How to choose blocks for construction a country house?

If informed particularly in demand in the construction material was brick, now existing variety of building blocks allows you to erect the building not only very fast, but with the same high performance. Each type of blocks has its own advantages and is used only in certain cases. To date, demand in the construction of the houses are gas silicate blocks. Their use provides the opportunity to reduce the cost of construction of the house and to increase floor space by reducing the thickness of the walls, not visible in this sound-proof qualities.
Types of blocks and their primeneniya in the construction using the blocks: gas-silicate; concrete; lightweight aggregate; polystyrene; foam. Concrete blocks due to weak insulation are mainly used in the construction of outbuildings, as they have good cold-resistant characteristics. The big advantages of expanded clay concrete blocks. Despite their light weight, they feature good durability and can be used even in the construction of buildings.
Due to the fact that in the production of the polymer polystyrene is used, this type of block has a high strength and frost resistance. They are used in various fields of construction. Its characteristics are similar to concrete blocks with polystyrene and used in the construction of low-rise buildings. Yes, the variety of the presented material allows advantageously to erect almost any building. But what to do this, select the blocks depends on the purpose and height of the future building. The main thing – to purchase high quality material, preferably, directly from the manufacturer.
Source: penoblok.net/gazosilikat