Socially acceptable savagery
Eighty three million sixty three thousand five hundred nineteen
Savagery is such an awkward word. In modern society it is associated with nekontroliruem, revolt, rebellion, more often with violence.Savagery is condemned as one of the undesirable phenomena of behavior in society, but at the level of personality it requires to release energy, visvedevas due to unconscious impulses.
Yes, we are wild, and these are the millions of years of evolution our ancestors that we can't just throw it away in favor of the myth of a civilized society.
In this article I'm going to clearly separate the unconscious manifestations of savagery from a controlled and put emphasis on the importance of wildness socially acceptable. In a word, savagery painless to others but very meaningful to the individual.
Why is it so important to be wild? We are talking about nastasescu, life in accordance with the values of vitality, sincerity and incredible dizzying sensitivity. Plus charm, brightness and charisma. It's not about you? And the life full of adventure, a sense of drive?
The following guidelines can be used as methods, is able to show the wildness in a socially acceptable form:
Now the points. A result of the following actions and behaviors, you can effectively but safely Express their wild impulses of relatively eco-friendly to others.
Let's start with creativity. We are talking about your toreceive and not monitoring the results of the creative work of others. You need to consider such a thing, that acquaintance with the work of other people does not neutralize the energy of savagery, but only wasplay her.
Energy savagery necessary activity, act, action: anything that can be expressed physically, and it...
Physical проявление1. Dance, sports, wrestling.
Any physical activity releases excess energy and down to earth. When a person takes his body not only needs but also on the level of development, challenge myself, the dash is done and in his mind. Thus, due to its physical activity we are not standing still (literally and figuratively).
But physical activity is a stick with two ends. Why doesn't charging from under the stick, on schedule? If you cannot perform the exercises with enthusiasm, read with passion, it is better for her not to take. There are other methods, their different variants and combinations.
2. Any physical action you need to do consciously. This also applies to sex. But not understanding simple copulation, generating a discharge, and at the level of conscious enjoyment, experiment, play, challenge and anticipation. I hope your partner will also share the principles of a socially acceptable savagery, and it will remove unnecessary barriers, will bring the expected diversity, self-expression in relationships through sex. As for the norm, all that you think acceptable and it does not harm you or the partner, is considered normal. By the way, wild partner the envy of all usually extremely attractive, this is the way of the development of sexuality.
3. Physical activity can be anything that you can do the voice: sing, shout, laugh. Perhaps howl? (joke)
Ignoring such actions leads to excessive talkativeness in some people. Their desire to throw out the accumulated voice without the consent of another person, often causes rejection and is a form of emotional abuse.
4. Controlled fun. It is time in which to overcome the unspoken taboo on direct expression of emotions. It refers to the unpredictability and overcoming of decency, but since when sincerity is put into the category of something forbidden? Therefore, you should find the opportunity to be surrounded by people who share your unbridled laughter, stupidity, silliness. There are two caveats: a measure of alcohol, it is best to not it became the reason of controlled folly.
5. Provocation.
One of its successful and bold examples of experiments with appearance and clothing. Dress code, appearance is a kind of challenge. Socially acceptable savagery manifests itself as a defense of its uniqueness, toughness and confidence that you so comfortable and appropriate.
If you do not have the courage to Express yourself so start practicing provokatsionny the exterior of the house. Special effect has a bold photo shoot that allows you to physically consolidate and bring the quality that requires going outside.
Non-physical manifestation:the first Two manifestations belong to the courage to set your own boundaries:
1. Defending their own interests. Example — to speak out when the socially expected action is to remain silent and to tolerate ( in case of violation of its borders)
2. Protection of values is persistent in striving to live in accordance with their own ideals. So need in this business is perseverance and stubbornness — friends defender of values, just like any tool they can be used to harm and benefit.
3. Social activity, including those mentioned above using different organizational activities, volunteering, participation in non-commercial projects.
4. The study involves exploring your inner world. In self-development — savagery and fearlessness is the engine. Overcoming any kind of fear, perseverance in striving to get rid of, for example, from any kind of addiction, self-pity, procrastination. Accordingly, the proper expression of fearlessness and savagery, half of these symptoms will disappear by itself, as if they never happened. They're just the consequence, because when eliminate the causes go into obscurity.
Another plus of savagery to personal effectiveness is that the distance between the goal setting and action is much reduced. That is, in some way, first does and then thinks. Of course, such a display can be viewed in a negative way, if not for one thing — the doubts and fears sometimes eat any overtures to do something worthwhile.
On the desire and needs of the person to be "wild" smartly earn the developers of computer games. Advertising is largely built on the manipulation of desire to drive, life to the fullest.
In a very unexpected manner socially acceptable savagery becomes an inoculation against the unpredictable savagery, which appears as a painful reaction to the overly high expectations of society. And controlled savagery allows you to keep your individuality and be integrated into society without consequences for the quality of their lives.
Ignoring and ignorance of these principles is expressed in anger, aggression, control, nazidatelnye and also manifestations that can be classified as physical abuse and emotional. In short, unexpressed impulses manifest themselves in any excess: for example, pedantry, accuracy, and perfectionism.
Do you think these recommendations are too exotic? Nothing terrible, just imagine what any business can do with passion, eyes glowing, and the energy stream, pulling the other. Because the word "charisma" is another word that is used, by defining socially acceptable savagery.
Believe me, few people mind a little thoughtless in fun, tirelessness and zeal to work unrestraint sex and gluttony to life.
The only side effect is socially acceptable savagery is the reaction of others. Many will not accept and do not want to understand that may indicate their inner savagery, as the impossibility of its manifestation. But there is one obvious plus — social wild men on the opinions of others are completely unaffected. published
Author: Elena Osokina
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: osokina.com.ua
Savagery is such an awkward word. In modern society it is associated with nekontroliruem, revolt, rebellion, more often with violence.Savagery is condemned as one of the undesirable phenomena of behavior in society, but at the level of personality it requires to release energy, visvedevas due to unconscious impulses.
Yes, we are wild, and these are the millions of years of evolution our ancestors that we can't just throw it away in favor of the myth of a civilized society.
In this article I'm going to clearly separate the unconscious manifestations of savagery from a controlled and put emphasis on the importance of wildness socially acceptable. In a word, savagery painless to others but very meaningful to the individual.
Why is it so important to be wild? We are talking about nastasescu, life in accordance with the values of vitality, sincerity and incredible dizzying sensitivity. Plus charm, brightness and charisma. It's not about you? And the life full of adventure, a sense of drive?
The following guidelines can be used as methods, is able to show the wildness in a socially acceptable form:
- Creativity in any form is always a beyond. And like the audience or readers all that releases to the surface some emotions. Creativity may not be stable even and lethargic and indifferent to the object of his expression. Especially, this phenomenon can clearly be seen in film, music;
- Self-expression in movement — sports, dance, wrestling, sex (this will be discussed later);
- A provocation, a challenge in behavior. I must say that these two manifestations need to learn how to maneuver on the edge. To provoke (read: motivate) others, and memorable actions, an important step or a bold decision.
- This includes the love of paradoxes.
- The study, which in a way it is hunting. Expanding horizons is a kind of expansion, the conquest of the territory, which was so important to our ancestors.
- Experiment — as one of the methods of the study. The Traditional "Eureka!" is nothing short of a cry from the capture of the long-awaited production.
- Any organizational activity. The ability to lead implies that there is a crowd following you.
- The aid of another. Our ancestors for thousands of years lived in tribes, and without the help of each other simply would not have survived.
Now the points. A result of the following actions and behaviors, you can effectively but safely Express their wild impulses of relatively eco-friendly to others.
Let's start with creativity. We are talking about your toreceive and not monitoring the results of the creative work of others. You need to consider such a thing, that acquaintance with the work of other people does not neutralize the energy of savagery, but only wasplay her.
Energy savagery necessary activity, act, action: anything that can be expressed physically, and it...
Physical проявление1. Dance, sports, wrestling.
Any physical activity releases excess energy and down to earth. When a person takes his body not only needs but also on the level of development, challenge myself, the dash is done and in his mind. Thus, due to its physical activity we are not standing still (literally and figuratively).
But physical activity is a stick with two ends. Why doesn't charging from under the stick, on schedule? If you cannot perform the exercises with enthusiasm, read with passion, it is better for her not to take. There are other methods, their different variants and combinations.
2. Any physical action you need to do consciously. This also applies to sex. But not understanding simple copulation, generating a discharge, and at the level of conscious enjoyment, experiment, play, challenge and anticipation. I hope your partner will also share the principles of a socially acceptable savagery, and it will remove unnecessary barriers, will bring the expected diversity, self-expression in relationships through sex. As for the norm, all that you think acceptable and it does not harm you or the partner, is considered normal. By the way, wild partner the envy of all usually extremely attractive, this is the way of the development of sexuality.
3. Physical activity can be anything that you can do the voice: sing, shout, laugh. Perhaps howl? (joke)
Ignoring such actions leads to excessive talkativeness in some people. Their desire to throw out the accumulated voice without the consent of another person, often causes rejection and is a form of emotional abuse.
4. Controlled fun. It is time in which to overcome the unspoken taboo on direct expression of emotions. It refers to the unpredictability and overcoming of decency, but since when sincerity is put into the category of something forbidden? Therefore, you should find the opportunity to be surrounded by people who share your unbridled laughter, stupidity, silliness. There are two caveats: a measure of alcohol, it is best to not it became the reason of controlled folly.
5. Provocation.
One of its successful and bold examples of experiments with appearance and clothing. Dress code, appearance is a kind of challenge. Socially acceptable savagery manifests itself as a defense of its uniqueness, toughness and confidence that you so comfortable and appropriate.
If you do not have the courage to Express yourself so start practicing provokatsionny the exterior of the house. Special effect has a bold photo shoot that allows you to physically consolidate and bring the quality that requires going outside.
Non-physical manifestation:the first Two manifestations belong to the courage to set your own boundaries:
1. Defending their own interests. Example — to speak out when the socially expected action is to remain silent and to tolerate ( in case of violation of its borders)
2. Protection of values is persistent in striving to live in accordance with their own ideals. So need in this business is perseverance and stubbornness — friends defender of values, just like any tool they can be used to harm and benefit.
3. Social activity, including those mentioned above using different organizational activities, volunteering, participation in non-commercial projects.
4. The study involves exploring your inner world. In self-development — savagery and fearlessness is the engine. Overcoming any kind of fear, perseverance in striving to get rid of, for example, from any kind of addiction, self-pity, procrastination. Accordingly, the proper expression of fearlessness and savagery, half of these symptoms will disappear by itself, as if they never happened. They're just the consequence, because when eliminate the causes go into obscurity.
Another plus of savagery to personal effectiveness is that the distance between the goal setting and action is much reduced. That is, in some way, first does and then thinks. Of course, such a display can be viewed in a negative way, if not for one thing — the doubts and fears sometimes eat any overtures to do something worthwhile.
On the desire and needs of the person to be "wild" smartly earn the developers of computer games. Advertising is largely built on the manipulation of desire to drive, life to the fullest.
In a very unexpected manner socially acceptable savagery becomes an inoculation against the unpredictable savagery, which appears as a painful reaction to the overly high expectations of society. And controlled savagery allows you to keep your individuality and be integrated into society without consequences for the quality of their lives.
Ignoring and ignorance of these principles is expressed in anger, aggression, control, nazidatelnye and also manifestations that can be classified as physical abuse and emotional. In short, unexpressed impulses manifest themselves in any excess: for example, pedantry, accuracy, and perfectionism.
Do you think these recommendations are too exotic? Nothing terrible, just imagine what any business can do with passion, eyes glowing, and the energy stream, pulling the other. Because the word "charisma" is another word that is used, by defining socially acceptable savagery.
Believe me, few people mind a little thoughtless in fun, tirelessness and zeal to work unrestraint sex and gluttony to life.
The only side effect is socially acceptable savagery is the reaction of others. Many will not accept and do not want to understand that may indicate their inner savagery, as the impossibility of its manifestation. But there is one obvious plus — social wild men on the opinions of others are completely unaffected. published
Author: Elena Osokina
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: osokina.com.ua