A little more about mindfulness....
To live consciously! Be aware of the presence in this reality here and now. To account for their actions, thoughts and words every time.
And for what?
In order to better understand yourself, discover your true desires and hidden motivations, to become more harmonious, and more.
©Elena Shumilova
But in our world, living in very fast pace, awareness as internal quality periodically sacrificed the activity in the outer life. It is sometimes disabled to the extent that people may not accurately remember what he did two hours ago, why do so-or-so, why is it thought or said something.
I suggest to make mindfulness more "conscious"... to bring a bit of magic. Then you will not have to automatically try to keep myself prepared at any moment to control your inner state, but to get from this lesson, interest, pleasure and even greater BENEFITS.
First of all, agree that everything in the world is filled with energy. And all the situation is filled with energy. Your thought process is no exception. If you give birth in a world of positive thoughts, you get the same response from him. What do you think of yourself seeing, and marketed. On this subject the Internet is a lot of material.
It's the same with faith. Faith in something is also a directed flow of energy which will return the world to a specific outcome.
And now take your awareness and diversity of her imagination and faith to not only remain there, but we need to start useful processes.
For example, you do some action... say, carry heavy bags. At this point, you are utterly conscious you bad, you are tired and wondering when you will reach your destination.
Instead, throw in a little magic. Pretend the bag is your problem, karma, unresolved problem (from any sphere of life), disease and the like. You can submit anything you want. You then will these bags to carry? Hunched over, barely, berating everything in the world? This will get the result.
You can carry the bag proudly erect, with great patience and dignity, to believe in the best: "I will carry these bags and all will be well" (read: I will solve this problem, I have the strength and the will to solve it, I know where I need to go").
Have you ever wondered why many business run in the morning?
Running can be perceived as simply a desire to keep fit or an emergency with a sour face every morning to get up and Jogging trail on site.
And you can visualize this process as the beginning of another process: start a business project, problem statement, finding solutions and so on. As you proceed then to run? Sleepy, lazy, "shoot again, run"? Just go and your business life. Worst of all is not to reach the intended item and go back (because I was tired, bored or something else happened).
You can go in the morning briskly to the street, to breathe the fresh air to smile and go to target. On your way you may encounter obstacles (lace untied constantly, you stumble, suddenly very tired, your mind is constantly gone in the wrong direction and so on). Obstacles while running is a projection of what's stopping you in real life to achieve your goal.
All sports ( if you look at the inner qualities of this concept) perfectly corresponds to the "vibration" of business people. Through sport we can clearly see what and where the problem in business is present or may occur.
In the old days our ancestors were fluent in these skills, and actively used them. They may be, the concept of "mindfulness" was absent, but there was something poeffektivnee: MAGIC.
In women, for example, no magic occurred, no action.
Making soup is magic. Wished that her husband was successful in business and gave the soup to her husband.
Washing dishes is magic. Our hostess is a how now wash the dishes? With what spirit? And you can take a plate and imagine that you wash any part of my life, cleaned it, put in order.
Floor washes — and here magic! My gender with a certain attitude can be all the life to lead in order to make it "breathe" as it starts to "breathe" all the space in your apartment, after washing the floor. Such examples are many, but here I leave to work your imagination and wish you good luck in magical application of mindfulness in practice.
Author: Daria Pantyh
Source: Daria Pantyh
And for what?
In order to better understand yourself, discover your true desires and hidden motivations, to become more harmonious, and more.

©Elena Shumilova
But in our world, living in very fast pace, awareness as internal quality periodically sacrificed the activity in the outer life. It is sometimes disabled to the extent that people may not accurately remember what he did two hours ago, why do so-or-so, why is it thought or said something.
I suggest to make mindfulness more "conscious"... to bring a bit of magic. Then you will not have to automatically try to keep myself prepared at any moment to control your inner state, but to get from this lesson, interest, pleasure and even greater BENEFITS.
First of all, agree that everything in the world is filled with energy. And all the situation is filled with energy. Your thought process is no exception. If you give birth in a world of positive thoughts, you get the same response from him. What do you think of yourself seeing, and marketed. On this subject the Internet is a lot of material.
It's the same with faith. Faith in something is also a directed flow of energy which will return the world to a specific outcome.
And now take your awareness and diversity of her imagination and faith to not only remain there, but we need to start useful processes.
For example, you do some action... say, carry heavy bags. At this point, you are utterly conscious you bad, you are tired and wondering when you will reach your destination.
Instead, throw in a little magic. Pretend the bag is your problem, karma, unresolved problem (from any sphere of life), disease and the like. You can submit anything you want. You then will these bags to carry? Hunched over, barely, berating everything in the world? This will get the result.
You can carry the bag proudly erect, with great patience and dignity, to believe in the best: "I will carry these bags and all will be well" (read: I will solve this problem, I have the strength and the will to solve it, I know where I need to go").
Have you ever wondered why many business run in the morning?
Running can be perceived as simply a desire to keep fit or an emergency with a sour face every morning to get up and Jogging trail on site.
And you can visualize this process as the beginning of another process: start a business project, problem statement, finding solutions and so on. As you proceed then to run? Sleepy, lazy, "shoot again, run"? Just go and your business life. Worst of all is not to reach the intended item and go back (because I was tired, bored or something else happened).
You can go in the morning briskly to the street, to breathe the fresh air to smile and go to target. On your way you may encounter obstacles (lace untied constantly, you stumble, suddenly very tired, your mind is constantly gone in the wrong direction and so on). Obstacles while running is a projection of what's stopping you in real life to achieve your goal.
All sports ( if you look at the inner qualities of this concept) perfectly corresponds to the "vibration" of business people. Through sport we can clearly see what and where the problem in business is present or may occur.
In the old days our ancestors were fluent in these skills, and actively used them. They may be, the concept of "mindfulness" was absent, but there was something poeffektivnee: MAGIC.
In women, for example, no magic occurred, no action.
Making soup is magic. Wished that her husband was successful in business and gave the soup to her husband.
Washing dishes is magic. Our hostess is a how now wash the dishes? With what spirit? And you can take a plate and imagine that you wash any part of my life, cleaned it, put in order.
Floor washes — and here magic! My gender with a certain attitude can be all the life to lead in order to make it "breathe" as it starts to "breathe" all the space in your apartment, after washing the floor. Such examples are many, but here I leave to work your imagination and wish you good luck in magical application of mindfulness in practice.
Author: Daria Pantyh
Source: Daria Pantyh