Effective recipes for combating the fungal infection
1. Bearberry and celandine
50-60 g of celandine, pour boiling water (1.5 liters). Infusion should cool down a bit, and then it is added 3% hydrogen peroxide. 50 ml will be enough to put there feet for 15 – 20 min Then the nail must attach a sheet of bearberry, cut along.
To strengthen the result of the infusion of celandine is recommended to use inside. This herb celandine pour 1 Cup boiling water and insist in a thermos for about an hour. This should be made four times a day for one tablespoon.
2. Baths of oak bark
Baths of oak bark is one of the most effective means for the treatment of fungus.
200-250 gr. chopped oak bark pour into a small saucepan with 1 liter cold water. Further, the pan for 10-15 minutes put on weak fire. After the broth comes to a boil, let it cool slightly. The liquid is then poured into the basin where the feet are lowered. Keep your feet in the bath you need to until the water completely cools. After the bath the feet thoroughly wiped and dried.
3. Acetic acid
When the fungus is very good at helping acetic acid. For the treatment of fungus it is recommended to take a cotton swab and moistened with undiluted acetic acid. After that, be very careful to lubricate the affected places. It stings a little, but this only demonstrates that the tool works. Note that you can lubricate the affected area with acetic acid you need to until burning sensation disappears. It is not recommended to carry out this procedure at night, so as not to receive severe burns.
4. Iodine
Iodine for fungus treatment is the most simple, common and effective way. Twice daily, place one drop of iodine on each of the affected fungus nail. Treatment fungus iodine is about two weeks. As a rule, during the treatment patients feel pain, but it usually means that the disease's retreat. However, if pain and discomfort do not give you peace of mind, increasing with each passing day, it is best from iodine to give up and try other methods of treatment of fungus.
5. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is an effective and proven tool, perfectly cope even with the most complex diseases, especially often it is used to treat the fungus.
Tea tree oil can be simply applied on the affected area, but the best leg for stew. Tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect, relieves itching and heals the cracks.
6. Propolis solution
The more you apply the alcohol solution of propolis on the affected areas, that is, of course, better. But note that even with the disappearance of the external manifestations of the disease, treatment should continue for some time. This completely eliminates the possibility of re-emergence of the fungus.
7. The juice of garlic and onions
We are talking about "slaughter" anti-inflammatory agent containing a whole "army" of volatile, which quickly and effectively overcome the fungus. It is worth remembering that although they are effective, but the smell of it pleasant to not be called. Many people just because of one smell refuse to treat fungus with garlic and onions.
8. Vinegar and carrot juice
100-150 ml fresh carrot juice dilute Cup 7% vinegar. The resulting composition lubricated the affected areas 5-6 times a day until complete recovery. Be careful not to burn the vinegar skin.
9. Raw potatoes
Cut the cleaned potato into thin slices. Next, will stick with adhesive poultice of potatoes on the affected area. Keep 30 minutes. Note that you can compress and not to impose, but simply to wipe the affected areas. For a full treatment of the fungus with the help of potatoes need about a month.
10. Food
When the fungus it is recommended to consume more foods containing sulfur. It sulfur all fungi are afraid as fire. Among such products can be called greens, onion, radish, cabbage, spinach, celery, wholemeal flour, barley, and raw eggs.
The highest content of sulphur in the products: cabbage; beans.
Also sulfur is composed of: oat and buckwheat; beans; asparagus; garlic. Nutritionists say that the greatest amount of sulfur contained in quail eggs. No wonder they are considered a panacea for removing radionuclides from the body. However, eggs also contain a lot of sulfur.published
Be healthy!
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/probujdeniechelovechnost
50-60 g of celandine, pour boiling water (1.5 liters). Infusion should cool down a bit, and then it is added 3% hydrogen peroxide. 50 ml will be enough to put there feet for 15 – 20 min Then the nail must attach a sheet of bearberry, cut along.
To strengthen the result of the infusion of celandine is recommended to use inside. This herb celandine pour 1 Cup boiling water and insist in a thermos for about an hour. This should be made four times a day for one tablespoon.
2. Baths of oak bark
Baths of oak bark is one of the most effective means for the treatment of fungus.
200-250 gr. chopped oak bark pour into a small saucepan with 1 liter cold water. Further, the pan for 10-15 minutes put on weak fire. After the broth comes to a boil, let it cool slightly. The liquid is then poured into the basin where the feet are lowered. Keep your feet in the bath you need to until the water completely cools. After the bath the feet thoroughly wiped and dried.

3. Acetic acid
When the fungus is very good at helping acetic acid. For the treatment of fungus it is recommended to take a cotton swab and moistened with undiluted acetic acid. After that, be very careful to lubricate the affected places. It stings a little, but this only demonstrates that the tool works. Note that you can lubricate the affected area with acetic acid you need to until burning sensation disappears. It is not recommended to carry out this procedure at night, so as not to receive severe burns.
4. Iodine
Iodine for fungus treatment is the most simple, common and effective way. Twice daily, place one drop of iodine on each of the affected fungus nail. Treatment fungus iodine is about two weeks. As a rule, during the treatment patients feel pain, but it usually means that the disease's retreat. However, if pain and discomfort do not give you peace of mind, increasing with each passing day, it is best from iodine to give up and try other methods of treatment of fungus.
5. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is an effective and proven tool, perfectly cope even with the most complex diseases, especially often it is used to treat the fungus.
Tea tree oil can be simply applied on the affected area, but the best leg for stew. Tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect, relieves itching and heals the cracks.
6. Propolis solution
The more you apply the alcohol solution of propolis on the affected areas, that is, of course, better. But note that even with the disappearance of the external manifestations of the disease, treatment should continue for some time. This completely eliminates the possibility of re-emergence of the fungus.
7. The juice of garlic and onions
We are talking about "slaughter" anti-inflammatory agent containing a whole "army" of volatile, which quickly and effectively overcome the fungus. It is worth remembering that although they are effective, but the smell of it pleasant to not be called. Many people just because of one smell refuse to treat fungus with garlic and onions.
8. Vinegar and carrot juice
100-150 ml fresh carrot juice dilute Cup 7% vinegar. The resulting composition lubricated the affected areas 5-6 times a day until complete recovery. Be careful not to burn the vinegar skin.
9. Raw potatoes
Cut the cleaned potato into thin slices. Next, will stick with adhesive poultice of potatoes on the affected area. Keep 30 minutes. Note that you can compress and not to impose, but simply to wipe the affected areas. For a full treatment of the fungus with the help of potatoes need about a month.
10. Food
When the fungus it is recommended to consume more foods containing sulfur. It sulfur all fungi are afraid as fire. Among such products can be called greens, onion, radish, cabbage, spinach, celery, wholemeal flour, barley, and raw eggs.
The highest content of sulphur in the products: cabbage; beans.
Also sulfur is composed of: oat and buckwheat; beans; asparagus; garlic. Nutritionists say that the greatest amount of sulfur contained in quail eggs. No wonder they are considered a panacea for removing radionuclides from the body. However, eggs also contain a lot of sulfur.published
Be healthy!
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/probujdeniechelovechnost
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