Natural treatment for high blood pressure
Limes are rich in flavonoids and vitamin C these substances help to increase elasticity of blood vessels. To eat you can as the lime flesh and juice.
Hypertension or hypertension is called chronic high blood pressure. This means that the heart works harder than necessary to pump blood. High blood pressure entails a lot of negative for the body effects and increases the risk of serious diseases, some of which can lead to death.
This disease gained fame as "the silent killer" because of its effects on the body and health in General. The major causes of this disease are such factors as overeating, excess weight, diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, drug use, use of certain medications and others.
What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?The pressure increase is usually not determined by any particular basis; however, you should consult with a specialist if you notice any of the following symptoms:
Want to know which natural remedies are most effective in combating high blood pressure?
Garlicusing garlic, we will be able to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and improve the circulatory system. Studies conducted at Indiana University in the USA showed that a daily consumption of one clove of garlic for three months, blood pressure reduced by 7-8%, and it is an excellent indicator.
Garlic can be eaten fresh and add to salads, use in powder form or in capsules.
The juice from the lemon and parsleyLemon and parsley are diuretics products that enable rid the body of accumulated fluid. Because of this, they are a great help in the treatment of high blood pressure: they help to rid the body of substances that cause this disease.
Those who suffer from high blood pressure, it is recommended to eat limes with pulp, or drink lime juice — this will help keep the disease under control and prevent hemorrhoids, varicose veins, bruising and a nosebleed.
OatsOats has many useful qualities. Among them is the ability to reduce blood pressure.
According to a study conducted at the University of Columbia, oat rids the body of harmful cholesterol and helps to restore and improve the neurological functions.
Carrot-orange smoothie, This drink is ideal for control of high blood pressure: it helps to rid the body of toxins, harmful cholesterol, and promotes excretion of excess fluid.
In order to take full advantage of the useful properties of celery, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of several stalks of celery and one liter of water. Boil water, then add the celery and leave to infuse for 10 minutes before drinking.
Celery can also be added to salads and many other dishes. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/
Hypertension or hypertension is called chronic high blood pressure. This means that the heart works harder than necessary to pump blood. High blood pressure entails a lot of negative for the body effects and increases the risk of serious diseases, some of which can lead to death.

This disease gained fame as "the silent killer" because of its effects on the body and health in General. The major causes of this disease are such factors as overeating, excess weight, diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, drug use, use of certain medications and others.
What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?The pressure increase is usually not determined by any particular basis; however, you should consult with a specialist if you notice any of the following symptoms:
- Constant headache
- Dizziness
- Excessive sweating
- Palpitations
- Blurred vision
- Tinnitus
- Nevada air
- Nervousness
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Tachycardia
- Redness of the face.
Want to know which natural remedies are most effective in combating high blood pressure?
Garlicusing garlic, we will be able to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and improve the circulatory system. Studies conducted at Indiana University in the USA showed that a daily consumption of one clove of garlic for three months, blood pressure reduced by 7-8%, and it is an excellent indicator.
Garlic can be eaten fresh and add to salads, use in powder form or in capsules.
The juice from the lemon and parsleyLemon and parsley are diuretics products that enable rid the body of accumulated fluid. Because of this, they are a great help in the treatment of high blood pressure: they help to rid the body of substances that cause this disease.
- 1 whole lemon
- a few sprigs of parsley
- Place the lemon into the juicer (whole, not scraping the skin). Add the parsley and cook the juice, Razavi it with water. It should be drunk on an empty stomach — try it regularly!
- You can also drink on an empty stomach a glass of warm water with lemon; this drink will also help to cope with the disease.
Those who suffer from high blood pressure, it is recommended to eat limes with pulp, or drink lime juice — this will help keep the disease under control and prevent hemorrhoids, varicose veins, bruising and a nosebleed.
OatsOats has many useful qualities. Among them is the ability to reduce blood pressure.
According to a study conducted at the University of Columbia, oat rids the body of harmful cholesterol and helps to restore and improve the neurological functions.
Carrot-orange smoothie, This drink is ideal for control of high blood pressure: it helps to rid the body of toxins, harmful cholesterol, and promotes excretion of excess fluid.
- 1 carrot
- 1 orange
- finely chopped slice of melon
- honey
- Wash, peel and cut carrots and cantaloupe.
- Squeeze orange juice.
- Put all the ingredients in a juicer. The resulting drink is recommended to drink on an empty stomach.
In order to take full advantage of the useful properties of celery, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of several stalks of celery and one liter of water. Boil water, then add the celery and leave to infuse for 10 minutes before drinking.
Celery can also be added to salads and many other dishes. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/
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