How money affect the atmosphere in the family
Thirty four million four hundred thirty thousand thirty nine
1.The happiness of a family depends not on how much money and how much they shared.
Or you can say so, Happiness does not depend on the size of the budget and its quality. I saw a lot of families with very low income, but quite harmonious. And most of my patients are very wealthy people, but family life just miserable. Analyzing his more than 20-year practice, I can confidently say that in all families where there were serious problems bringing spouses to the divorce, was not the total budget.
2.The quality of the budget shows the real picture of the relationship between the partners.
As you know, partnerships are vital to the trust. If there is no trust or not, relationships are ALWAYS strained. In a family there is the element of financial dependence of one partner from another. And even if it is perceived at the level of consciousness for granted and normal, subconsciously dependent partner is always unsatisfied. And the other partner inevitably begins to feel alienation and coldness from ourselves and towards himself.
If both partners earn, even equally, but I don't know about the income and spending each other very soon found that everyone lives their lives.
3.What is valuable to us, for what we spend.
Money is not only means of payment. It is a measure of the relationship. How much confidence, comfort and Your partner, Your freedom and your partner? If it's valuable to You – You will lead the overall budget. The partners will not have secrets from each other – where and why the money is spent. All decisions on purchases, travel and so on – taken together. If You value something else... then You're going to insist on its own private purse, the contents of which the partner does not know.
4. Money can be a drug or a bone of contention.
Money is one of the most important components of family life – along with sex, lifestyle and issues associated with the birth and upbringing of children. If in terms of money between the partners there is no consent and trust, then sooner or later upset all other areas. The model of "everyone has their own pocket" is a ticking time bomb for Your marriage.
5.The total budget allows you to establish the situation in the family as a whole.
As soon as the money starts to run properly – all the other areas very quickly harmonized. Since the total budget is the basis of trust, the feelings of the partners to each other go to the next level. This immediately revives the desire of physical intimacy. The partners decide all the issues together, respect and appreciate each other, always seek a common denominator. Hence the common lifestyle interests. And of course in matters relating to children – their number, their education, too, there is complete harmony. And the children immediately feel this change, and starts miracles. Disappear problems with understanding, with behavior study. Family is healthy. And every member of the family is literally recovering, become more energetic and happy!
Thus, money can be a real medicine for the family – not only in the metaphorical but in the literal sense! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/8996
1.The happiness of a family depends not on how much money and how much they shared.
Or you can say so, Happiness does not depend on the size of the budget and its quality. I saw a lot of families with very low income, but quite harmonious. And most of my patients are very wealthy people, but family life just miserable. Analyzing his more than 20-year practice, I can confidently say that in all families where there were serious problems bringing spouses to the divorce, was not the total budget.
2.The quality of the budget shows the real picture of the relationship between the partners.
As you know, partnerships are vital to the trust. If there is no trust or not, relationships are ALWAYS strained. In a family there is the element of financial dependence of one partner from another. And even if it is perceived at the level of consciousness for granted and normal, subconsciously dependent partner is always unsatisfied. And the other partner inevitably begins to feel alienation and coldness from ourselves and towards himself.
If both partners earn, even equally, but I don't know about the income and spending each other very soon found that everyone lives their lives.
3.What is valuable to us, for what we spend.
Money is not only means of payment. It is a measure of the relationship. How much confidence, comfort and Your partner, Your freedom and your partner? If it's valuable to You – You will lead the overall budget. The partners will not have secrets from each other – where and why the money is spent. All decisions on purchases, travel and so on – taken together. If You value something else... then You're going to insist on its own private purse, the contents of which the partner does not know.
4. Money can be a drug or a bone of contention.
Money is one of the most important components of family life – along with sex, lifestyle and issues associated with the birth and upbringing of children. If in terms of money between the partners there is no consent and trust, then sooner or later upset all other areas. The model of "everyone has their own pocket" is a ticking time bomb for Your marriage.
5.The total budget allows you to establish the situation in the family as a whole.
As soon as the money starts to run properly – all the other areas very quickly harmonized. Since the total budget is the basis of trust, the feelings of the partners to each other go to the next level. This immediately revives the desire of physical intimacy. The partners decide all the issues together, respect and appreciate each other, always seek a common denominator. Hence the common lifestyle interests. And of course in matters relating to children – their number, their education, too, there is complete harmony. And the children immediately feel this change, and starts miracles. Disappear problems with understanding, with behavior study. Family is healthy. And every member of the family is literally recovering, become more energetic and happy!
Thus, money can be a real medicine for the family – not only in the metaphorical but in the literal sense! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/8996