Tricks of the experienced grower

1. Iodine for cabbage
In a bucket of water, add 40 drops of iodine. When you begin to form heads, sprinkle the cabbage under the plant of 1 liter.
2. The acceleration of gains
The seeds sprouted faster they are soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (4%) for 12 hours (cabbage), and seeds of tomatoes and beets for 24 hours. For disinfection of seeds (instead of potassium permanganate) they are treated with 10% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes. The ratio of solution and seed 1:1. The seeds are then washed and dried.
3. Tea for Luke
Tea leaves dried and stored for planting onions. To make under each bulb when planting. The onion doesn't hurt.
4. After rain
The potato crop will be three times more if the germination of potatoes (10-12 cm) Spud immediately after a rain or heavy watering. Then formed additional trunks, which after some time will appear on the tubers.
5. Banana fertilizer
Take a banana peel, cover them with water (for example in the three-liter pot), to wait when the surface bubbles to water the flowers. The proportion of derivatives. You can pour water into the old cover, adding a new one.
6. Flowers with yeast
100 g of raw yeast is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Watered all plants, including houseplants, once a month. The result is a great increase.
7. Prevention of garlic
Garlic infusion strengthens the immune system of plants. Pour 4-5 cloves of garlic 1 liter of boiling water and let stand 20 minutes. The resulting solution add water for watering 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water for any plant.
8. Salt the earth
If flushed beet leaves, then in the soil does not have enough sodium. Need to pour the beet brine. For this Cup coarse salt diluted in 10 litres of water. This is enough to salt the earth.published
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Source: vk.com/aidacha?w=wall-41002749_22907