Test: My home is my inner state
Most have incomplete cycles of business. They hang, drain energy, inhibit the development and eventually affect health.
Material – you started to do something and not finish left.
Dirt in the house, the glove compartment in the bag, in the workplace, litter, unnecessary items, items.
Emotional – the anger, you suppress it, he left.
Offended by someone, resentment hangs.
Angry at himself, suppressed anger, not understood – hanging.
Negative friends are the ones who constantly complain about life, whining like they are all bad.
Mentally giving someone a promise, do not run – hangs.
Was going to do something, not made – up.
Spiritual – you've done good, you are rewarded.
Even in meanness of trouble we have to thank, it's a class.
The existence of cycles holds you in the past.
When all the space in your home is littered, you just have no space to something new in your life.
Clearing cycles will allow you to move forward.
You must release the past to create a better tomorrow.
Cycles retard the energy, they freeze it.
Cycles are not allowed to feel the joy of life.
The process of clearing cycles implies a process of liberation. But liberation not only on a physical level.
The most important thing is to learn how to get rid of that fear, which doesn't give you the strength to part with things that do not meet their functions.
Life is constantly changing. When something appears in your life, have fun and enjoyment, be careful in circulation, and when the time comes, let go."
In psychology there is a method of visual correlation of the image of the house and the internal mental state of the person.
For example, the attic of the house usually symbolizes the state of mind, and if we represent it dusty and cluttered, which means our mind is not in order and is the source of breeding cockroaches.
Living characterizes our relationships with others, a kitchen, a bedroom with the opposite sex, etc.
If you close your eyes and imagine your house, what would it be???
Can be your house a major cleaning? And you, as I rake, throw, remove, restore order, put down, run various parasites?
Or live in the red? This is the state when personal energy is not enough to dream and even to the implementation of current Affairs, you have a mental hole, your house is dilapidated and cluttered?
Or are you already close to being at zero? Harmony and the middle. It is a state when energy hvatatet to life in the present moment, but not enough to dream and to share it with the world.
Condition plus — this is the life in the stream. Energy so many, strong and clear, that I want to create, to draw, make happy not only relatives, but also strangers, in this state, all thoughts come true with incredible speed. You should consider and here, your dream to you on a silver platter.
But if you want to quickly clear all debris and do repairs, buy beautiful paintings and flowers and start to make your house livable, then all the possibilities you have. Nothing and no one can do it for you and better than you. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: tetapalitra.ru/test-moj-dom-moe-vnutrennee-sostoyanie/
Material – you started to do something and not finish left.
Dirt in the house, the glove compartment in the bag, in the workplace, litter, unnecessary items, items.
Emotional – the anger, you suppress it, he left.
Offended by someone, resentment hangs.
Angry at himself, suppressed anger, not understood – hanging.
Negative friends are the ones who constantly complain about life, whining like they are all bad.
Mentally giving someone a promise, do not run – hangs.
Was going to do something, not made – up.
Spiritual – you've done good, you are rewarded.
Even in meanness of trouble we have to thank, it's a class.
The existence of cycles holds you in the past.
When all the space in your home is littered, you just have no space to something new in your life.
Clearing cycles will allow you to move forward.
You must release the past to create a better tomorrow.
Cycles retard the energy, they freeze it.
Cycles are not allowed to feel the joy of life.
The process of clearing cycles implies a process of liberation. But liberation not only on a physical level.
The most important thing is to learn how to get rid of that fear, which doesn't give you the strength to part with things that do not meet their functions.
Life is constantly changing. When something appears in your life, have fun and enjoyment, be careful in circulation, and when the time comes, let go."
In psychology there is a method of visual correlation of the image of the house and the internal mental state of the person.
For example, the attic of the house usually symbolizes the state of mind, and if we represent it dusty and cluttered, which means our mind is not in order and is the source of breeding cockroaches.
Living characterizes our relationships with others, a kitchen, a bedroom with the opposite sex, etc.

If you close your eyes and imagine your house, what would it be???
Can be your house a major cleaning? And you, as I rake, throw, remove, restore order, put down, run various parasites?
Or live in the red? This is the state when personal energy is not enough to dream and even to the implementation of current Affairs, you have a mental hole, your house is dilapidated and cluttered?
Or are you already close to being at zero? Harmony and the middle. It is a state when energy hvatatet to life in the present moment, but not enough to dream and to share it with the world.
Condition plus — this is the life in the stream. Energy so many, strong and clear, that I want to create, to draw, make happy not only relatives, but also strangers, in this state, all thoughts come true with incredible speed. You should consider and here, your dream to you on a silver platter.
But if you want to quickly clear all debris and do repairs, buy beautiful paintings and flowers and start to make your house livable, then all the possibilities you have. Nothing and no one can do it for you and better than you. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: tetapalitra.ru/test-moj-dom-moe-vnutrennee-sostoyanie/
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