Talking about your feet: finger Morton, nature and genetics.
Finger Morton — state (structure) of the foot in which the second toe is longer than the first one (shortening of the first metatarsal bone of the foot relative to the second metatarsal). This structure occurs in about 10% of people and often don't cause any discomfort, although the mismatched shoes may cause pain and blisters. This anatomical features of a great story and some useful practical consequences. It affects the stability of the foot, and even sexual compatibility.
Most people have the bone structure of the toes such that they are arranged in descending order relative to the thumb. However, there are people whose second toe is longer than the first (big). This finger is called "the finger of Morton" named after the American orthopedic surgeon Dudley Joe Morton (1884-1960), who first described this phenomenon. In the specialized literature, the phenomenon is usually described as disorder, but it is quite a common structure, it is found in approximately 10% of people and often don't cause any discomfort.
The prevalence in populations varies from 3 (the Swedes) to 90% (Ainu). Note that the Neanderthals had stop it with your finger Morton.
The ancient Greeks and Romans considered this variant of legs aesthetic standard that is reflected in the sculptures. In medieval Europe, this finger was considered aristocratic, the Royal finger.
All the ancient Greek sculptures that represent figures of the Greeks, clearly give this feature. And not by chance the ancient Greeks depicted it in their works. Later the Romans, who possessed the art of sculpture, and copied the works of the Greeks and together with them the Greek foot is also dragged in his art.
So stop with the finger Morton also called Greek foot, as opposed to the Egyptian foot, every finger is shorter than the previous one. By the way, the statue of Liberty's foot is also Greek. Many of the characters of the Italians Botticelli (1445-1510) and Michelangelo (1475-1564) the second toe longer than the first. As well as in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and many other artists.
Finger Morton is the result of genetic inheritance, but the degree of its severity depends on the nature and speed of puberty. Finger Morton complex inheritance, he does not obey classical Mendeleev distribution. Described strict family inheritance of several generations, it is believed that this is a recessive trait with incomplete penetrance, but I think that the real situation is more complicated.
It is believed that the finger of Morton is associated with the age of the closure of the long bones. This theory States that the age of closure of growth zones of tubular bones of a person also affects the shape of its feet. And here it is necessary to formulate a General rule, the General tendency of this influence: the further the bone is from the heart, the sooner and more pronounced the closure of the growth zones of the bones in puberty man. Therefore, the stronger the person sexual Constitution, the shorter the bones. It should also be recalled that men in General Mature later than women, so they have a higher rise and a little more length of legs than women, because the growth centers of the bones they close later.
The human feet as well as human hands, there is one feature: the thumbs have two phalanges, and the rest – three. And because they are farthest from the heart, have the largest variation depending on the age of puberty and thus, his sexual Constitution (the length of the other toes also depends on the type of sexual Constitution, but not to the same extent and not all people).
Finger Morton, the nature and compatibility in marriage.
According to folk observations and some empirical evidence, Morton's finger is associated with leadership qualities and the degree of sexual Constitution. Again, these observations are not confirmed by scientific observations (but such research was not carried out yet). The longer second toe, the more in you the makings of a leader. You are active, energetic and resourceful. But the desire to achieve the goal, regardless of other people, to restrain, otherwise turn into an overbearing tyrant.
So, there is a sign: if the second toe is longer than the first, then the happy owner of a foot will be the master in the family. This is a sure sign that you will be head of the family. By the way, in India, mothers warned their sons against marrying girls who have too long second toe — to their kindred blood do not become a henpecked.
Folk wisdom advises women: "if second toe longer than the big toe, this woman is very unfortunate and will be a source of concern for others. If on the foot the big toe is the longest, you're in subjection to the husband. If the second is longer than his big is"
It is known that partners with different sexual Constitution does not tolerate sexually, which leads to many other problems. As for the sexual temperament, it turns out that people with weak sexual Constitution the big toe the longest, people with the average sexual Constitution compare with the second finger, and with a strong shorter second finger to 3-10 millimeters. Of course, this is not the main feature, but only one of many, just keep in mind that it is important to select a partner suitable for you, similar to your Constitution.
Health risks.
However, such a structure of the foot can provoke the appearance of corns and discomfort at the base of the second toe, associated with abnormal distribution of body weight while walking. Also wearing shoes that fit which does not provide such a feature of the foot, can cause a curvature of the nail. Treatment of finger Morton begins with the proper selection of footwear. Shoes with high and wide toe box is ideal for pain relief. It is recommended to purchase shoes on offers half the size or even a size larger that the second finger felt pressure from the toe of the Shoe.
There are two risk groups: women who wear narrow shoes with high heels, thus causing compression of the foot and shifting of bones and overweight people that their weight is also deformed foot.Finger Morton in these cases leads to excessive pressure on the head of the second plynovou bones on the plantar surface of the foot and pain similar to that which happens when you metatarsalgia. Constant pressure on the nail phalanx of the second toe when walking and standing can cause a blister in this location. published
Author: Andrey Blueskin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.beloveshkin.com/2015/12/o-chem-govoryat-vashi-nogi-palec-mortona-kharakter-i-genetika.html#more

Most people have the bone structure of the toes such that they are arranged in descending order relative to the thumb. However, there are people whose second toe is longer than the first (big). This finger is called "the finger of Morton" named after the American orthopedic surgeon Dudley Joe Morton (1884-1960), who first described this phenomenon. In the specialized literature, the phenomenon is usually described as disorder, but it is quite a common structure, it is found in approximately 10% of people and often don't cause any discomfort.

The prevalence in populations varies from 3 (the Swedes) to 90% (Ainu). Note that the Neanderthals had stop it with your finger Morton.
The ancient Greeks and Romans considered this variant of legs aesthetic standard that is reflected in the sculptures. In medieval Europe, this finger was considered aristocratic, the Royal finger.
All the ancient Greek sculptures that represent figures of the Greeks, clearly give this feature. And not by chance the ancient Greeks depicted it in their works. Later the Romans, who possessed the art of sculpture, and copied the works of the Greeks and together with them the Greek foot is also dragged in his art.

So stop with the finger Morton also called Greek foot, as opposed to the Egyptian foot, every finger is shorter than the previous one. By the way, the statue of Liberty's foot is also Greek. Many of the characters of the Italians Botticelli (1445-1510) and Michelangelo (1475-1564) the second toe longer than the first. As well as in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and many other artists.

Finger Morton is the result of genetic inheritance, but the degree of its severity depends on the nature and speed of puberty. Finger Morton complex inheritance, he does not obey classical Mendeleev distribution. Described strict family inheritance of several generations, it is believed that this is a recessive trait with incomplete penetrance, but I think that the real situation is more complicated.
It is believed that the finger of Morton is associated with the age of the closure of the long bones. This theory States that the age of closure of growth zones of tubular bones of a person also affects the shape of its feet. And here it is necessary to formulate a General rule, the General tendency of this influence: the further the bone is from the heart, the sooner and more pronounced the closure of the growth zones of the bones in puberty man. Therefore, the stronger the person sexual Constitution, the shorter the bones. It should also be recalled that men in General Mature later than women, so they have a higher rise and a little more length of legs than women, because the growth centers of the bones they close later.
The human feet as well as human hands, there is one feature: the thumbs have two phalanges, and the rest – three. And because they are farthest from the heart, have the largest variation depending on the age of puberty and thus, his sexual Constitution (the length of the other toes also depends on the type of sexual Constitution, but not to the same extent and not all people).
Finger Morton, the nature and compatibility in marriage.
According to folk observations and some empirical evidence, Morton's finger is associated with leadership qualities and the degree of sexual Constitution. Again, these observations are not confirmed by scientific observations (but such research was not carried out yet). The longer second toe, the more in you the makings of a leader. You are active, energetic and resourceful. But the desire to achieve the goal, regardless of other people, to restrain, otherwise turn into an overbearing tyrant.
So, there is a sign: if the second toe is longer than the first, then the happy owner of a foot will be the master in the family. This is a sure sign that you will be head of the family. By the way, in India, mothers warned their sons against marrying girls who have too long second toe — to their kindred blood do not become a henpecked.
Folk wisdom advises women: "if second toe longer than the big toe, this woman is very unfortunate and will be a source of concern for others. If on the foot the big toe is the longest, you're in subjection to the husband. If the second is longer than his big is"
It is known that partners with different sexual Constitution does not tolerate sexually, which leads to many other problems. As for the sexual temperament, it turns out that people with weak sexual Constitution the big toe the longest, people with the average sexual Constitution compare with the second finger, and with a strong shorter second finger to 3-10 millimeters. Of course, this is not the main feature, but only one of many, just keep in mind that it is important to select a partner suitable for you, similar to your Constitution.

Health risks.
However, such a structure of the foot can provoke the appearance of corns and discomfort at the base of the second toe, associated with abnormal distribution of body weight while walking. Also wearing shoes that fit which does not provide such a feature of the foot, can cause a curvature of the nail. Treatment of finger Morton begins with the proper selection of footwear. Shoes with high and wide toe box is ideal for pain relief. It is recommended to purchase shoes on offers half the size or even a size larger that the second finger felt pressure from the toe of the Shoe.
There are two risk groups: women who wear narrow shoes with high heels, thus causing compression of the foot and shifting of bones and overweight people that their weight is also deformed foot.Finger Morton in these cases leads to excessive pressure on the head of the second plynovou bones on the plantar surface of the foot and pain similar to that which happens when you metatarsalgia. Constant pressure on the nail phalanx of the second toe when walking and standing can cause a blister in this location. published
Author: Andrey Blueskin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.beloveshkin.com/2015/12/o-chem-govoryat-vashi-nogi-palec-mortona-kharakter-i-genetika.html#more
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