How to destroy Hogweed is a dreadful poison in Your garden
The Hogweed. Everyone has probably heard of it. Rumors of terrible burns Hogweed increasingly spread among the population. Worst of all, suffer the children, which make Hogweed tube, because the stem is hollow inside. Burns of mucous on the lips is the worst. They can be in intensive care! All parts are poisonous plants. Sometimes the kids play in the thickets of Hogweed and get burns from the leaves. And lose 80% of the skin can end fatal, as in burn with fire.
THEY NEED TO KNOW IN PERSON! It turns out that not all are, looks like cow parsnip. If to describe it short, this is a very high and powerful Bush. The growth of two metres and above. Even in the middle of shiratake easily reaches three meters. Stem thick, branched, with a huge umbellate inflorescences. The diameter of the Central inflorescence to 50 cm, the lateral smaller. The flowers themselves are small, tightly nestled in the umbrella. Superficially, the plants resemble a blooming celery or parsnips, only magnified ten times, full of a wicked witch. Found this monster on roadsides and in abandoned fields. In the spring of Hogweed stands without umbrellas. At the bottom it has only the rosette of leaves is large and deep cut (photo 4). To recognize it by the large size, and sometimes dry buds that survived the winter. In nature, natural enemies have no Hogweed in the Middle lane no locusts did not eat. It was a real aggressor. With its powerful growth, this species suppresses other plants and displaces them from all meadows. Where recently grew daisies and cornflowers, now rise the terrible thickets. Hogweed is listed in the Black book of Russia, and to fight him you must! ATTENTION, DANGER! Cow parsnip reproduces extremely fast. Seed Matures huge amount. The wind and birds, they are posted everywhere. Persist in soil for up to 15 years! In addition to wind, reproduction contribute to the fears that surround this plant, people are just afraid to approach him. That is, they do not destroy it, and the seeds are safely into the ground. Now the situation has become dangerous, as cow parsnip snuck into our gardens. If the adult plant is visible from afar, the young shoots hidden in the grass. But "kids" Hogweed not less pungent. Be careful weeding their plants, especially weedy areas where there is high grass. If you are going to clean this area, use only gloves and wear long sleeve. On legs wear long pants and tuck them into better boots. The fact that the Hogweed leaves have stinging hairs like nettles. But they are much stronger and burning even through the fabric! Save only tight jeans or Hiking clothes made of tarpaulin. FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, Everything said is not a rumor and not a reprint from the Internet. The author is chief editor of the magazine, she felt the dangerous Hogweed.
Last summer, in early June, I weeded the raspberries near the boundary. There grew a lot of celandine, couch grass and other herbs. Among her "wormed" and Hogweed. The result of burns of the left hand, which dark spots adorned before the fall. Even after a year they are noticeable on the skin (photo 3). Deceit Hogweed that when the contact does not feel a burning sensation like when you burn the hair. On the surface of the skin appear red spots with a little swelling. Occurs itching. If the burn is not very strong (the sheets have been passing), then bubbles are formed. However, everything depends on skin type. From dark-skinned people burns less and people with light skin get watery blisters. This burn got my neighbor who cut branches over the fence of the garden. Apparently, he put the leg that rested on the leaf of cow parsnip. And blister were obtained through the sock. WHAT to DO IF you BURN First, immediately flush skin with water, preferably with soap and water. Just close this place clothes (to wear a jacket with sleeves) so the skin does not get sun. The Hogweed contains substances (furocoumarins) which, when applied to the skin, cause a burn under the sun. If damage is severe (watery blisters) in the use of means, as in thermal burn, and it is better to consult a doctor. HOW to DESTROY HOGWEED cow parsnip grows from the root, so you need to dig it out, trying to remove as far as possible. If the plant is tall, cut down, without waiting for the ripening of the seeds. Hogweed seeds are able to ripen on the plant even after it is torn off (at the expense of nutrients accumulated in large stems). Therefore, it is desirable to separate umbrellas to burn. Now in many parts of Russia, where the species has bred too much, the administration of the funds are allocated to the mechanised destruction of the plant. It mow powerful trimmers and tractors with special equipment. Gardeners are asked whether it is possible to destroy the Hogweed with herbicides. This is the chemical that is unsafe. Once in the land, they long time do not decompose and can accumulate in the fruit plants. In addition, most herbicides act through the leaves. And the seeds that are already in the soil, remain invincible. Therefore, after treatment with the herbicide Hogweed grows again from the seeds. Hence the impression that this monster is invincible! But it's not as scary. Near your garden just salivate Hogweed before the formation of seed or dig it from the root. The result will be better if we will spend together: everyone will be cleared of the invader the territory adjacent to your site. And to clean abandoned fields need to contact the administration of his district. But remember, without a written application will not do anything! Please contact the print media and on television to emphasize the importance of this issue. Perhaps, then, the "authorities" will react.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/1077

THEY NEED TO KNOW IN PERSON! It turns out that not all are, looks like cow parsnip. If to describe it short, this is a very high and powerful Bush. The growth of two metres and above. Even in the middle of shiratake easily reaches three meters. Stem thick, branched, with a huge umbellate inflorescences. The diameter of the Central inflorescence to 50 cm, the lateral smaller. The flowers themselves are small, tightly nestled in the umbrella. Superficially, the plants resemble a blooming celery or parsnips, only magnified ten times, full of a wicked witch. Found this monster on roadsides and in abandoned fields. In the spring of Hogweed stands without umbrellas. At the bottom it has only the rosette of leaves is large and deep cut (photo 4). To recognize it by the large size, and sometimes dry buds that survived the winter. In nature, natural enemies have no Hogweed in the Middle lane no locusts did not eat. It was a real aggressor. With its powerful growth, this species suppresses other plants and displaces them from all meadows. Where recently grew daisies and cornflowers, now rise the terrible thickets. Hogweed is listed in the Black book of Russia, and to fight him you must! ATTENTION, DANGER! Cow parsnip reproduces extremely fast. Seed Matures huge amount. The wind and birds, they are posted everywhere. Persist in soil for up to 15 years! In addition to wind, reproduction contribute to the fears that surround this plant, people are just afraid to approach him. That is, they do not destroy it, and the seeds are safely into the ground. Now the situation has become dangerous, as cow parsnip snuck into our gardens. If the adult plant is visible from afar, the young shoots hidden in the grass. But "kids" Hogweed not less pungent. Be careful weeding their plants, especially weedy areas where there is high grass. If you are going to clean this area, use only gloves and wear long sleeve. On legs wear long pants and tuck them into better boots. The fact that the Hogweed leaves have stinging hairs like nettles. But they are much stronger and burning even through the fabric! Save only tight jeans or Hiking clothes made of tarpaulin. FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, Everything said is not a rumor and not a reprint from the Internet. The author is chief editor of the magazine, she felt the dangerous Hogweed.

Last summer, in early June, I weeded the raspberries near the boundary. There grew a lot of celandine, couch grass and other herbs. Among her "wormed" and Hogweed. The result of burns of the left hand, which dark spots adorned before the fall. Even after a year they are noticeable on the skin (photo 3). Deceit Hogweed that when the contact does not feel a burning sensation like when you burn the hair. On the surface of the skin appear red spots with a little swelling. Occurs itching. If the burn is not very strong (the sheets have been passing), then bubbles are formed. However, everything depends on skin type. From dark-skinned people burns less and people with light skin get watery blisters. This burn got my neighbor who cut branches over the fence of the garden. Apparently, he put the leg that rested on the leaf of cow parsnip. And blister were obtained through the sock. WHAT to DO IF you BURN First, immediately flush skin with water, preferably with soap and water. Just close this place clothes (to wear a jacket with sleeves) so the skin does not get sun. The Hogweed contains substances (furocoumarins) which, when applied to the skin, cause a burn under the sun. If damage is severe (watery blisters) in the use of means, as in thermal burn, and it is better to consult a doctor. HOW to DESTROY HOGWEED cow parsnip grows from the root, so you need to dig it out, trying to remove as far as possible. If the plant is tall, cut down, without waiting for the ripening of the seeds. Hogweed seeds are able to ripen on the plant even after it is torn off (at the expense of nutrients accumulated in large stems). Therefore, it is desirable to separate umbrellas to burn. Now in many parts of Russia, where the species has bred too much, the administration of the funds are allocated to the mechanised destruction of the plant. It mow powerful trimmers and tractors with special equipment. Gardeners are asked whether it is possible to destroy the Hogweed with herbicides. This is the chemical that is unsafe. Once in the land, they long time do not decompose and can accumulate in the fruit plants. In addition, most herbicides act through the leaves. And the seeds that are already in the soil, remain invincible. Therefore, after treatment with the herbicide Hogweed grows again from the seeds. Hence the impression that this monster is invincible! But it's not as scary. Near your garden just salivate Hogweed before the formation of seed or dig it from the root. The result will be better if we will spend together: everyone will be cleared of the invader the territory adjacent to your site. And to clean abandoned fields need to contact the administration of his district. But remember, without a written application will not do anything! Please contact the print media and on television to emphasize the importance of this issue. Perhaps, then, the "authorities" will react.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/1077
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Chickweed is not just a weed, but a storehouse of nutrients