This unbearably fat daughter. . .

shot from the movie "Return"

I had a lot of trouble writing this post without using invective vocabulary. Therefore, it is shorter than it could be if I had not given myself such trouble.

I will not comment on the story itself, I will note only that, one mother has a daughter with a father's figure, so she had sex with the father of her daughter, so her father's figure with her father suited her and seemed attractive. What happened when this figure suddenly came to my daughter? What if my daughter had Dad's nose, ears, finger shape? Okay, let's leave the lyrics.

The girl is 13. She's puberty. And she's puberty - that's news! - gaining weight. Her BMI is 27.5 — slightly higher than the WHO’s artificially low “BMI norm” of 25.

The girl has many, many chances to outgrow this increase if she is left alone and helped to form adequate eating behavior. But the girl is already showing symptoms of paroxysmal overeating - I do not think it is clinical, but a beginning has been made. She steals food, eats quietly, she already knows it's a crime to want chocolate.

The hardest part is to read the comments on this post. Surprisingly, adequate comments still occur – only very, very few. And basically this:

Have you tried to sell literature on obesity? m.b. to show what can lead to excess in the use of all poop? ?

If a 13-year-old “sweeps the literature on obesity,” he’ll just be offended and distanced from you. Trust will be restored for a long time. Especially if you broadcast to your own child literally that “what you like to eat is . . . but” (and therefore “you are . . . but” is what a self-loving, vulnerable, trying to understand who he is, a teenager will hear).

“Can you use a video or information about diabetes?” To drop off my daughter or watch and read together. ?

Of course. Let's read together how scary it is to eat. So that when you are hungry, you not only feel guilty, but also fear. Jane Hirschmann and Lela Zafiropoulos in the excellent book “Children, carrots and candy” about the anti-diet approach in the diet of children describe the case of a boy to whom parents told about the risk of cancer as a result of sugar consumption – so that the boy ate less sweet. The boy ate sweets anyway - not at home, but at a visit with his best friend. And then a friend's father died suddenly. Oncology. Neither the family nor the boy knew the father of a friend, but the child fell into severe depression and suffered for months. He was afraid he would die soon. Excellent educational results, isn’t it?

“What are the doctors, the money, the convictions, when all his life the child watched hellish thrash of intestinal fornication?” ?

Well, just so you know what smart people call what you do at the table.

It seems to me that you just need to “drip” on the brain. the process is not fast, and you need to study yourself regularly.
I also think that dinner should be abandoned, replacing it with kefir, milk, yogurt, etc.

This is a great way to finally destroy your relationship with your child. The weight of the girl will change, only in the direction of increasing - after all, having felt so unloved, she will quickly learn to eat these experiences, and, deprived of dinner, she will also be just hungry.

I have an eight-year-old on a diet – I managed to stop weight gain, although we go to McDonald’s and we have desserts. But at home I stopped baking, we do not fry anything and do not eat mayonnaise and dumplings, although I really want to. Even cheesecakes I make boiled. ?

More hell. Eight years on a diet. We managed to stop the weight gain. Dietary restrictions in childhood and adolescence have been shown to significantly increase the risk of eating disorders. Overeating is guaranteed obesity for life. Bulimia is the risk of developing serious cardiovascular pathologies and type 2 diabetes. Best of all, anorexia - you can just die from it.

Without food control, everything is meaningless.

Yeah, especially life.

For a child, 60 kg with a height of 160 is the presence of excess weight.

And for an adult? What do you think? On the basis of which tables the ratio of height and weight was calculated? The commenter’s response is awe-inspiring: “These are my eyes and common sense.”

“You should see an endocrinologist. And an endocrinologist. The girl begins to mature and she obviously has a broken metabolism of fats and hormones. ?

For whom is it obvious? For an aunt from the Internet shop? I just got back from ICED 2015 in Boston, the largest international conference on eating disorders. The young woman reported the results of her study on body image, and mentioned that since childhood, she was always tall, grew rapidly in length, and this caused certain inconveniences and awkwardness, but no one dragged her to the doctor, no one said it was some kind of disease, you have something broken, you are one of the tallest in the class! If the child does not grow in length, but in width, he is immediately eager to be treated. The advice “to go to the endocrinologist” is the most popular and widespread in this topic (and many others).

In fact, if you are eager to treat someone else’s excess weight, it means that you need to treat your head. Your head.

“I would revise the menu radically. That's first. Your doctor will give you a diet menu. Because pilaf for breakfast from dinner is a terrible thing. And pilaf for dinner is also a horror for a fat girl. ?

Plov is terrible. Borscht is a nightmare. Stew is panic. With you, the horror show “The Most Scary Food”, after a break for advertising, you will learn about the awe-inducing goulash, fierce cutlets and dangerous sausages! Stay with us!

“I will give you some unexpected advice. Picture your daughter! As much and as often as possible. When she stands slouching, when she sits slouching, etc. Until your daughter wants to change herself, you won’t get there. She cannot see herself in the mirror.

Million dollar recommendation! After all, the self-esteem of the daughter is not yet completely killed. It's worth trying!

I advise you to severely limit your daughter in pocket money, as well as to clean the home refrigerator and locker, where sweets are stored, of any filth. Let mayonnaise and sausage disappear from the refrigerator first, and the locker is completely empty, and let fruit take the place of sweets. That's what I do to my daughter. She is thin (not in my mother obviously), but if you give her freedom, she will hamster only sweets from morning to evening. So I give her a week's allowance of 50 to 100p, which she spends on sweets. And at home with weaknesses, let us say softly tightly usually.

Is the girl stealing money yet? Candy from the store? Don’t ask for tasty things from friends whose parents are somewhat more appropriate? Don’t worry, you have everything ahead of you.

“Why the hell didn’t you teach your child to eat fruit?” ?

Why trade in small things? Better not eat at once. Again, what a savings.

“First, throw away and no longer buy sweets, spices, mayonnaise, ketchups, sausages, etc.
Give up beer, chips and so on. And start setting a positive example. There should only be healthy food at home. Ideally, turn off TV and Internet :.

And don't forget to castrate your husband.

It is necessary to say correctly, but harshly, that now, my dear, you will not eat what you want, but what I will allow. The reason is simple, you are cool, etc., but prone to gaining excess weight. This is not a problem (but it may become a problem in the future), there is no need to complex, worry, etc. But you have to do yourself. Working on yourself. ?

A couple of years will pass and the daughter will say, “Now, my dear, fuck you.” And then the mother will break her hands and go to other communities with the cry “I wish her well, and she has not spoken to me for five years!” Therefore, it is better to immediately chain and tie to the bed. More secure.

“If you want a diet, then scare me! Just scare me. Take him to the doctor, talk to him alone in the office, while she waits outside the door, with a mournful appearance tell that she is sick (after all, even high sugar, strictly speaking, does not apply to a healthy state). “Into the ear” inform that your father has the same and you are now starting treatment together. It might help.

Without comment, the censorship was temporarily over.

Show her the TLC channel there are great programs about the fattest people in the world. And it would not hurt to yell, trauma? let her get used to it. soon this trauma will be inflicted on her friends and girlfriends.

What do you say your community is called?

You're crazy. published

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!



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