All You need to know about tofu
Tofu is roughly the same as traditional cheese: the coagulation (setting) of soy proteins by heating or filtration. Coagulation with a coagulant, which acts as nigari (magnesium chloride extracted from sea water), citric acid, or calcium sulfate. The resulting mass is usually pressed, to separate and remove serum, and finally cooled.
A little history it is believed that tofu came to light by accident, when a dish of mashed soy beans were sea water. According to one version, it happened in the II century BC in China. In the VIII century ad tofu came to Japan, and since then has become one of the main food in all East Asian region — including countries such as Thailand, Vietnam and Korea. Of course, tofu as a great meat substitute, has acquired a special popularity there, where the spread of Buddhism.
Well, in the world of tofu came to know and love in the second half of the twentieth century. Special this Asian cheese spread in the United States received a country which since the 1960s has become one of the world's major suppliers of soybeans. About the same time in the world continue to actively study the properties of soy products.
Advantages and disadvantages the merits of tofu set. First, compared with meat and fish is a very cheap source of protein, especially important for vegetarians. In addition, tofu is rich in calcium.
Second, the tofu itself has no taste, but very easily absorbs the flavor of spices and seasonings, making it versatile in cooking. Asian cuisine to imagine without the tofu is almost impossible.
Third, tofu is a source of many important nutrients. Just 100 grams of soy cheese provide about 43% of daily needs of the human body into amino acids, 1/3 daily value of iron, 10% of the calcium and 8% magnesium. These elements are essential for the normal functioning of the body, particularly the nervous system, bone and muscle tissues. The same serving of tofu contains 15% of the daily requirement of selenium, a powerful antioxidant, and 15% omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the cardiovascular system.
However, the use of soy products should adhere to moderation — too much of them can lead to serious consequences such as:
− Problems with the thyroid gland-including weight gain, lethargy, malaise, fatigue, hair loss and loss of libido;
− Precocious puberty and other problems of development in children and adolescents;
− The growth of cancer cells;
− Disorders of the reproductive system;
− Allergic.
Another disadvantage is the fact that more than 90% of the raw materials used to produce soy foods, including tofu, are genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It does not make such products are lethal, but the dangers of GMOs remains unproven, however, is one more reason to consume soy products without superfluous fanaticism.
However, tofu is officially recognized as more beneficial than harmful product. We have collected a few of the reasons why you must include it in your weekly diet (eating to chetryreh servings of tofu a week).
4 reasons eating tofu1. Tofu will make you more beautiful
Tofu the most positive impact on skin condition. First, because it is a source of protein, which is necessary for renewal of cells, including the skin. Second, tofu as a source of fiber, useful for digestion, which also directly affects the appearance of the skin. Finally, tofu helps maintain its elasticity, as this cheese is rich in isoflavones, can positively influence skin collagen, responsible for skin turgor. Researchers believe that isoflavones help prevent collagen breakdown.
2. Tofu is useful for the nerves
This is especially true for women during the critical days, but does not exclude benefits for men. Because tofu contains a lot of calcium and vitamins and helps to stabilize the nervous system, during the critical days of eating this cheese helps to cope with excessive irritability. For this reason, tofu is recommended to women in menopause.
3. Tofu is favorable for the heart
Contained in tofu protein and fats of plant origin maintain normal cholesterol levels, promote thinning of blood, prevent the increase of pressure and formation of arterial plaques, provide the elasticity of blood vessels and the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
4. Tofu prevents cancer
Studies show that eating soy products reduces the risk of cancer of the breast in women and prostate in men. Statistics indicate that Japanese women, whose diet contains soy products, much less susceptible to this disease. However, should not be considered a panacea tofu, because soy foods contribute to cell growth, including cancer. Therefore tofu should not be abused at the stage of the disease.published
Source: fitfixed.com

A little history it is believed that tofu came to light by accident, when a dish of mashed soy beans were sea water. According to one version, it happened in the II century BC in China. In the VIII century ad tofu came to Japan, and since then has become one of the main food in all East Asian region — including countries such as Thailand, Vietnam and Korea. Of course, tofu as a great meat substitute, has acquired a special popularity there, where the spread of Buddhism.
Well, in the world of tofu came to know and love in the second half of the twentieth century. Special this Asian cheese spread in the United States received a country which since the 1960s has become one of the world's major suppliers of soybeans. About the same time in the world continue to actively study the properties of soy products.
Advantages and disadvantages the merits of tofu set. First, compared with meat and fish is a very cheap source of protein, especially important for vegetarians. In addition, tofu is rich in calcium.
Second, the tofu itself has no taste, but very easily absorbs the flavor of spices and seasonings, making it versatile in cooking. Asian cuisine to imagine without the tofu is almost impossible.
Third, tofu is a source of many important nutrients. Just 100 grams of soy cheese provide about 43% of daily needs of the human body into amino acids, 1/3 daily value of iron, 10% of the calcium and 8% magnesium. These elements are essential for the normal functioning of the body, particularly the nervous system, bone and muscle tissues. The same serving of tofu contains 15% of the daily requirement of selenium, a powerful antioxidant, and 15% omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the cardiovascular system.
However, the use of soy products should adhere to moderation — too much of them can lead to serious consequences such as:
− Problems with the thyroid gland-including weight gain, lethargy, malaise, fatigue, hair loss and loss of libido;
− Precocious puberty and other problems of development in children and adolescents;
− The growth of cancer cells;
− Disorders of the reproductive system;
− Allergic.
Another disadvantage is the fact that more than 90% of the raw materials used to produce soy foods, including tofu, are genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It does not make such products are lethal, but the dangers of GMOs remains unproven, however, is one more reason to consume soy products without superfluous fanaticism.
However, tofu is officially recognized as more beneficial than harmful product. We have collected a few of the reasons why you must include it in your weekly diet (eating to chetryreh servings of tofu a week).
4 reasons eating tofu1. Tofu will make you more beautiful
Tofu the most positive impact on skin condition. First, because it is a source of protein, which is necessary for renewal of cells, including the skin. Second, tofu as a source of fiber, useful for digestion, which also directly affects the appearance of the skin. Finally, tofu helps maintain its elasticity, as this cheese is rich in isoflavones, can positively influence skin collagen, responsible for skin turgor. Researchers believe that isoflavones help prevent collagen breakdown.
2. Tofu is useful for the nerves
This is especially true for women during the critical days, but does not exclude benefits for men. Because tofu contains a lot of calcium and vitamins and helps to stabilize the nervous system, during the critical days of eating this cheese helps to cope with excessive irritability. For this reason, tofu is recommended to women in menopause.
3. Tofu is favorable for the heart
Contained in tofu protein and fats of plant origin maintain normal cholesterol levels, promote thinning of blood, prevent the increase of pressure and formation of arterial plaques, provide the elasticity of blood vessels and the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
4. Tofu prevents cancer
Studies show that eating soy products reduces the risk of cancer of the breast in women and prostate in men. Statistics indicate that Japanese women, whose diet contains soy products, much less susceptible to this disease. However, should not be considered a panacea tofu, because soy foods contribute to cell growth, including cancer. Therefore tofu should not be abused at the stage of the disease.published
Source: fitfixed.com