SKIO has introduced an electric van with a mileage of 400 km

The company SKIO (Temporal Zhejiang Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd) is closely integrated with Dongfeng, and producing electric vehicles for various transport and logistics companies, presented at the ongoing Hangzhou Global Smart Logistics Summit 2016 electric Dongfeng SKIO Dolphin 8849 c a record for such vehicles mileage per charge - 400 km.

This car is very original and memorable appearance and how it characterizes the manufacturer, bionic design, implying the most smooth for this car line, providing minimum air resistance.Machine dimensions: length/width/height 5995/1995/2810mm, the size of the cargo compartment 3550/1900/1900mm, lifting load 1215kg

Interior is practical and ascetic.


The machine is equipped with a motor capacity of 30 kW. Top speed is 105 km/h Through the use of modern lithium batteries of the second generation and a number of its own patented technologies SKIO, in particular the special management system BMS battery, the car can travel up to 400 km.

At present, more and more different companies involved in shipping small and medium-sized cargoes, are turning to electric vehicles. It is caused by various factors, the most important of which is the significant subsidies for such vehicles as the Central government of China and local authorities. While electric vehicles have a number of benefits: free Parking, travel in virtually any streets of the cities where there are restrictions for vehicles with internal combustion engines, toll roads, etc All of this significantly reduces waste delivery services, making electric vehicles a very attractive option. Many companies already have a fleet of small electric cars and tricycles, but not always, these machines respond as required to transport volume and goods transportation regulations. It is on this segment and oriented new electrofuge, which is closed from the weather and potential thieves body large enough volume. According to the company the machine is ready for production, which is scheduled for October 2016. To buy the first batch of cars has already expressed the intention of China Post. published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
