Print simple bamboo wind turbine for charging your smartphone
It seems that wind turbines exist for so long, they are an integral part of human life. However, since the establishment and until today the principle of operation of these plants has not changed – as before they convert kinetic wind energy into useful energy for domestic and industrial use. Well, if you want to create your own simple windmill to power small appliances or charging the batteries of portable devices? On the website Instructables user by the name of the company Soliton from HERO Electronics posted a draft of a wind turbine, which can be manufactured with a home desktop 3D printer.
In order to print to wind the engine Hero Electronics Wind Turbine HE-1 needed a 3D printer that works with ABS or PLA plastic. The device is designed to operate at low wind speeds, so it is ideal for use in urban environments. Moreover, thanks to the "buchvostova" design, this turbine has a minimum turning mechanism and starts to rotate with the slightest breeze, making it even more efficient in the city, where wind flows are not only low rates, but the opposite.
As the developer, wind turbine Wind Turbine Hero Electronics HE-1 can be constructed using aluminum tubing, stands, or even bamboo sticks.
Download presented in draft STL files, users will be able to print the necessary components and then assemble them together with some purchased parts, such as couplings, blades. Soliton emphasizes that inexperienced users may have to work hard to understand and print the project, but the result will be worth the time spent – in the hands of the user will be sufficiently well-functioning device alternative energy.
In order to increase the strength of the wind turbine against strong wind gusts, the developer "weighted" components, making them whole, but users can reduce the weight of the blades or of the whole structure, just rassverlit holes in them. However, the Central hub should be heavy enough to maintain the center of gravity.
Once the wind turbine is fully assembled, all that remains to do is connect it to the inverter current, which may be removed from the old printer, or any other "consumer garbage."published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.cheburek.net