Why do people take offense?

Probably no man in the world who would once someone was offended. Moreover, many people are offended, then keep mentally "scroll" your hurt, "crying shoulder" relatives, friends and acquaintances, I remember the smallest details. And in fact thereby caused serious harm to their health. Let's think about why people get offended. And the offense, as a rule, the closest relatives.

Each of us has formed some image of each of our loved ones. There is a pattern of behavior that is considered correct, the existence of a system of ideas about how it should be fair. And if people do not respond to that image and deviate from the model behavior, we are offended. Resentment is the discrepancy of reality to our expectations – the violation of expectation.

In addition, we used consciously or unconsciously to evaluate all the actions of others, in other words – to judge all by themselves, in their ideas or feelings. And in this moment we forget that we are all different.

Resentment is a very important indicator of how well we value people. After all, we are offended if a man commits something which we were not expecting. And that's a signal that we need to change our idea of man.

If we practice discernment and self resentment very accurately allows us to identify their weaknesses. To be offended or not be offended to learn just as we learn all other things.

Resentment is a very powerful weapon, which you can use to manage human relationship, which you can use to manipulate people.

If you allow resentment to grow, is poison, bitterness, which will eat away at the soul and relationships. As you can see in the offense is the signal that we need something to reconsider our views. Then it's medication, sometimes bitter, but the cure. published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: v-garmonii-s-soboi.ru/ponyat-sebya-chtobyi-ponyat-drugogo/pochemu-lyudi-obizhayutsya


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