Is there something "beyond"?

Modern man is taught that we descended from monkeys. The professors argue that after death the other life does not exist. Man is born, lives and then dies. That's all. But the end, of course, did not suit many. Even some scientists doubted this theory. There is a belief that the human essence is immortal, changing only its bodily shell. Suffice it to recall that in many ancient religions mentioned on the transmigration of souls. By the way, reincarnation in Hinduism and preached today.
The existence of the soul proved in practice. The weight of the astral body is equal to 2 grams. Immediately after the death so reduced body weight. But then what? Those people who experienced clinical death, tell about what he saw. This files most often mention about the good energy and the tunnel at the end of which bright light is. Skeptics are in favor of the absence of any spirituality and lead their evidence and arguments.
In this case, how to explain the phenomenon of deja vu? Deja vu is a condition in which a person has the feeling that he was already in such a situation. Perhaps the Tibetan and Hindu religion have reason to believe that the human soul is constantly moving. The body dies, the soul goes to the underworld, but what she is doing there no one can explain. Few can dispute the fact that the soul is really able to be reborn in another body. This is confirmed by the record of scientists of past centuries: people are often remembered moments from a past life, remembering people, events and even the language. In our days, scientists are working on collecting statistics "geographical" move shower. The words of a man whose soul was reborn, and he remembers fragments of the past, and the data are collected, go up the records in the archives. It also happens that a person remembers events from the previous life in a relatively recent past. Even managed to find the people who can "last the shell current of the soul."
It can be assumed that the delay time of rebirth associated with the preparation of the soul: actions and their reasons in life, the balance between good and bad, in a word, with the sins, because they have each one of us. The soul must once again "cleaned", but it takes time. The gravity affects time. It can be compared to formatting a hard disk: first optimize, then reboot the entire operating system. Also with the soul for rebirth. For example, those who during life showed the worst quality, may not receive the right to be reborn and live another life. Simply put, go to hell. What one remembers from a past life, like a files from a hard drive that reinstall is not the end, it fragments, which after formatting detects reset system. For the storage function of the information meets the brain. On this basis, we can assume that our astral body keeps the brain, after death, he for some time still works. Perhaps this is the time and takes all the transmission of information.
In different religions it is mentioned that death as such does not exist: simply a person moves from one state to another, more sublime. You wondered why the dead people, after some time, stop dreaming of family and friends? It is believed that the dead after the funeral are in my dreams to convey any information. It is just a theory. Perhaps, over time, investigation of this area will help you find answers to questions of world order.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
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