The advice of the great doctor sun Yat-Simao
The great pharmacologist of the sun Simiao lived over a hundred years. Even in old age he was full of energy and life. His treatise "Qian Jin Yao Fang" ("Thousand Golden prescriptions") served as the encyclopedia of clinical medicine for several generations of doctors.
Under "self-Improvement" says: "the One who improved moral, and doing good deeds will not suffer from serious illnesses or disasters. This is one of the most important principles of good health".
Self improvement means that you need to exercise and strengthen morality. It is a long process. It takes years of work to the restraint and complaisance became habitual, and the disposition of the genuinely good.
In the diet you need to follow the rules.
Drink and food suckle in the body of the power of the blood and the power of breathing. The power of the blood, thus, makes the body supple and strong, and the power of the breath nourishes and strengthens the limbs. Because the right food nourishes the roots of a healthy body.
If you do not know how to eat right — you will not be able to maintain health. The essence of proper nutrition that plant food should form the basis of, and animal — only to Supplement it. Ideally, you should aim for a proportion: 70% boiled cereals, 15% cooked vegetables, 5% raw plant food, 5% meat or fish and 5% of dairy products.
Animal food can replenish bone marrow, making a strong core and strengthen bones, but be sure to comply with the measure and not to eat too much animal food.
Need to monitor the presence of strong flavors, to avoid predominance of some flavors over others.
If you eat a lot of sour, destroyed spleen.
If you eat a lot of bitter, destroyed the lungs.
If you eat a lot of spicy, it destroys the liver.
If you eat a lot of salt, it destroyed the heart.
If you eat too much sugar, she destroyed the kidneys.
Need not to bring up too hungry state, not to overeat after that. For the purpose of accumulation and preservation of health, need to eat before felt a strong hunger and need to drink before starting to feel thirsty.
It is better to eat often, but little by little, than keep it in, and then to overeat, it is difficult to digestion. Need to maintain state, when satiety is the feeling of hunger, and hunger is a feeling of satiety.
As for the wine, you do not need to drink too much. You should not drink to intoxication will lead to the emergence of numerous diseases that have to live life.
If you often overeat, and then in the body formed impenetrable clusters. If in a state of thirst drink a lot of, this leads to the formation of clots of phlegm that violates the rotation of the fluids in the body.
Morning is better to start with fresh cereal, and in the evening to eat less.
You need to eat less raw food, food with strong odor.
If food is too hot – broken bones, and if too cold, collapse the veins.
Hot food must not burn the lips, and cold does not have to be unpleasant for the teeth. You cannot mix hot and cold is injurious to health.
There is a need calm, it is not necessary to talk a lot during meals, as this can lead to pain in the back and chest.
Before eating need hands to RUB the face and stomach and after a meal – like.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/topic-93873028_32100258
Under "self-Improvement" says: "the One who improved moral, and doing good deeds will not suffer from serious illnesses or disasters. This is one of the most important principles of good health".
Self improvement means that you need to exercise and strengthen morality. It is a long process. It takes years of work to the restraint and complaisance became habitual, and the disposition of the genuinely good.
In the diet you need to follow the rules.
Drink and food suckle in the body of the power of the blood and the power of breathing. The power of the blood, thus, makes the body supple and strong, and the power of the breath nourishes and strengthens the limbs. Because the right food nourishes the roots of a healthy body.
If you do not know how to eat right — you will not be able to maintain health. The essence of proper nutrition that plant food should form the basis of, and animal — only to Supplement it. Ideally, you should aim for a proportion: 70% boiled cereals, 15% cooked vegetables, 5% raw plant food, 5% meat or fish and 5% of dairy products.
Animal food can replenish bone marrow, making a strong core and strengthen bones, but be sure to comply with the measure and not to eat too much animal food.
Need to monitor the presence of strong flavors, to avoid predominance of some flavors over others.
If you eat a lot of sour, destroyed spleen.
If you eat a lot of bitter, destroyed the lungs.
If you eat a lot of spicy, it destroys the liver.
If you eat a lot of salt, it destroyed the heart.
If you eat too much sugar, she destroyed the kidneys.
Need not to bring up too hungry state, not to overeat after that. For the purpose of accumulation and preservation of health, need to eat before felt a strong hunger and need to drink before starting to feel thirsty.
It is better to eat often, but little by little, than keep it in, and then to overeat, it is difficult to digestion. Need to maintain state, when satiety is the feeling of hunger, and hunger is a feeling of satiety.
As for the wine, you do not need to drink too much. You should not drink to intoxication will lead to the emergence of numerous diseases that have to live life.
If you often overeat, and then in the body formed impenetrable clusters. If in a state of thirst drink a lot of, this leads to the formation of clots of phlegm that violates the rotation of the fluids in the body.
Morning is better to start with fresh cereal, and in the evening to eat less.
You need to eat less raw food, food with strong odor.
If food is too hot – broken bones, and if too cold, collapse the veins.
Hot food must not burn the lips, and cold does not have to be unpleasant for the teeth. You cannot mix hot and cold is injurious to health.
There is a need calm, it is not necessary to talk a lot during meals, as this can lead to pain in the back and chest.
Before eating need hands to RUB the face and stomach and after a meal – like.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/topic-93873028_32100258