The foot fungus treatment baking soda

Foot fungus is suffering now quite a large number of people. There is a foot fungus, for various reasons. Such reasons could be considered long wearing too narrow shoes, the long-term presence in the environment of high humidity, all kinds of injuries of the feet, very low immunity and the elderly. It may be mentioned that the fungus is transmitted to stop is quite simple, so you should always follow the rules of basic hygiene.

For the effective treatment of athlete's foot, there are wonderful recipes of traditional medicine. For example, you can take 1 tbsp of baking soda and 1 tbsp. of salt, dissolved in water and make simple bath to cool the solution. After that, feet should be washed with warm clean water.

You have a great recipe. Take half a teaspoon of potassium permanganate, one tablespoon of baking soda, soap, grated, two tablespoons dry mustard and dissolve in 5 litres of warm clean water. When athlete's foot must regularly do foot bath before sleep.published

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