No hitting below the belt:10 things you need to remember in the fight

Wouldn't it be great if people understood each other perfectly and it never came to be before the fights! But, unfortunately, from time to time each of us is in a stupid situation when that quiet conversation is born first, an emotional discussion and then dispute... And often ends with an expressive transition to the individual.
What to do? How to quickly collapse the nascent fight to get out with minimal losses? Here are ten things that are good to remember during an argument for its speedy extinction.
Then regretOften after a quarrel overtakes the thought: why? Why it was necessary to get involved in this discussion? Who needs evidence if almost immediately it became clear no one will back down from their position? Now left to lick their wounds and try to recover so easily collapsed world. Maybe it was not worth it to ruin?..
Right no, all the blameWell, not among us right-wing circle. The famous diagram of the argument: "you did what!" — "But you did this!" — can get very far. At the same time, both will be right, because people are not angels, and everyone has their mistakes and flaws. Only here to resolve the dispute it will not. And to emerge victorious from such a situation too will not work. So is there sense in it?
Starts with nothingRemember what started the dispute. It is very important to catch the moment when the original subject has slipped, pereplelis into something more emotional and touching. But often quarrel born of such trivia...
Silence is GoldenHow difficult it is to remain silent. It is almost unreal. But sometimes you just have nothing to respond to from the first sparks to extinguish the fire fighting. The most important and the most difficult to think about it.
What's the point?
That's what makes sense in your particular dispute? Why would you throw each other new phrases, RealAudio a fight? Explicitly in order to solve the conflict. And not in order to find out who is more right. Meanwhile, each new word hurts you and your interlocutor. And what's the point?
TerminologyAnd you are sure about each other? Maybe the source meant something quite different from what you are already offended. Yes, these things are very hard to catch, but if desired and with sufficient skill, you can always screw up a code phrase, "So, let's deal with terminology. What do you mean?" Often it helps not to sink in a fight.
Downthe calmer and quieter you talk, the less the likelihood that a dispute escalate into a scandal. The bad thing is that sometimes in trying to keep calm tone becomes so formal that offends stronger cry. So, it is always better to follow.
Not to hit below the belteach of us has topics that are not, in any case it is impossible to push. Because otherwise we lose common sense and start to behave inappropriately. And subsequently, the reconciliation process is much longer and heavier. No need to hit below the belt. It is not necessary to raise forbidden topics. Even if it's an excellent argument. Even if you think that this is the place. Thus, it can only aggravate the situation.
Ask for forgivenessRemember, I said that completely right in the fight does not happen? So, since it is so, everyone has something to apologize for. Even if you are "much less to blame", need to apologize. It will be a small step to recovery so difficult is restored after a quarrel warm relations.
Not to start
The easiest way to strangle the quarrel in the Bud. Just start a dispute, not to engage in debate, to restrict expression of views and silence. So can avoid a storm of unpleasant emotions and the need to apply all of the preceding paragraphs. published
Source: www.matrony.ru/10-veshhey-o-kotoryih-nuzhno-pomnit-v-ssore/