Medicinal teas based on calendula
Calendula against sore throats:in order to prepare this folk remedy You need to pour one Cup boiling water one big spoon of dried calendula flowers, then giving way to steep for about one hour under cover in a warm place. After the specified time you should strain the liquid through two or three layers of gauze and put in a water bath for five to ten minutes. In the finished broth add half a teaspoon of liquid honey. Application: the prepared decoction gargle three to four times a day.
Calendula cough and sore throat:Mix in a small glass container in equal proportions dried flowers of the calendula, herb of wormwood, and the leaves of the great plantain. Now pour in a small enamel pot, one large (dining room) spoon the prepared mixture and fill it with one Cup of purified or boiled water. Put the saucepan on a slow fire and boil for a collection of about ten minutes, then allow to stand to cool under the lid. Strained decoction is used for the daily gargle (every two to three hours). In addition, the same decoction can be used inside one large spoonful three or four times a day.
Allergic reactions:For getting rid of allergies need to prepare a decoction from the flowers of marigold (calendula) in this recipe. Pour a glass of boiling ten grams of dried flowers, then place the container on a water bath for five minutes and add the remedy two drops of fir essential oil. Ready broth is used for lotions and compresses for allergic reactions (itch, rash etc.) on the skin.
To improve the functioning of the heart muscle:Channa Pour two teaspoons of dried calendula flowers in one Cup of boiling purified water, after which cool and strain the infusion through cheesecloth. Now ready, bring the liquid to a boil on a slow fire or a couple of the water bath and take the vehicle for five to nine tablespoons a day.
Arthritis:in a jar, Mix the following ingredients: birch leaves, twenty grams willow bark – twenty grams, horsetail herb – fifteen grams of leaves of Urtica dioica – ten grams, color black elderberry – ten grams, buckthorn bark – five grams juniper berries – five grams and inflorescence of calendula – five grams. Take three large spoon, pour two cups of purified water and boil on a small fire for ten minutes. To drink one glass a day.published
Source: pokolenie-x.com/?p=26309
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