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17 Reasons You Will Not Become Rich

At the invitation of the legendary businessman Andrew Carnegie, journalist Napoleon Hill spent more than 20 years conducting a study of more than 500 self-made millionaires, before releasing a bestseller in 1937 called Think and Grow Rich.

In addition to exposing the 13 “secret” principles of building your capital, he revealed the 30 “major causes of failure” that keep many of us from becoming rich.

Here are 17 reasons that are still relevant today.

A lack of a clearly defined objective“A person who does not have a basic or clear goal to pursue has no chance of success,” Hill writes.

If you want to make a fortune, start by visualizing goals for savings, assigning each its own price tag. Then form a financial plan and clearly define what you want to spend your money on.

Lack of ambitionsYou have to want to strive for a better life. Hill says, “We don’t give any hope to someone who is so indifferent that they don’t want to move on in their lives, and who doesn’t want to pay for it.”

Capital doesn't just happen. You have to work on it with patience and perseverance. A good starting point is to invest your money (the sooner you do, the better), and let the power of compound interest build your capital. It doesn’t take much time or effort, but it does require your involvement.

Improper use of your educationHigher education does not give you anything. Knowledge is only a potential power, and it will not become useful and lead you to a lot of capital until you organize it and apply it to real life. As Hill points out, “Education consists not so much of knowledge as of knowledge applied effectively and with proper persistence. People pay not so much for what they learn, but rather for what they will do with what they learn.

Don’t stop at your education. Prioritize constantly learning new things and constantly challenge your brains. This is the reason why many successful and wealthy people read a lot.

Lack of self-discipline“Discipline comes through self-control,” writes Hill. “This means that a person must control all his negative qualities. Before you can control the conditions around you, you must learn to control yourself. If you fail, you will be defeated. ?

When it comes to wealth, a simple formula works: mine more, spend less. It’s a simple concept, but controlling your costs requires discipline. If you want to start building your capital, learn to recognize and manage the factors that drive you to spend more.

Lack of care for your body

“No man can enjoy dizzying success if his health fails him,” Hill writes. It’s no coincidence that many millionaires put sports on their schedules.

If you haven’t fully mastered your body yet, the good news is that many of the causes of poor health – overeating, negative thoughts, and lack of exercise – are completely under your control.

If you are very limited in time, then try to find a simple 5-7 minute set of exercises that you can do at home.

ProclamationHill cites procrastination as one of the most common causes of failure: “Many of us live our lives as failures because we’re always waiting for the ‘right time’ to start working on something worthwhile.” Do not wait. The right time will never come. Start now and work with what is available to you now, and better conditions and opportunities will begin to emerge as you move forward.

If you want to make a fortune, start acting now.

Lack of persistence“Many of us are good at beginnings, but don’t always get to the end of everything we do,” Hill writes. “People tend to give up at the first sign of defeat. ?

Don’t stop until you get what you want. The most successful people cope with their failures and overcome them. “I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter how many times you fail,” billionaire Mark Cuban told Smart Business. “You only have to be right once. I tried to sell milk powder. I've been an idiot many times and I've learned something every time. ?

Negative emotions“A person who pushes other people away because of their negative emotions has no hope of success,” Hill wrote. “Success comes through the use of force, and strength comes through the joint efforts of others. A negative person will not cause a desire to cooperate with him.

Hill emphasizes that if you want to grow rich, positive emotions must dominate negative ones. And he was right: Today’s research shows that positive, happy people are more likely to succeed in their jobs and less likely to be unemployed.

Lack of determination“Analysing a few hundred people who have amassed wealth well above the one million dollar mark clearly indicates that each of them had a habit of quick decision-making,” Hill said.

On the other hand, “People who have not been able to save money, without exception, have a habit of making decisions very slowly (if at all), and then quickly and often change those decisions. ?

Decisiveness is not just a characteristic of wealth, but also one of the most important qualities a leader should possess. After all, making bad decisions is better than making no decisions at all.

Choosing the Wrong Life Satellite

Hill notes this as one of the most common causes of failure. “If a relationship is not harmonious, it is likely to lead to failure,” he writes. Moreover, it will be a kind of failure characterized by suffering and unhappiness, destroying all ambition in the bud.

His statements are supported by research findings. One study by Brittany Solomon and Joshua Jackson of Washington University in St. Louis found that having a suitable spouse can increase your paycheck by $4,000 a year.

Risk aversion“A person who doesn’t take any chances usually has to take leftovers after others have made their choice,” Hill says. “Excessive caution is as bad as its lack. Both are extremes to be avoided. Life itself is filled with an element of chance. ?

When it comes to managing your money, keeping your money safe in your bank account may seem like an attractive alternative to worrying about another stock market crash. However, investing your money is exactly how you make more money.

Communicating with the Wrong People“You should carefully choose an employer who will inspire you, and who is smart and successful,” Hill advises.

This concept goes beyond choosing your boss and coworkers; it’s just as important to surround yourself with talented and motivated people outside of your job. Hill calls it the creation of Master Mind.

We become like the people we interact with, so the rich try to choose other rich people as friends.

Going to work that you hate“No man can succeed in undertakings he does not like,” Hill writes. “The most important step in promoting your personal skills is choosing an activity that you can immerse yourself in and give your heart to.”

Don’t work hard at a job that puts you under stress and leaves you frustrated in life. Being fired from a job under the right conditions can be incredibly rewarding and rewarding in the future.

Inability to focus on priorities

“To fight for everything at once is rarely useful,” Hill writes. “Concentrate all your efforts on one main, definite goal.”

If you want to get rich, you have to be obsessed with that passion. “Desire will not bring you wealth. But craving wealth with every cell in your body, becoming an obsession, and then planning clear ways and means to achieve wealth, and backing those plans with perseverance that doesn’t recognize failure, will lead you to wealth.

Lack of enthusiasm“Without enthusiasm, you can’t be convincing,” Hill said. “In addition, enthusiasm is contagious, and the person who owns and controls it is usually a welcome member of any group of people. ?

The richest people do not find success on their own; rather, they use passion and energy to inspire others.

“Without passion you have no energy, without energy you have nothing. “Nothing great in the world has been achieved without passion!” says billionaire Donald Trump.

BE CLOSED“A person with a closed mind rarely achieves anything,” Hill writes.

You have to be willing to collaborate with other people and offer them new ideas and innovations. The richest and most successful people think differently than we do.

To start thinking differently, do different things, meet different people, and value other ideas, says John Maxwell in his best-selling book, How Successful People Think.

Lack of communication skills“Many people lose their position and their opportunities in life because of this mistake, more than all the other mistakes combined,” Hill said.

Building an empire requires as much human skill and charisma as it requires strategy.

Mark Cuban, in his article for Entrepreneur about the key skills to becoming successful in business in a crude but understandable way, said the following: “People hate talking to jerks.” It's always easier to be nice than a jerk. Don't be a jerk, published.

P.S. And remember, just changing our consciousness – together we change the world!

Source: fxbazooka.com/en/news/show/3099