6 шагов к кубикам на животе
Diet and exercise play an equally important role here, but the reward will be press cubes, which, as you know, are always the envy of others who do not have them.
The following 6 exercises are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and forming a beautiful waist. They will help you get what everyone aspires to, but not everyone gets - cherished cubes on your stomach.
At the initial stage, perform one set of each exercise 3 times a week - they are quite complex, so one approach at first will suffice. Try to do 8-12 repetitions. When you are able to cleanly perform 15 repetitions in two training sessions, add another set to each exercise.
Rest between approaches 1.5-2 minutes.
Exercise 1: “Pike” The starting position is the bar. Lift your legs and torso 45 degrees from the floor, taking a pose similar to the Latin letter "V". Go as far up as possible, keeping your back straight.
Council:This is a difficult exercise, but to help in its implementation can focus on the contraction of the muscles of the press - it is with their help that the lift is held.
Exercise 2: Side slopes in the block simulator Secure the D-shaped handle from below on the block simulator. Become his left side, take the handle of the left hand grip on top and straighten - this is the starting position. Fix your free hand on your hip, and put your legs on the width of your shoulders for stability. Keep your back straight. Look in front of you. Slowly lean to the left, following the weight of the handle. Make the slope as low as possible to feel the stretching of the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Then slowly return to the starting position and again tilt to the side. Take care not to bend backwards or lean forward. After completing the approach, change the initial position, turning to the block device with your right side and grabbing the handle with your right hand. Follow the tilts of the body to the right.
Council: The oblique abdominal muscles (to which this movement is directed) are not a press per se, but this exercise is an integral part of any training to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Exercise 3: Twisting with weights Take a supine position on your back, bend your legs at your knees, rest your feet on the floor. Extend your arms to your knees, holding with both hands a small pancake from the weights bar. Keeping your arms outstretched, slowly lift your head, shoulders and shoulder blades above the floor until completely twisted. The lumbar should remain tightly pressed to the floor.
Council: Again, focus on contracting the abdominal muscles, it is with this effort that you should make the lift. Use light weight. For stability, wind your feet under any fixed object.
Exercise 4: Twisting with outstretched arms Lie on your back, legs bend at your knees, feet rest on the floor. Straight arms stretch over your head and place your palm on top of each other (your shoulders should be level with your ears). Keeping your hands straight and in line with your head, strain the press and raise your shoulders along with your arms, head and neck above the floor. At the top, hold on, then return to the starting position.
Council: This exercise is more effective than usual twisting. To enhance the effect, perform it immediately after twisting with weights.
Exercise 5: Planck on fitball Take a push-up position by putting your feet on the ball. Hands should be on the width of the shoulders, slightly in front, back straight. Stay in this position for 1 minute.
Council: Be prepared for feelings that are stronger than with a normal bar – your cortex and abs will simply burn when this exercise is completed.
Exercise 6: "Walkers" Lie on your back, stretched out your arms, palms rest in the area of the pelvis. Raise your legs at 90 degrees so that your heels look at the ceiling, your knees straight. Keeping your head and shoulders pressed against the floor, pull the buttocks off the floor and stretch your feet to the ceiling. At the top of the movement, working with the abdominal muscles, turn your legs to the left, lower them as low as possible, and then return to the original vertical position and make the same movement to the right. It's one replay. Perform the exercise with full amplitude and control of movements, do not let your feet freely fall to the floor.
Council: This exercise perfectly completes the complex to strengthen the abdominal muscles. If you find it hard to do, start with your legs bent.
Based on Muscle & Fitness.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: fitfixed.com
The following 6 exercises are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and forming a beautiful waist. They will help you get what everyone aspires to, but not everyone gets - cherished cubes on your stomach.
At the initial stage, perform one set of each exercise 3 times a week - they are quite complex, so one approach at first will suffice. Try to do 8-12 repetitions. When you are able to cleanly perform 15 repetitions in two training sessions, add another set to each exercise.
Rest between approaches 1.5-2 minutes.
Exercise 1: “Pike” The starting position is the bar. Lift your legs and torso 45 degrees from the floor, taking a pose similar to the Latin letter "V". Go as far up as possible, keeping your back straight.
Council:This is a difficult exercise, but to help in its implementation can focus on the contraction of the muscles of the press - it is with their help that the lift is held.
Exercise 2: Side slopes in the block simulator Secure the D-shaped handle from below on the block simulator. Become his left side, take the handle of the left hand grip on top and straighten - this is the starting position. Fix your free hand on your hip, and put your legs on the width of your shoulders for stability. Keep your back straight. Look in front of you. Slowly lean to the left, following the weight of the handle. Make the slope as low as possible to feel the stretching of the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Then slowly return to the starting position and again tilt to the side. Take care not to bend backwards or lean forward. After completing the approach, change the initial position, turning to the block device with your right side and grabbing the handle with your right hand. Follow the tilts of the body to the right.
Council: The oblique abdominal muscles (to which this movement is directed) are not a press per se, but this exercise is an integral part of any training to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Exercise 3: Twisting with weights Take a supine position on your back, bend your legs at your knees, rest your feet on the floor. Extend your arms to your knees, holding with both hands a small pancake from the weights bar. Keeping your arms outstretched, slowly lift your head, shoulders and shoulder blades above the floor until completely twisted. The lumbar should remain tightly pressed to the floor.
Council: Again, focus on contracting the abdominal muscles, it is with this effort that you should make the lift. Use light weight. For stability, wind your feet under any fixed object.
Exercise 4: Twisting with outstretched arms Lie on your back, legs bend at your knees, feet rest on the floor. Straight arms stretch over your head and place your palm on top of each other (your shoulders should be level with your ears). Keeping your hands straight and in line with your head, strain the press and raise your shoulders along with your arms, head and neck above the floor. At the top, hold on, then return to the starting position.
Council: This exercise is more effective than usual twisting. To enhance the effect, perform it immediately after twisting with weights.
Exercise 5: Planck on fitball Take a push-up position by putting your feet on the ball. Hands should be on the width of the shoulders, slightly in front, back straight. Stay in this position for 1 minute.
Council: Be prepared for feelings that are stronger than with a normal bar – your cortex and abs will simply burn when this exercise is completed.
Exercise 6: "Walkers" Lie on your back, stretched out your arms, palms rest in the area of the pelvis. Raise your legs at 90 degrees so that your heels look at the ceiling, your knees straight. Keeping your head and shoulders pressed against the floor, pull the buttocks off the floor and stretch your feet to the ceiling. At the top of the movement, working with the abdominal muscles, turn your legs to the left, lower them as low as possible, and then return to the original vertical position and make the same movement to the right. It's one replay. Perform the exercise with full amplitude and control of movements, do not let your feet freely fall to the floor.
Council: This exercise perfectly completes the complex to strengthen the abdominal muscles. If you find it hard to do, start with your legs bent.
Based on Muscle & Fitness.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: fitfixed.com
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