Wheat porridge of sprouted grains
It was not from the good life that I decided to experiment with millet germination: during my rural vacation, the stocks of cereal grains for cereals were depleted, and in search of an alternative, I had to arrange an interrogation with addiction to my mother’s food reserves. Wheat, which in our family is called “chicken porridge”, is the mast-heve of the cereal shelf. Almost every weekend her mother cooks her for breakfast (with milk, butter and other traditions) - for 20 years. The sight of sun grains echoed in me warm childhood memories, and I thought: what if wheat can also germinate and replenish the “model range” of raw-eating porridge with another item? .
She did not reinvent the bicycle and did everything according to her standard germination scheme: she washed the grains, soaked them in drinking water (just in case - overnight), then washed them again, put them in a sieve and, leaving it in a deep bowl under the lid, forgot about the wheat until the next morning, not really believing in the result. But a miracle happened – during the day the socks bowed at the grains, and those few pieces that I left as a control for another day, let confident sprouts! That is, the most common budget and archaavailable wheat (an average of 25 rubles per 800 grams) is still a live product that can compete with green buckwheat, wheat, oats and other popular crops for germination. It was a pleasant revelation to me. Actually, having achieved a positive result, I was satisfied with the experiment and abandoned the sprouting of wheat, now limiting myself only to the activation of seeds (soaking for 6-8 hours + night in the sieve), - discipline is not included in the list of my virtues, what is there? Moreover, germination does not change the taste and texture of wheat, it remains hard and crunchy, which is a little similar to green buckwheat.
Taste neutrality is a sure sign that wheat can make an excellent batch of vegetables, fruits, and generally anything. Variants of wheat "for the second" are still waiting for their embodiment, but dessert millet porridge, having passed a two-week edition, has already become imperishable - at least in our family it is included in the short list of favorite breakfasts.
And the recipe is unseemly:
activated (or sprouted) wheat is carefully whipped with bananas; the ratio for one full serving is 2 bananas per 1⁄2 cup of grains. The porridge is dense, textured, with grains, the sensitivity of which depends on the power of your blender. It will not be superfluous to add prunes or raisins if there are good non-dried samples of the dried fruit industry in stocks.
Breakfast such porridge, every time I catch a barely noticeable taste allusion to fine-grained cottage cheese. And this is another discovery – live a century, try a century.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: vegetarian.ru/authors/post/pshennaya-kasha-proverka-na-zhiznesposobnost-istoriya-odnogo-eksperimenta

She did not reinvent the bicycle and did everything according to her standard germination scheme: she washed the grains, soaked them in drinking water (just in case - overnight), then washed them again, put them in a sieve and, leaving it in a deep bowl under the lid, forgot about the wheat until the next morning, not really believing in the result. But a miracle happened – during the day the socks bowed at the grains, and those few pieces that I left as a control for another day, let confident sprouts! That is, the most common budget and archaavailable wheat (an average of 25 rubles per 800 grams) is still a live product that can compete with green buckwheat, wheat, oats and other popular crops for germination. It was a pleasant revelation to me. Actually, having achieved a positive result, I was satisfied with the experiment and abandoned the sprouting of wheat, now limiting myself only to the activation of seeds (soaking for 6-8 hours + night in the sieve), - discipline is not included in the list of my virtues, what is there? Moreover, germination does not change the taste and texture of wheat, it remains hard and crunchy, which is a little similar to green buckwheat.
Taste neutrality is a sure sign that wheat can make an excellent batch of vegetables, fruits, and generally anything. Variants of wheat "for the second" are still waiting for their embodiment, but dessert millet porridge, having passed a two-week edition, has already become imperishable - at least in our family it is included in the short list of favorite breakfasts.
And the recipe is unseemly:
activated (or sprouted) wheat is carefully whipped with bananas; the ratio for one full serving is 2 bananas per 1⁄2 cup of grains. The porridge is dense, textured, with grains, the sensitivity of which depends on the power of your blender. It will not be superfluous to add prunes or raisins if there are good non-dried samples of the dried fruit industry in stocks.
Breakfast such porridge, every time I catch a barely noticeable taste allusion to fine-grained cottage cheese. And this is another discovery – live a century, try a century.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: vegetarian.ru/authors/post/pshennaya-kasha-proverka-na-zhiznesposobnost-istoriya-odnogo-eksperimenta