As credit ruin health and make people mad
Loans for quite some time and have become part of our life, giving us the opportunity to buy desirable, while not forgetting to demand payment, and not only money.
1. Long-term stress.
Most loan borrowers fall into a state of prolonged stress, if you know what to pay becomes more difficult, and the condition only gets worse with the growth of their loan portfolio (mortgage, car, caravan, repair, holiday, vacation, etc.) People become more irritable, easily worked up. Starting to worry much about the possible lowering of wages or changes in exchange rates, not to mention dismissal. Such people always feel the internal subconscious stress.
2. Broken relationships in the family.
The loans are most often taken for a few years, so people won't remember what was the cause of his nervous condition and looking for reasons around, often shifting the blame on the family. As a result, relationships with loved ones deteriorate, frequent quarrels and mutual misunderstanding. If the one who took out a loan one for the entire family, he begins to claim his other half that he or she is too much spending, but the debt still not paid! Children are charged that too much and often asked for something to buy. And children is affected especially strongly, you can often hear the phrase: "Now daddy will pay all the credits, then I'll buy myself anything I want!". Children in these families were under tremendous stress.
All this is an attempt taken out loans to put all costs under control and to shift the responsibility for the debt at close. The greater part of the families result in the need to subordinate his life to the austerity measures, spend less than you spent before getting the loan.
In the case where both parents earn, the situation is doubly, since neither of the parents have neither the time nor the desire to treat each other and to the children with due understanding. The family lives on a powder keg, from payment to payment.
3. Broken relationships with friends. People having problems with payments, try to avoid meetings in the companies, as this often involves costs, be everywhere just now it is popular to drink vodka, having come to visit each other. Many people prefer to meet in cafes and restaurants, so akreditovannye people are forced to become masters of lies and excuses not to spend the extra during these feasts. Just to say that there is no money, it is considered shameful, so come up with more plausible excuses not to attend a friendly meeting and birthdays. (grandmother arrived, the children were sick, the haymaking in the country started, etc.)
4. Failing physical health.
— The life of constant stress with no light at the end of the tunnel. Mortgages, for example, can transform lives 10-40 years of hell.
Our body being in such a situation simply can not properly recover. Increased level of adrenaline in the blood interferes with work of the immune system, and that means all bacteria and viruses begin to attack us with a vengeance.
5. Psyche enters into an altered state.
— Man surge can not adequately react to the difficulties, ceases to be flexible. Any unplanned difficulty throws off his equilibrium, forcing the break.So he just saves energy, as car in which the fuel was almost zero, trying to go as slowly as possible to make it to a gas station. But unlike a car, during the life of the "loan" filling ahead.
How to help yourself?
— You will have to learn how to restore your body. You need to stop painting a grim scenario of a black day and start tracking the time when your brain will begin to make such predictions for the future. It is necessary to focus on the current moment, because this is your life, not something that will happen the day after tomorrow or in 5 years. This does not mean that you don't need to plan anything, just do not want to dwell on it.
— To learn to relax, be sure to let off steam through physical activity. Do not allow stress to control the mind. Always remember that a loan is only part of life, in which there is room for many different positive aspects which already will never happen again.published
Source: boltai.com/topics/kak-kredity-vliyayut-na-zdorove-i-psihiku/
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