The danger of microwave ovens is a myth or fact. What are they hiding from us?
How dangerous can a microwave oven and food cooked with it be for the human body? The following is a translation of a popular American article about the dangers of this device.
More than 90% of American homes have microwave ovens. Cooking in them is very convenient, fast, they are economical in terms of energy consumption. Most people do not even think about the safety of food cooked in a microwave for human health. Are there studies on this subject?
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration): If microwave ovens are not safe, our government would never allow them, would it? Now there are studies that prove that cooking in microwave ovens is not natural, not useful, not healthy and much more dangerous than we can imagine. However, microwave ovens are manufactured, sold and politicians ignore all facts and evidence. And people continue to use microwave ovens, unaware of their negative effects and health risks.
Harm microwave oven for human health. Facts.An electromagnetic wave is a variable EM field propagating in space. Electromagnetic waves are of different lengths:
radio waves (from long 3*10 hertz to short 3*10 hertz)
ultraviolet radiation,
visible light,
Infrared radiation, etc.
Microwaves are used for telephone signals over long distances, for the transmission of television programs, computer communication, communication with satellites, astronauts and space stations, as well as in the device of the same name - a microwave oven. As a result of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the substance, the ionization of molecules is possible, i.e. the atom can acquire or lose an electron - the structure of the substance changes.
Each microwave oven contains a magnetron in which an electromagnetic field is created with a wavelength of approximately 2450 Mega Hertz (or 2.45 Giga Hertz). These waves, in contact with food molecules, change their polarity from + to - and back again for each wave cycle (i.e., millions of times per second). Molecules are deformed, broken down, scientifically called STRUCTURAL ISOMERISM. Neither the FDA nor government agencies investigate the safety of microwave ovens.
American mothers and grandmothers, unlike the fairer sex of the rest of the world, adopted microwave ovens quickly and easily, without thinking about the laws of physics, or they are more receptive to the convenience of civilization and trust advertising.
Young moms and dads should be especially careful. The food they give to babies: baby formulas, strained breast milk, which mothers leave in the refrigerator, you can not (!) warm up in MP!!!! !
Research at the University of Minnesota (1989): Although microwave ovens heat food quickly, it is not recommended to heat baby bottles in them. Bottles may appear cool when touched, but the liquid in them can be very hot and burn the baby’s mouth and throat. In addition, a tightly closed bottle can explode, and finally, heating milk in a microwave oven can change its structure, heating the baby formula in MP can lead to loss of vitamins, and heating breast milk in a microwave oven destroys a very important component of “protective properties” and living enzymes.
I would say that this is a very delicate and soft wording, and here are the others. Lita Lee (09/12/1989 Lancet. Hawaii) writes more harshly: heating baby formulas in a microwave oven turns some amino acids into synthetic cis isomers, which, like cis amino acids and trans fatty acids, are not biologically active. Moreover, one of the amino acids L-proline is converted to its D-isomer, which is known as neurotoxic and nephrotoxic i.e. toxic to the nervous system and to the kidneys.
Sadly, many children are not breastfed, they are given formula (Lita Lee calls it fake milk) and make it even more toxic by microwave heating. It is very dangerous when food in bags passes through the MP, such as pizza, fried frozen potatoes, waffles, popcorn, fish fillets in crackers, etc., because toxic molecules of plastic bags enter the food.
And this is what happened in 1991 in Oklahoma.
Hospital patient Norma Levitt underwent a simple operation on her knee, after which she died from a blood transfusion. Blood is usually heated before transfusion, but not in a microwave oven. This time, the nurse warmed the blood in the MP, unaware of the danger. The tainted MP blood killed Norma.
The same thing happens with food that is heated and cooked in microwaves.
Although the trial took place, newspapers and magazines did not sober up about this case (some people are interested in making less noise).
Since our body is electrochemical in nature, any force that undermines or alters electrochemistry affects the physiology of the body. Robert O. Becker, The Body Electric, and Ellen Sugarman, Warning, the Electricity Around You May Be Hazardous to Your Health. Finally, in 1992, scientists Raum and Zelt took the study of the effects of microwave ovens on human health very seriously.
They injected fluorescent bacteria into the blood of the volunteers, which allowed them to study energy levels before and after eating vegetables and dairy products from the microwave oven. Other parameters were also investigated.
The results confirmed that all volunteers consuming food from MP changed blood composition: hemoglobin and lymphocytes decreased, cholesterol increased. What is being said about this in Europe? Dr. G. Hertel, now retired, worked for many years at a large Swiss food company. A few years ago, he was fired from his job because he asked too many questions about the food processing process. In 1991, he and a professor at the University of Lausanne published in the 19th issue of the Journal Franz Weber. An article about the great health risks of eating food from microwave ovens. Dr. G. Gertel was the first scientist to clearly and skillfully conduct clinical studies on the effects of microwaves on human blood and physiology. He conducted these studies with Dr. B. Blank at the Swiss State Institute of Technology and the University Institute of Biochemistry.
At intervals of 2 to 5 days, volunteers received on an empty stomach:
raw milk;
milk boiled traditionally;
pasteurized milk;
raw milk cooked in a microwave oven;
raw vegetables from organic farms;
the same vegetables cooked traditionally;
vegetables frozen and thawed in MP;
And finally (8) vegetables cooked in MP.
Blood samples were taken from volunteers immediately after eating and at a certain time interval.
The results were more than convincing: hemoglobin decreased, “bad” cholesterol increased, leukocyte levels increased, which indicates pathogenic processes and cell destruction. In addition to the destruction of atoms and molecules of food, our body receives a certain amount of radiation, Dr. Hertel pointed to another danger.
Since food cells are almost broken, the cell membranes cannot protect the cell from the penetration of viruses, fungi and other microorganisms, and the natural mechanism of self-healing is also suppressed. (For example, in genetic engineering, to penetrate a cell, it is slightly irradiated with electromagnetic waves and this weakens the cell membranes.) Finally, the microwave oven creates radioactive decay of molecules, followed by the formation of new alloys unknown to nature, as usual during radiation.
The same destruction occurs in our body if we are exposed to radar or electromagnetic waves, as in the molecules of food heated in MP.
Microwave oven manufacturers are trying to assure us that radioactive food has no particular difference in radiation levels from food cooked in a traditional way.
Scientific clinical studies show that this is just a lie. As soon as Dr. Hertel and Blanc published their research, the powerful trade organization Swiss Association of Dealers Electrical and Industrial Equipment (FEA) in 1992 sued them, which issued the so-called “gag order”. This can be translated as a gag, i.e. forbade doctors to print anything before the court decision. And what do you think the Seftigen (Berne Canton) court decided? In March 1993, Dr. Goertel was convicted (!) with the wording: "for obstruction of commerce and a fine of $ 65,000 in dollar equivalent." As Dr. Allan Spring ironically observes in the journal Good Health, this is a warning to think twice before stepping on the foot of big business. Dr. Gertel, however, stood his ground and fought for his rightness for 5 long years. Finally, on 25 August 1998 in Strasbourg, France, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Dr. Hertel’s rights had been infringed in 1993, revoked the “gag order” noting that the ban on the publication of his work on the health risks of microwave ovens was a ban on freedom of speech and also ruled on compensation to be paid by the Swiss government to Dr. Hertel.
From the article by A. Weyne and L. Nevel: “If manufacturers were to call it a ‘radiation oven’, I doubt they would sell one, but that’s exactly what it is.” Do you know who invented the microwave? German scientists commissioned by the Nazis created an MP, called Radiomissor, to prepare food for soldiers during the campaign against Russia. It was convenient, there was no need to carry large kitchens with liquid fuel, served a large number of soldiers with hot food in the conditions of the Russian winter and, most importantly, quickly.
Despite the war, research on the effects of microwave ovens on food and the human body was conducted with German precision and accuracy in 1942-1943 in Berlin at Humboldt University. After the war, several operating microwave ovens, along with documentation and medical research conducted by German scientists, fell into the hands of the US military authorities and were hidden in an archive marked "for further scientific research." Russian authorities also seized German microwave ovens and investigated their biological effects. Microwaves were banned in the Soviet Union. An international warning about the dangers of a microwave oven for the normal functioning of the human body and the environment has also been published. The Soviets studied MP at the Belarusian Radio Institute of Technology and in the closed research institutes of the Urals and Novosibirsk (Dr. Luria and Perov).
Soviet scientists studied thousands of workers who worked with radar installations and received microwave radiation. The results were so severe that a strict radiation limit of 10 microwatts for workers and 1 microwatt for civilians was set. Microwave ovens were banned in 1976.
Other Eastern European scientists also noted the negative effect of microwave electromagnetic radiation and established strict standards for their use. Dr. Lita Lee writes in her book (Health Effect of Microwave Radiation Microwave Ovens) and in scientific journals (Earthletter, March, September 1991). Each microwave oven is a source of electromagnetic radiation, destroys food and turns it into a dangerous organic-poisonous and carcinogenic product.
So let's summarize:
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: ruslekar.info/Opasnost-mikrovolnovih-pechey--mif-ili-fakt-3296.html
More than 90% of American homes have microwave ovens. Cooking in them is very convenient, fast, they are economical in terms of energy consumption. Most people do not even think about the safety of food cooked in a microwave for human health. Are there studies on this subject?

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration): If microwave ovens are not safe, our government would never allow them, would it? Now there are studies that prove that cooking in microwave ovens is not natural, not useful, not healthy and much more dangerous than we can imagine. However, microwave ovens are manufactured, sold and politicians ignore all facts and evidence. And people continue to use microwave ovens, unaware of their negative effects and health risks.
Harm microwave oven for human health. Facts.An electromagnetic wave is a variable EM field propagating in space. Electromagnetic waves are of different lengths:
radio waves (from long 3*10 hertz to short 3*10 hertz)
ultraviolet radiation,
visible light,
Infrared radiation, etc.
Microwaves are used for telephone signals over long distances, for the transmission of television programs, computer communication, communication with satellites, astronauts and space stations, as well as in the device of the same name - a microwave oven. As a result of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the substance, the ionization of molecules is possible, i.e. the atom can acquire or lose an electron - the structure of the substance changes.
Each microwave oven contains a magnetron in which an electromagnetic field is created with a wavelength of approximately 2450 Mega Hertz (or 2.45 Giga Hertz). These waves, in contact with food molecules, change their polarity from + to - and back again for each wave cycle (i.e., millions of times per second). Molecules are deformed, broken down, scientifically called STRUCTURAL ISOMERISM. Neither the FDA nor government agencies investigate the safety of microwave ovens.
American mothers and grandmothers, unlike the fairer sex of the rest of the world, adopted microwave ovens quickly and easily, without thinking about the laws of physics, or they are more receptive to the convenience of civilization and trust advertising.
Young moms and dads should be especially careful. The food they give to babies: baby formulas, strained breast milk, which mothers leave in the refrigerator, you can not (!) warm up in MP!!!! !

Research at the University of Minnesota (1989): Although microwave ovens heat food quickly, it is not recommended to heat baby bottles in them. Bottles may appear cool when touched, but the liquid in them can be very hot and burn the baby’s mouth and throat. In addition, a tightly closed bottle can explode, and finally, heating milk in a microwave oven can change its structure, heating the baby formula in MP can lead to loss of vitamins, and heating breast milk in a microwave oven destroys a very important component of “protective properties” and living enzymes.
I would say that this is a very delicate and soft wording, and here are the others. Lita Lee (09/12/1989 Lancet. Hawaii) writes more harshly: heating baby formulas in a microwave oven turns some amino acids into synthetic cis isomers, which, like cis amino acids and trans fatty acids, are not biologically active. Moreover, one of the amino acids L-proline is converted to its D-isomer, which is known as neurotoxic and nephrotoxic i.e. toxic to the nervous system and to the kidneys.
Sadly, many children are not breastfed, they are given formula (Lita Lee calls it fake milk) and make it even more toxic by microwave heating. It is very dangerous when food in bags passes through the MP, such as pizza, fried frozen potatoes, waffles, popcorn, fish fillets in crackers, etc., because toxic molecules of plastic bags enter the food.
And this is what happened in 1991 in Oklahoma.
Hospital patient Norma Levitt underwent a simple operation on her knee, after which she died from a blood transfusion. Blood is usually heated before transfusion, but not in a microwave oven. This time, the nurse warmed the blood in the MP, unaware of the danger. The tainted MP blood killed Norma.
The same thing happens with food that is heated and cooked in microwaves.
Although the trial took place, newspapers and magazines did not sober up about this case (some people are interested in making less noise).
Since our body is electrochemical in nature, any force that undermines or alters electrochemistry affects the physiology of the body. Robert O. Becker, The Body Electric, and Ellen Sugarman, Warning, the Electricity Around You May Be Hazardous to Your Health. Finally, in 1992, scientists Raum and Zelt took the study of the effects of microwave ovens on human health very seriously.
They injected fluorescent bacteria into the blood of the volunteers, which allowed them to study energy levels before and after eating vegetables and dairy products from the microwave oven. Other parameters were also investigated.
The results confirmed that all volunteers consuming food from MP changed blood composition: hemoglobin and lymphocytes decreased, cholesterol increased. What is being said about this in Europe? Dr. G. Hertel, now retired, worked for many years at a large Swiss food company. A few years ago, he was fired from his job because he asked too many questions about the food processing process. In 1991, he and a professor at the University of Lausanne published in the 19th issue of the Journal Franz Weber. An article about the great health risks of eating food from microwave ovens. Dr. G. Gertel was the first scientist to clearly and skillfully conduct clinical studies on the effects of microwaves on human blood and physiology. He conducted these studies with Dr. B. Blank at the Swiss State Institute of Technology and the University Institute of Biochemistry.
At intervals of 2 to 5 days, volunteers received on an empty stomach:
raw milk;
milk boiled traditionally;
pasteurized milk;
raw milk cooked in a microwave oven;
raw vegetables from organic farms;
the same vegetables cooked traditionally;
vegetables frozen and thawed in MP;
And finally (8) vegetables cooked in MP.
Blood samples were taken from volunteers immediately after eating and at a certain time interval.
The results were more than convincing: hemoglobin decreased, “bad” cholesterol increased, leukocyte levels increased, which indicates pathogenic processes and cell destruction. In addition to the destruction of atoms and molecules of food, our body receives a certain amount of radiation, Dr. Hertel pointed to another danger.
Since food cells are almost broken, the cell membranes cannot protect the cell from the penetration of viruses, fungi and other microorganisms, and the natural mechanism of self-healing is also suppressed. (For example, in genetic engineering, to penetrate a cell, it is slightly irradiated with electromagnetic waves and this weakens the cell membranes.) Finally, the microwave oven creates radioactive decay of molecules, followed by the formation of new alloys unknown to nature, as usual during radiation.
The same destruction occurs in our body if we are exposed to radar or electromagnetic waves, as in the molecules of food heated in MP.
Microwave oven manufacturers are trying to assure us that radioactive food has no particular difference in radiation levels from food cooked in a traditional way.
Scientific clinical studies show that this is just a lie. As soon as Dr. Hertel and Blanc published their research, the powerful trade organization Swiss Association of Dealers Electrical and Industrial Equipment (FEA) in 1992 sued them, which issued the so-called “gag order”. This can be translated as a gag, i.e. forbade doctors to print anything before the court decision. And what do you think the Seftigen (Berne Canton) court decided? In March 1993, Dr. Goertel was convicted (!) with the wording: "for obstruction of commerce and a fine of $ 65,000 in dollar equivalent." As Dr. Allan Spring ironically observes in the journal Good Health, this is a warning to think twice before stepping on the foot of big business. Dr. Gertel, however, stood his ground and fought for his rightness for 5 long years. Finally, on 25 August 1998 in Strasbourg, France, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Dr. Hertel’s rights had been infringed in 1993, revoked the “gag order” noting that the ban on the publication of his work on the health risks of microwave ovens was a ban on freedom of speech and also ruled on compensation to be paid by the Swiss government to Dr. Hertel.
From the article by A. Weyne and L. Nevel: “If manufacturers were to call it a ‘radiation oven’, I doubt they would sell one, but that’s exactly what it is.” Do you know who invented the microwave? German scientists commissioned by the Nazis created an MP, called Radiomissor, to prepare food for soldiers during the campaign against Russia. It was convenient, there was no need to carry large kitchens with liquid fuel, served a large number of soldiers with hot food in the conditions of the Russian winter and, most importantly, quickly.
Despite the war, research on the effects of microwave ovens on food and the human body was conducted with German precision and accuracy in 1942-1943 in Berlin at Humboldt University. After the war, several operating microwave ovens, along with documentation and medical research conducted by German scientists, fell into the hands of the US military authorities and were hidden in an archive marked "for further scientific research." Russian authorities also seized German microwave ovens and investigated their biological effects. Microwaves were banned in the Soviet Union. An international warning about the dangers of a microwave oven for the normal functioning of the human body and the environment has also been published. The Soviets studied MP at the Belarusian Radio Institute of Technology and in the closed research institutes of the Urals and Novosibirsk (Dr. Luria and Perov).
Soviet scientists studied thousands of workers who worked with radar installations and received microwave radiation. The results were so severe that a strict radiation limit of 10 microwatts for workers and 1 microwatt for civilians was set. Microwave ovens were banned in 1976.
Other Eastern European scientists also noted the negative effect of microwave electromagnetic radiation and established strict standards for their use. Dr. Lita Lee writes in her book (Health Effect of Microwave Radiation Microwave Ovens) and in scientific journals (Earthletter, March, September 1991). Each microwave oven is a source of electromagnetic radiation, destroys food and turns it into a dangerous organic-poisonous and carcinogenic product.

So let's summarize:
- Meat cooked in a microwave contains Nitrosodienthanolamines, a well-known carcinogen.
- Some amino acids in milk and sire were converted into carcinogens.
- Freezing frozen fruits in microwave ovens turns their glucosides and galactosides into particles containing carcinogenic elements.
- Even very short microwave exposure to raw vegetables turns their alkaloids into carcinogens.
- Carcinogenic free radicals are formed in plants in MP, especially in root crops;
- The value of food decreases from 60% to 90%; The biological activity of vitamin B (complex), vitamins C and E, also in many minerals, disappears;
- Alkaloids, glucosides, galactosides and nitrilosides are destroyed to varying degrees in plants;
- Degradation of nucleo proteins in meat. Robert Becker in his book “Electricity of the body”, referring to the research of Russian scientists, describes diseases associated with MP.
- As a result of eating microwaved food, the pulse and pressure first decrease, and then nervousness, high blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, eye pain, insomnia, irritability, nervousness, stomach pain, inability to concentrate, hair loss, increased cases of appendicitis, cataracts, reproductive problems, cancer. These chronic symptoms are exacerbated by stress and heart disease.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: ruslekar.info/Opasnost-mikrovolnovih-pechey--mif-ili-fakt-3296.html
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