Rejuvenating facial masks from potatoes
Homemade beauty treatments using potatoes may well become the basis of treatments for different skin types. Mask of potatoes for how to cook it, how often should I use?
The use of masks Potato face mask helps to cleanse the skin. It normalizes the sebaceous glands activity, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, provides the skin with vitamin and mineral nourishment. Masks increase the skin elasticity, moisturize it, improve complexion. They in a measure lighten spots on the skin (freckles, scars from acne, etc.), accelerate tissue regeneration, eliminate acne. With regular carrying out of potato treatments the skin becomes resistance to adverse environmental factors.
Useful information face Mask made from potatoes, should have a comfortable temperature. The procedure cannot be carried out in the presence of Allergy to components of the mask. They are contraindicated in rosacea, rosacea, herpes in the acute phase and in the presence of skin lesions. If dry skin is recommended to prepare funds from the boiled tuber, and in normal and fat – potato juice or grated the raw tuber. Mask of raw potato can be used for skin care around the eyes. Keep the potato mixture on the face should be about a quarter of an hour. The procedure can be done up to 3 times a week (all depends on the condition of the skin).
Potatoes the potato tubers clean, grate on fine grater. Weight can cause to the skin, spreading evenly, and you can wrap it in 2 slices of gauze and apply to the eye area. After washing, be sure to lubricate the skin cream. This mask is perfectly refreshes the skin, removes puffiness.
Cooked (baked) potatoes boil the Potatoes in their skins or bake. Hot mash her to a pulp (remove the peel). Puree slightly dilute using warm milk or cream (choice of the product depends on skin type).
Potatoes, egg yolk, butter, mashed potatoes connect with raw egg yolk, add a small amount of vegetable oil (you can use any version). This remedy nourishes the skin. It is ideal for skin care in winter.
Potatoes, dairy products, mashed potatoes, combine in equal proportions with fatty sour cream or yogurt (choice of the product depends on skin type).
Potatoes, beer, milk, lemon, Raw potato small size grate, add a spoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of dry milk, a small amount of beer and raw egg yolk. If necessary, thicken the weight of the extra portion of dried milk. This mask not only nourishes, but also moisturizes the skin.
Potatoes, cereals, milk, cream Potato small size, boil in milk, mash, add 1 tbsp of cream and a small amount of oat flour. If the mass turned out too thick, dilute milk, which is cooked potatoes.
Reviews According to numerous reviews, the face mask of potatoes is perfect for the home procedures. They rejuvenate the skin, evens its color, tone. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: updiet.info/
The use of masks Potato face mask helps to cleanse the skin. It normalizes the sebaceous glands activity, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, provides the skin with vitamin and mineral nourishment. Masks increase the skin elasticity, moisturize it, improve complexion. They in a measure lighten spots on the skin (freckles, scars from acne, etc.), accelerate tissue regeneration, eliminate acne. With regular carrying out of potato treatments the skin becomes resistance to adverse environmental factors.
Useful information face Mask made from potatoes, should have a comfortable temperature. The procedure cannot be carried out in the presence of Allergy to components of the mask. They are contraindicated in rosacea, rosacea, herpes in the acute phase and in the presence of skin lesions. If dry skin is recommended to prepare funds from the boiled tuber, and in normal and fat – potato juice or grated the raw tuber. Mask of raw potato can be used for skin care around the eyes. Keep the potato mixture on the face should be about a quarter of an hour. The procedure can be done up to 3 times a week (all depends on the condition of the skin).

Potatoes the potato tubers clean, grate on fine grater. Weight can cause to the skin, spreading evenly, and you can wrap it in 2 slices of gauze and apply to the eye area. After washing, be sure to lubricate the skin cream. This mask is perfectly refreshes the skin, removes puffiness.
Cooked (baked) potatoes boil the Potatoes in their skins or bake. Hot mash her to a pulp (remove the peel). Puree slightly dilute using warm milk or cream (choice of the product depends on skin type).
Potatoes, egg yolk, butter, mashed potatoes connect with raw egg yolk, add a small amount of vegetable oil (you can use any version). This remedy nourishes the skin. It is ideal for skin care in winter.
Potatoes, dairy products, mashed potatoes, combine in equal proportions with fatty sour cream or yogurt (choice of the product depends on skin type).
Potatoes, beer, milk, lemon, Raw potato small size grate, add a spoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of dry milk, a small amount of beer and raw egg yolk. If necessary, thicken the weight of the extra portion of dried milk. This mask not only nourishes, but also moisturizes the skin.
Potatoes, cereals, milk, cream Potato small size, boil in milk, mash, add 1 tbsp of cream and a small amount of oat flour. If the mass turned out too thick, dilute milk, which is cooked potatoes.
Reviews According to numerous reviews, the face mask of potatoes is perfect for the home procedures. They rejuvenate the skin, evens its color, tone. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: updiet.info/