Unwanted hair: get rid of proven means!
The hair on a woman’s body looks good only on her head. In all other places, we diligently get rid of annoying hairs: legs, arms, bikini area, armpits, space above the upper lip, eyebrows. We spend so much money on hair removal, even sometimes it seems that for a year, abandoning expensive methods of hair removal, you could save for a few days of rest in a suburban boarding house. Maybe you should try low-budget methods and means of depilation? First of all, we will try to turn to folk and one hundred percent proven means.
Ask how to remove hair folk remedies, if for this purpose in the salon purchased tons of equipment? Let's start simple.The most popular, even popular way is shaving. Yes, and you can apply it to any part of the body, except the face, of course. For the face, tweezing is usually used, that is, removal with the root. But both have their shortcomings. First, then the hair grows much thicker and thicker, and secondly, they change their usual direction and often stand up, which creates an untidy and sloppy appearance, and prick such hairs several times stronger.
Wax is popular for hair removal.
For depilation, the wax is melted, slightly cooled, applied to the problem area, let it freeze, and then by a sharp movement, against hair growth, the wax layer is removed. If there is no wax at hand, you can use one old recipe: 100 grams of sugar, citric acid on the tip of the knife stir in 3 tablespoons of water, then boil the resulting mixture over slow heat until it becomes golden in color, and the consistency will not resemble plasticine. After that, the composition is cooled, applied to the desired area of skin and very quickly removed.
There are several ways to remove hair with folk remedies, if not forever, then for a long time.
The most common is with the help of a walnut, which can be used in two ways. For the first, you need to burn the shell, dilute the ash with water and apply it to the skin. To completely remove unnecessary hair, you need to carry out at least three such procedures, the best option is five. By the way, instead of walnuts, you can burn the shell of pine nuts. And you can also use the juice of green walnut, which lubricates the problem area until the hair disappears completely. Three approaches are required for full effect.
The use of a decoction of ordinary dope is considered not entirely safe, but a very effective means..
To do this, take 150 grams of raw materials per liter of water. A cool decoction is applied to the skin with a cotton swab. It is used regularly until the hair is gone. It is good for this purpose, the double-domed nettle, or rather its seeds, they need to take in an amount of 40 grams, crush and pour 100 grams of vegetable oil, insist for 2 weeks. Apply very carefully, no more than twice a day.
In addition to herbs for hair removal, permanganate and iodine are used.
The first is diluted with water to get a strong solution. It is necessary to keep the place from which you want to remove your hair. Since potassium permanganate is a dye, it should be treated only by closed parts of the body and it is very important not to overdo it with the concentration of the solution so as not to get burned.
In order to prepare an iodine solution, it is necessary: 2 g of ammonia, 35 g of medical alcohol, 5 g of castor oil and 1.5 g of iodine. All carefully move and leave infused for 2 hours until the solution is discolored. Apply the solution twice a day for several weeks in a row.
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ayurvedaplus.ru/articles/269/250088/
Ask how to remove hair folk remedies, if for this purpose in the salon purchased tons of equipment? Let's start simple.The most popular, even popular way is shaving. Yes, and you can apply it to any part of the body, except the face, of course. For the face, tweezing is usually used, that is, removal with the root. But both have their shortcomings. First, then the hair grows much thicker and thicker, and secondly, they change their usual direction and often stand up, which creates an untidy and sloppy appearance, and prick such hairs several times stronger.
Wax is popular for hair removal.
For depilation, the wax is melted, slightly cooled, applied to the problem area, let it freeze, and then by a sharp movement, against hair growth, the wax layer is removed. If there is no wax at hand, you can use one old recipe: 100 grams of sugar, citric acid on the tip of the knife stir in 3 tablespoons of water, then boil the resulting mixture over slow heat until it becomes golden in color, and the consistency will not resemble plasticine. After that, the composition is cooled, applied to the desired area of skin and very quickly removed.
There are several ways to remove hair with folk remedies, if not forever, then for a long time.
The most common is with the help of a walnut, which can be used in two ways. For the first, you need to burn the shell, dilute the ash with water and apply it to the skin. To completely remove unnecessary hair, you need to carry out at least three such procedures, the best option is five. By the way, instead of walnuts, you can burn the shell of pine nuts. And you can also use the juice of green walnut, which lubricates the problem area until the hair disappears completely. Three approaches are required for full effect.
The use of a decoction of ordinary dope is considered not entirely safe, but a very effective means..
To do this, take 150 grams of raw materials per liter of water. A cool decoction is applied to the skin with a cotton swab. It is used regularly until the hair is gone. It is good for this purpose, the double-domed nettle, or rather its seeds, they need to take in an amount of 40 grams, crush and pour 100 grams of vegetable oil, insist for 2 weeks. Apply very carefully, no more than twice a day.
In addition to herbs for hair removal, permanganate and iodine are used.
The first is diluted with water to get a strong solution. It is necessary to keep the place from which you want to remove your hair. Since potassium permanganate is a dye, it should be treated only by closed parts of the body and it is very important not to overdo it with the concentration of the solution so as not to get burned.
In order to prepare an iodine solution, it is necessary: 2 g of ammonia, 35 g of medical alcohol, 5 g of castor oil and 1.5 g of iodine. All carefully move and leave infused for 2 hours until the solution is discolored. Apply the solution twice a day for several weeks in a row.
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ayurvedaplus.ru/articles/269/250088/