come after heavy physical work.
The disease progresses the person begins to complain of weakness. In the future, create such situations in which he as if nothing hurts, but he can't tear his head from the pillow, can not sit down. When experiencing difficulties with swallowing, the patients panic.
MYOPATHY AND QUALITY of life of the PATIENT If the patient observed lesions of the small joints of the hands, elbows and knees and also a picture of such lesions is similar to that as is the case in rheumatoid arthritis, in this disease it is possible that polymyositis. With timely treatment for medical assistance and the provision of treatment of such manifestations of the disease are usually.
The danger of polymyositis that it can spread to the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm that might lead to shortness of breath even with little physical exertion. In severe cases, this disease can cause damage to the lungs.
In some cases myopathy combined with Raynaud's syndrome when patients complain of chilliness of the hands, changes in skin color of fingers. When such skin lesions myopathy when it is manifested by redness, flaking, it is necessary to mention dermatomyositis.
Appearing rashes of dermatomyositis on the face, scalp, in areas of "cleavage", "shawl", making the overall appearance of a person maloestetichny. Localization of dermatomyositis in the form of swelling around the eyes, the so-called dermatomyositis points, or cracking of the palms, "mechanics hand" bring patients a lot of inconvenience, as all this is besides the fact that accompanied by itching that leads to more muscle weakness.
Despite the fact that such ailments people face more often, but to establish the causes of inflammatory myopathies medicine can not yet. It is suggested that they may trigger radiation and it is only when a person has a genetic predisposition and will long to be in the Sun.
However, according to the statistics of susceptibility to myopathies is still there: it's at an early age from 12 to 25 years among middle-aged people from 40 to 60 years. Sex predisposition often suffer from muscular dystrophy women.
WHAT is the COMPLEXITY of DIAGNOSING MYOPATHY known for many diseases are characterized by the symptoms muscle weakness, joint pain. It is therefore very important to properly and timely diagnose a myopathy.
It features diagnosis of the patient with suspected myopathy should include the fact that it (the diagnosis) never put on the basis of patient complaints and physical examination by a physician. If you suspect myopathy obligatory laboratory confirmation.
With this purpose the patient should be required to donate blood for CPK (CPK). CPK is an enzyme and if its level exceeds the norm, then this will serve as a basis to talk about the loss of muscle.
However, we should not exclude the fact that muscle weakness and, of course, elevated levels of CPK may occur after heavy physical exertion, and as a result of viral infections, endocrine diseases, for example, hypothyroidism, taking certain groups of drugs, such as drugs from the group of statins used for lowering cholesterol in the blood.
Elevated levels of CPK will always be after epileptic seizures. The increase in CPK level is also influenced by drug and alcohol addiction.
Based on these circumstances to confirm myopathy requires a morphological study of the implementation of the biopsy of muscles of the thigh or shoulder.
But to be sure, one important enough for the patient survey on needle electromyography (EMG). Using EMG it is possible to differentiate primary muscle lesion and to distinguish it from primary nervous lesion. This is essential, since it is known that people sometimes don't have the strength to raise his hand if he has a neurological disorder.
Only for these purposes and the necessary electromyography (EMG). After a muscle is injected a thin needle electrode and only then the doctor, according to testimony on the value of potentials, it becomes possible to make an accurate conclusion about the nature of the incident of the disease. The doctor according to the EMG sign an opinion stating: the affected muscle or nerve.
TREATMENT of MYOPATHY When laboratory results clearly indicate that the patient has myopathy, the patient is assigned a treatment. In the treatment of inflammatory myopathies is usually used prednisone or metipred, dosage 1 mg per 1 kg of patient weight. For example, if the patient weighs 75 kg, then during the day it is assigned 15 tablets of 5 mg.
The success of treatment of myopathies is largely dependent on the adequacy of patient for prescription therapy. The adequacy of the patient does not mean that the patient, taking 15 of the tablets, stood up and immediately recovered.
It happens only in fairy tales. The treatment of such diseases as myopathy will require receiving pretty high doses of medication for many months, under the direct supervision of a physician.
And if the dose will be less than needed or because of any reasons, the drug is canceled, the affected muscle begins to be replaced by connective tissue. The result of this treatment will be the inadequacy that the affected muscles can't work as it should or the disease starts to progress.
When in compliance with all requirements of the standard for the treatment of muscular dystrophy will, achieved a certain effect, the dose of the drug may be reduced to half, quarter tablets per week and then to a maintenance level. But all these changes only with a doctor's prescription.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS WHEN RECEIVING DRUG THERAPY Drug therapy myopathy, unfortunately, has several side effects of which patients should know. In particular, when taking prednisone is a danger of developing osteoporosis. That does not happen, prescribers of calcium, for example, "Calcium D3 Nycomed".
A special risk group of osteoporosis patients are in menopause, which is assigned to fosomax. If you suspect a threat to the development of ulcers and gastric disorders, patients are usually recommended as gastroprotection omez, ranitidine.
Significant is the following caution: during treatment, myopathy is strictly prohibited the consumption of sweets. If the patient neglects this ban, there is a high probability of developing diabetes.
Also it is useful to recall the need to avoid drafts and contact with infectious patients, as during treatment of myopathy the immune system of the patient is greatly weakened.
An encouraging development is the decision of the doctor about the need for dose reduction of prednisolone to a maintenance level and a physician's permission to classes of the healing of therapeutic exercise and carry out their work with all possible physical exertion. But in order not to provoke the exacerbation of the disease, exercise is not necessary to bring excessive muscle tension.
Significant in the mode of life of people who have successfully completed the course of treatment of muscular dystrophy, will be mindful of the need not to abuse the time spent in the Sun and in the food to give preference to foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, proteins.
All these tips and recommendations will contribute to the healing of myopathy and restore muscle strength. published
Source: dolgo-zivi.ru
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