The child is afraid of the dark: how to chase a monster from under the bed?
Approaching bedtime, but he doesn't want to leave to his room: he suddenly urgently need to call grandma or even a minute to sit with everyone. He asks you not to turn off the light and in General – he can sleep here, near you? Is your child afraid of the dark. What to do? Amantha, daughter of a clinical psychologist Doris Brett, was very shy, afraid to play with the children on the Playground and darkness also feared. It was time to give a daughter in kindergarten, but the assurances in that as well will be there, Amantha did not believe at all. Then mom had the idea to tell her a story: "Annie lived in the red brick house as our. She had a dog exactly the same as ours, and she, too, was mom and dad, like Martin and me." But most importantly, it is the same as Amantha, at first, was afraid of...
The girl story very much. Since then, every time Amantha faced with problems, she came to mom and said, "Tell me a story about Annie." And Doris Brett has written a lot of stories about how one friend Annie did not want to play with her, and why Annie wanted to go to summer camp, but worried that everyone will know her secret and they laugh, or why every day she is late for school. But all of these stories were funny and with a happy ending, because Annie was not to take perseverance and energy! And amazing way from shyness and fear Amantha after some time left over.
And Doris Brett has opened a new genre of psychotherapeutic stories written from a child's face (and from the height of his experience), who quietly tells him how to find a solution and take action. And these amazing stories caught the fancy of many kids and parents.
Nightmares to help us
Only the experienced eye of a psychologist conspicuous as psychologically well-written these stories are and how many are just "hidden". Often children find it difficult to talk about their fears openly and sometimes they cannot name their emotions, their problem seems to them unique, or "ashamed". When you start a direct conversation with children is painful for them, they are closed, so that the tips case does not reach. To listen to story quite another matter. In this case, the children do not read instructions, do not blame them and don't have to talk about their problems – they just listen to the story about the girl, such as they are, without interference in their internal world. Do we adults not do the same thing when we say: "What would you advise a friend of mine, which that's what the problem is?.." Sympathizing with Annie, which has exactly the same problem, like himself, the child begins with her identify, and then suddenly she finds out – and turns out that this and did you find it?..
Read the story to your child, if he is afraid of the dark and even better – tell stories together: suggest to guess, what I thought, Annie, what will she do next? (By the way, the name is possible and even useful to change it so that it sounded close to the name of your child). The child with pleasure will add to the story something different. Praise him and pay attention to what he says. He definitely tells you something important about yourself.
The STORY of ANNIE "Mama turned off the light. Annie heard her steps which sounded the receding echo. She felt very lonely, and she became scared. Annie ducked under the blanket, crawled inside, like a little worm crawls from the early birds.
Under the blanket it was safer. Nobody could see, and she couldn't see anyone. She was like invisible. "But it would be nice to have a little invisible, thought Annie. – Then we would have to slowly sneak up on people and bellow in his ear: "at-At" – just at the moment when they brought over their pancakes, a spoonful of jam. And it would be great to hear what so quiet say mom and dad, sending his beloved daughter to another room."
But here after all trouble: to remain the invisible being under a blanket intolerably hot. And trouble still that it is necessary only to stick his nose under the blanket as you become visible again. So this plan is hardly feasible. But maybe, on its happiness they after all will not appear this night...
Slowly, gradually Annie crept out from under the blanket, opened his eyes and looked around. The room was pitch-black. But in this darkness she could see the cabinets, curtains and watery dim light of the streetlights through the window. She saw his Desk. She saw...
– A-Ah! Annie jumped out of bed and with a yell rushed into the living room.
– Annie, Annie, my girl! What happened? – worried mom.
– A monster!!! – gasping from fright, said Annie. There, in my room is a monster. And she burst into tears.
I'll go with you to your room? – asked the mother.
Annie nodded.
– But first, mom said, – I have to go to the kitchen... there's one thing that terrifies the monsters.
Oh, really? – happy Annie.
When they came into the kitchen, mother, Annie opened a drawer and pulled something out. The object was a brilliant blue, with a whistle at one end.
Annie looked at him with some doubt.
– This is a special protivovetrovye flashlight. The fact that the monsters are afraid of light.
Really? – surprised Annie.
"Okay," she said. – Because you're afraid of the dark. Isn't that right? Now, the monsters are afraid of light.
When they came into the room, Annie carefully examined everything around. She looked in the wardrobe, behind the curtain and under the bed, but found no monster.
"And now," said mom, get in bed comfortably and don't be afraid – you're safe, and your magic torch and we put it here, next to your bed.
"Okay," said Annie. Next to his magic flashlight, she felt safe.
– Goodnight – said goodbye to her mom and kissed her.
Annie closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep.
... The next morning Annie asked: "Can I have a piece of cardboard and a big black marker?"
"Of course," mom said. What's in it for you?
– It's a secret, ' replied Annie. I'll show you when I'm done.
She went into her room and set to work. In an hour Annie left. In her hands was a large piece of cardboard with the words: "Begone, monster! This room is guarded protivopostavit flashlight".
– What are your monsters? – asked the mother.
– They are vile and hideous creatures, ' replied Annie.
– Why don't you draw them? – suggested mom.
"Okay," agreed Annie. She loved to draw. Annie represented monsters such what saw them in last night. She supplied them with the yellow, shimmering in the dark eyes pointed by teeth, and languages of bright red color.
Oh, my God! – exclaimed the mother. – They are really ugly. Besides, very angry.
They really were very angry, ' said Annie. They were evil even more, than I when Jannie said about me scurrilous things to Sara and when I fell off my bike, and when you won't let me stay to watch TV... – She stopped to take a breath. And it all happened on the same day.
– Do you know – my mother said – sometimes they can even make friends or tell them what they look stupid. This leads them into confusion, and the monster that just can not digest. All of them have something bothering you or not satisfied. Some of them believe, for example, that they have ears too big or too red nose. Sometimes they even start to fear you. And although they may seem very fierce and evil, in fact they are not as terrible as many believe.
It's been a few days and nights. Annie was lying in bed. Wanted to sleep, and eyes began to close against her will. Suddenly something flashed before almost already closed eyes. She opened them wider and stared intently into the darkness. In the corner of her room sat a MONSTER.
Annie instantly grabbed the magic flashlight and turned it on.
The monster recoiled at once. "Don't!" – squeaked it. It was very strange that such huge, furious monster can publish such pathetic peep.
– No, no! Not this lantern! – squeaked it, in panic moving back back. – I ask you, take light aside.
– No, you do not wait, ' said Annie. At least until then, until you get out of here.
– This is wrong, ' screamed the monster. – Because you're supposed to be afraid of me. It stamped his paw. Is wrong, – has repeated it. – How am I supposed to be? Now everyone will laugh at me. We're supposed to be evil and scare people. And to his surprise, Annie saw that a monster Plachet.
And I know what to do, if you are, she said.
– Well, what? – gently asked the beast.
– Come here, I'll tell you, ' said Annie.
Monster anxiously nodded at the flashlight, "But just shut that thing off, otherwise I'm not going".
It came closer and prisela next to Annie, and she began to tell him how to release his anger by beating a pillow.
– That's great! – happy monster. And together they began hitting the pillow Annie.
– I might have something better, – squeaked the pillow. – Why don't you beat a mattress?
But neither Annie nor the monster didn't hear her words because they were too busy: they roared with laughter".
For more information, see Brett D. "once there was a girl like you" (Klass, 2006).
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: psychologies.ru/roditeli/children/rebenok-boitsya-temnotyi-kak-prognat-chudovische-iz-pod-krovati/

The girl story very much. Since then, every time Amantha faced with problems, she came to mom and said, "Tell me a story about Annie." And Doris Brett has written a lot of stories about how one friend Annie did not want to play with her, and why Annie wanted to go to summer camp, but worried that everyone will know her secret and they laugh, or why every day she is late for school. But all of these stories were funny and with a happy ending, because Annie was not to take perseverance and energy! And amazing way from shyness and fear Amantha after some time left over.
And Doris Brett has opened a new genre of psychotherapeutic stories written from a child's face (and from the height of his experience), who quietly tells him how to find a solution and take action. And these amazing stories caught the fancy of many kids and parents.
Nightmares to help us
Only the experienced eye of a psychologist conspicuous as psychologically well-written these stories are and how many are just "hidden". Often children find it difficult to talk about their fears openly and sometimes they cannot name their emotions, their problem seems to them unique, or "ashamed". When you start a direct conversation with children is painful for them, they are closed, so that the tips case does not reach. To listen to story quite another matter. In this case, the children do not read instructions, do not blame them and don't have to talk about their problems – they just listen to the story about the girl, such as they are, without interference in their internal world. Do we adults not do the same thing when we say: "What would you advise a friend of mine, which that's what the problem is?.." Sympathizing with Annie, which has exactly the same problem, like himself, the child begins with her identify, and then suddenly she finds out – and turns out that this and did you find it?..
Read the story to your child, if he is afraid of the dark and even better – tell stories together: suggest to guess, what I thought, Annie, what will she do next? (By the way, the name is possible and even useful to change it so that it sounded close to the name of your child). The child with pleasure will add to the story something different. Praise him and pay attention to what he says. He definitely tells you something important about yourself.
The STORY of ANNIE "Mama turned off the light. Annie heard her steps which sounded the receding echo. She felt very lonely, and she became scared. Annie ducked under the blanket, crawled inside, like a little worm crawls from the early birds.
Under the blanket it was safer. Nobody could see, and she couldn't see anyone. She was like invisible. "But it would be nice to have a little invisible, thought Annie. – Then we would have to slowly sneak up on people and bellow in his ear: "at-At" – just at the moment when they brought over their pancakes, a spoonful of jam. And it would be great to hear what so quiet say mom and dad, sending his beloved daughter to another room."
But here after all trouble: to remain the invisible being under a blanket intolerably hot. And trouble still that it is necessary only to stick his nose under the blanket as you become visible again. So this plan is hardly feasible. But maybe, on its happiness they after all will not appear this night...
Slowly, gradually Annie crept out from under the blanket, opened his eyes and looked around. The room was pitch-black. But in this darkness she could see the cabinets, curtains and watery dim light of the streetlights through the window. She saw his Desk. She saw...
– A-Ah! Annie jumped out of bed and with a yell rushed into the living room.
– Annie, Annie, my girl! What happened? – worried mom.
– A monster!!! – gasping from fright, said Annie. There, in my room is a monster. And she burst into tears.
I'll go with you to your room? – asked the mother.
Annie nodded.
– But first, mom said, – I have to go to the kitchen... there's one thing that terrifies the monsters.
Oh, really? – happy Annie.
When they came into the kitchen, mother, Annie opened a drawer and pulled something out. The object was a brilliant blue, with a whistle at one end.
Annie looked at him with some doubt.
– This is a special protivovetrovye flashlight. The fact that the monsters are afraid of light.
Really? – surprised Annie.
"Okay," she said. – Because you're afraid of the dark. Isn't that right? Now, the monsters are afraid of light.
When they came into the room, Annie carefully examined everything around. She looked in the wardrobe, behind the curtain and under the bed, but found no monster.
"And now," said mom, get in bed comfortably and don't be afraid – you're safe, and your magic torch and we put it here, next to your bed.
"Okay," said Annie. Next to his magic flashlight, she felt safe.
– Goodnight – said goodbye to her mom and kissed her.
Annie closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep.
... The next morning Annie asked: "Can I have a piece of cardboard and a big black marker?"
"Of course," mom said. What's in it for you?
– It's a secret, ' replied Annie. I'll show you when I'm done.
She went into her room and set to work. In an hour Annie left. In her hands was a large piece of cardboard with the words: "Begone, monster! This room is guarded protivopostavit flashlight".
– What are your monsters? – asked the mother.
– They are vile and hideous creatures, ' replied Annie.
– Why don't you draw them? – suggested mom.
"Okay," agreed Annie. She loved to draw. Annie represented monsters such what saw them in last night. She supplied them with the yellow, shimmering in the dark eyes pointed by teeth, and languages of bright red color.
Oh, my God! – exclaimed the mother. – They are really ugly. Besides, very angry.
They really were very angry, ' said Annie. They were evil even more, than I when Jannie said about me scurrilous things to Sara and when I fell off my bike, and when you won't let me stay to watch TV... – She stopped to take a breath. And it all happened on the same day.
– Do you know – my mother said – sometimes they can even make friends or tell them what they look stupid. This leads them into confusion, and the monster that just can not digest. All of them have something bothering you or not satisfied. Some of them believe, for example, that they have ears too big or too red nose. Sometimes they even start to fear you. And although they may seem very fierce and evil, in fact they are not as terrible as many believe.
It's been a few days and nights. Annie was lying in bed. Wanted to sleep, and eyes began to close against her will. Suddenly something flashed before almost already closed eyes. She opened them wider and stared intently into the darkness. In the corner of her room sat a MONSTER.
Annie instantly grabbed the magic flashlight and turned it on.
The monster recoiled at once. "Don't!" – squeaked it. It was very strange that such huge, furious monster can publish such pathetic peep.
– No, no! Not this lantern! – squeaked it, in panic moving back back. – I ask you, take light aside.
– No, you do not wait, ' said Annie. At least until then, until you get out of here.
– This is wrong, ' screamed the monster. – Because you're supposed to be afraid of me. It stamped his paw. Is wrong, – has repeated it. – How am I supposed to be? Now everyone will laugh at me. We're supposed to be evil and scare people. And to his surprise, Annie saw that a monster Plachet.
And I know what to do, if you are, she said.
– Well, what? – gently asked the beast.
– Come here, I'll tell you, ' said Annie.
Monster anxiously nodded at the flashlight, "But just shut that thing off, otherwise I'm not going".
It came closer and prisela next to Annie, and she began to tell him how to release his anger by beating a pillow.
– That's great! – happy monster. And together they began hitting the pillow Annie.
– I might have something better, – squeaked the pillow. – Why don't you beat a mattress?
But neither Annie nor the monster didn't hear her words because they were too busy: they roared with laughter".
For more information, see Brett D. "once there was a girl like you" (Klass, 2006).
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: psychologies.ru/roditeli/children/rebenok-boitsya-temnotyi-kak-prognat-chudovische-iz-pod-krovati/
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