Why are we in such a hurry to get closer?

Hunger times on Earth have arrived, ladies and gentlemen, times of famine. Hunger games of people longing for love are more like strange dances of wounded living beings - limp, come close, make a couple of joint pas, step on each other's feet, whine in pain and diverge in different angles. Then they converge again, again it hurts, again they disperse and go to another partner in the hope that it will be somehow different. Even in times of famine on Earth is very popular game called "Feed your neighbor food that you do not have" or "Give a man what you do not have yourself." In general, in times of hunger, people have no patience at all for finding and cooking food, learning dance movements, developing the necessary qualities, but there is a crazy idea that everything will happen as it should, if you just want and hurry. Life doesn't stand still, does it? We need to get this done quickly!

Fly to the end of the world for a woman a couple of months after dating and insistently demand a decision about living together for the rest of his days. I have decided everything, I love you, there is no doubt about it, and you say that you agree, I will do the rest myself. Yeah, well, that's it, then I don't love you anymore, come on, good-bye! I love you and don’t like you for a couple of months. It's like a movie! Getting to love and falling out of love :

Only those who have learned to love know that it is impossible to stop loving because it has become part of your nature. You're just in love. Or to meet a man and in two weeks already live together, plan children and family, because also everything is on the big screen. Our mind is proud of incredible fantasies, only before love in this case, a person still grows and grows. And not with the mind, but with the heart. You may not be together, but it has nothing to do with love, together or apart, the other person does not affect what happens in your heart. First you need to mature and learn to love, first you need to grow your heart, and this takes time.

Another great option is a relationship without obligations, right? Fast, reliable and safe for the heart - men are comfortable and women are comfortable. If women weren’t comfortable with it, men wouldn’t have any chance of playing their lives in this way. How is it convenient to get closer to women quickly?

Firstly, there is a kind of “relationship”, but no one says that you owe someone something there, and a warm male body next to you in a convenient mode for everyone, “it’s not serious here.”

Secondly, it is possible not to work on yourself, not to blossom, not to learn to be feminine, not to learn to give in, not to deal with the healing of their injuries (you look at how much work), but just to say that we have everything on an equal footing, no, no, let’s disperse.

Thirdly, open heart and mature love (this is not about age, but about attitude to life) are continuous processes of deep self-awareness, and who is interested in this these days? It’s much easier to dance like wounded animals and keep going the opposite way.

For a man, rapid physical rapprochement is the easiest way to feel important and important, only with each new woman there are less and less chances to arrange his personal life, because it is important for a man to feel like a master, and you can truly feel this only when you take responsibility for the development of the family, for the development of business, for the development of society. What is the development of society, if from all sides either the image of effeminate men is broadcast, or a brutal alphasam man who cannot sit in one place for a long time - give him all the movement and movement in space. It looks like a man, but what kind of man needs thousands of easy victories if he can’t beat himself? Is putting dozens of women in bed a victory?

So why do we hurry to get closer, why do we fly to get married in fever, have children faster, start a certain number of relationships without obligations or obligations, but before the first prosaic domestic occasion?

What clouds are we in, thinking that physical rapprochement can lead us to spiritual and spiritual intimacy? If you have one big and very serious project in which you can get joy, maximum realization of your potential, and a huge field for growth, is it wise to spend your energy on a few small projects that do not prepare us for that big, but rather postpone it? Oh, blind practice without theory, blind. You need to begin to know yourself, understand yourself (just do not delay it for decades), and then get closer to another person. And it turns out that there is something, but there is no sense in this relationship. Growth through pain is not the only option, it is better to choose growth through awareness.

We approach quickly usually when: we have insufficiently high self-esteem (hurrah, intimacy, at least someone “loves” me); we run away from responsibility for a long and serious relationship; we want to enjoy life and people, we want to take, but we do not know how to give; spiritual immaturity; “hot” for relationships (and it is better to wait out, this is like a long starvation, remember? at a thorough lunch instead of juices and light salads when leaving a long starvation, there is a high probability of serious consequences up to death), which happens exactly when you practically do not deal with yourself, and you look for sources of happiness. I am not saying that there can be no stories with a happy continuation even with a close encounter, they can happen, of course, but this is rather an exception to the rule, which is most often associated with a high level of awareness, where you do not need unnecessary words and actions. In most other cases, rapid convergence is associated with intense hunger for love, spiritual immaturity, and unhealed trauma.

Be aware of your relationship and life!

P.S. If your relationship has already begun, and the intimacy happened quickly enough, I ask you not to leave your partner after reading this post because of the desire to start life anew and correctly.

The road will be mastered by the one going, awareness develops in the process of living together, it is just given all this a little more difficult. published

Credit: Deena Richards

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!

Source: mudrayavesta.ru/article/90/370/


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