Astragalus restictively: cure kidney disease and even cancer
Today I want to tell you about a little plant, which, however, has a lot of advantages. It cures many diseases, including such serious as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and even Oncology.
We are talking about a perennial plant — sherstistotsvetkovogo Astragalus, of the Legume family. People call it pet names: solodke potion, flights cicer, and this despite the fact that the taste of the Astragalus is slightly bitter.
Astragalus is used to treat the heart and blood vessels in the form of infusions and decoctions, which have sedative, cardiotonic and hypotensive action on these organs. Today, often even in relatively young people found diseases such as hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, angina, tachycardia treatment which will tell you of any doctor-phytotherapeutist, is impossible without the use of such unique plants as Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo.
Not to mention that the group of Astragalus since ancient times used in herbal medicine, included more than a dozen plants, but only this represents the greatest value — Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo.
The use of infusion of Astragalus causes vasodilation of the heart, kidneys, brainand peripheral vessels, improve the blood circulation. Thus there is a decrease in blood pressure, saturation of the internal organs with oxygen.
The infusion of the Astragalus has been successfully used at any stage of hypertension. Cook it easy: — a teaspoon of dry powdered herb Astragalus, pour a glass of boiling water and allow to stand warm for 3-4 hours.
Take the strained infusion during the day in small SIPS. Course of treatment: 3 weeks of drinking, a week to rest. Repeat 2-3 more times. Such courses in a year you can do two or three.
Moreover, infusion of Astragalus woolly, you can drink to prevent people predisposed to hypertension and turned forty. Under the influence of Astragalus subside the headaches, the dizziness disappears. Positively acting on the small vessels of the eyeball, and reducing their high blood pressure, Astragalus can be used in the treatment of glaucoma. Infusion is used for the above recipe. Drink it four times a day a quarter Cup, and you can use it for compresses (wash) eye.
In the Ancient East medicine Astragalus has been used for the treatment of renal diseases. It is particularly effective in glomerulonephritis (both acute and chronic) associated with impaired excretory function and nephrogenic hypertension, because it increases the diuresis, improves blood circulation in the kidney and removes toxic nitrogenous base.
Astragalus is used as a standalone tool and as part of various charges. Here is one of them: — take 3 pieces of Astragalus root and chamomile flowers, and 1 part of horsetail herb, gryzhnika, corn stigmas and knotweed. A couple of tablespoons collection pour half a liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for the night. To take 150 ml three times a day during meals, collecting effective as in pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and cystitis.
Antitumor activity of Astragalus is confirmed by many herbalists in practice. Medicinal herb used in the treatment of benign tumors (fibroids and uterine fibroids) and malignant (ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, esophagus, throat, stomach, liver and intestines).
Astragalus prevents accumulation of excess water in dropsy and swelling of the brain. For the treatment of tumors of the female genitalia used a decoction of Astragalus for irrigation: — 2 tablespoons of dry herb Astragalus pour 500 ml of boiling water and simmer on low heat for ten minutes. Then let stand for about an hour, strain and use for douching twice a day (a glass one).
A malignant ulcer in the open form of cancer to make a lotion of a decoction of the herb Astragalus, which add a little honey. At the same time, extract taken inside. Preparation of infusion and decoction of Astragalus for cancer: — infusion. Dry herb Astragalus (one tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water, again bring to a boil, let steep for a few hours, then strain. Drink a quarter of an hour before meals 1-2 tablespoons three or four times a day decoction.
A tablespoon of dry herb Astragalus pour 200 ml of water, then on fire at a low boil for ten minutes. Give half an hour to stand in the heat, then strain and drink SIPS throughout the day. What's great about Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo is the lack of toxicity and its mild effect, therefore it can be combined with such potent poisonous plants like Hemlock. This combination increases the effectiveness of treatment of malignant tumors...
Astragalus was used by the Scythian tribes. The Scythian chiefs, who crossed a certain age limit, mandatory according to custom it was necessary to drink a decoction of this herb. The Scythians Astragalus was called the "herb of immortality".
However, Astragalus is sometimes applied to treat not only those from privileged layers. Old, took a decoction of Astragalus, does not suffer from high blood pressure, didn't suffer from cardiovascular diseases and other internal diseases peculiar to the elderly. And while they for years have kept not only the youthfulness of body and soundness of mind, and also a good mash.
The idea if not physical immortality, then at least extend your life, in one form or another came to all the leaders and tyrants. Stalin and Hitler were no exception. The first of the Astragalus found out Hitler. But it turned out that this plant grows mainly on the territory of the USSR.
German intelligence received the personal instructions of the Fuhrer to get the "Royal herb" of the Scythians. Created special reconnaissance, German spies were sent on the territory of the Soviet Union. But Soviet intelligence tracked down the group and put them under surveillance. And when on the territory of the Volga German intelligence found this the most, so necessary for Hitler Astragalus, was immediately arrested and taken to Moscow.
Stalin liked the idea to get the elixir of longevity. And development of preparations of Astragalus were already engaged in the Kremlin doctors. "Father of Nations" did not want to leak information about that wonderful panacea, with which it maintains its shape. So it was fabricated by the famous "doctors ' case". The next leader, hoping to prolong his life and youth with the help of Astragalus, was Yuri Andropov. However, he was not destined to enter into immortality: against court intrigues were powerless even Astragalus.
About the medicinal properties of Astragalus have traditionally been silent. And just recently the ability to publish data on the treatment of them.
Experience traditional healing shows that using Astragalus can cure many diseases. However, giving you into the hands of such a powerful elixir of health, we emphasize: do not use them mindlessly, possible consult with your physician if you have any of the contraindications for administration of infusions, decoctions, extracts of Astragalus.
Because every body is different — remember that. And again. To start with "test": brew yourself easy gulls of Astragalus, astragalo drink water. If you are prone to allergies to this medicinal grass, you'll have to give it up though its healing and rejuvenating effect and obvious. Treat yourself carefully, and you'll be fine.
In the grass Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo detected triterpene glycosides (dianosed), flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, narcissin, isorhamnetin and astragaloside), tannins, coumarins and oksikumarina, essential oil, amino acids, vitamins C and E (mainly tocopherol).
Special medicinal properties of Astragalus woolly-flowered determined primarily by its unique chemical composition and a harmonious ratio contained in the plant of nutrients. According to experts, a "healing cocktail", which is contained in this medicinal plant, its complex effects on the human body is much superior to the individual contained in Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo nutrients.
Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo is a great regulator of blood pressure and at the same time antidepressant. Modern official medicine uses it in chronic cardiovascular insufficiency and kidney disease.
As a result of studies have shown that Astragalus dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow, has a calming, diuretic, expectorant, astringent, antibacterial, hemostatic, coagulation and at the same time antivitamin action. Along with a sedative and hypotensive action of Astragalus acts similar to cardiac glycosides, as well as dilates coronary vessels, blood vessels of the kidneys.
How to harvest medicinal plants
Cleansing the blood vessels of the brain – 5 unique techniques
In the course of treatment with Astragalus disappear headaches, dizziness and pain in the heart area. It stops uterine bleeding, calms and strengthens the nervous system and supports the self-regulating function of the body.
Sherstistotsvetkovogo Astragalus is a great remedy for the treatment of colds, it is effective at high physical and mental stress. Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo improves cerebral blood flow and tissue respiration of the brain, its successful use even in Alzheimer's disease.published
Author: Galina Kislyakova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/probujdeniechelovechnost?w=wall-66683693_6719%2Fall
We are talking about a perennial plant — sherstistotsvetkovogo Astragalus, of the Legume family. People call it pet names: solodke potion, flights cicer, and this despite the fact that the taste of the Astragalus is slightly bitter.

Astragalus is used to treat the heart and blood vessels in the form of infusions and decoctions, which have sedative, cardiotonic and hypotensive action on these organs. Today, often even in relatively young people found diseases such as hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, angina, tachycardia treatment which will tell you of any doctor-phytotherapeutist, is impossible without the use of such unique plants as Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo.
Not to mention that the group of Astragalus since ancient times used in herbal medicine, included more than a dozen plants, but only this represents the greatest value — Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo.
The use of infusion of Astragalus causes vasodilation of the heart, kidneys, brainand peripheral vessels, improve the blood circulation. Thus there is a decrease in blood pressure, saturation of the internal organs with oxygen.
The infusion of the Astragalus has been successfully used at any stage of hypertension. Cook it easy: — a teaspoon of dry powdered herb Astragalus, pour a glass of boiling water and allow to stand warm for 3-4 hours.
Take the strained infusion during the day in small SIPS. Course of treatment: 3 weeks of drinking, a week to rest. Repeat 2-3 more times. Such courses in a year you can do two or three.
Moreover, infusion of Astragalus woolly, you can drink to prevent people predisposed to hypertension and turned forty. Under the influence of Astragalus subside the headaches, the dizziness disappears. Positively acting on the small vessels of the eyeball, and reducing their high blood pressure, Astragalus can be used in the treatment of glaucoma. Infusion is used for the above recipe. Drink it four times a day a quarter Cup, and you can use it for compresses (wash) eye.
In the Ancient East medicine Astragalus has been used for the treatment of renal diseases. It is particularly effective in glomerulonephritis (both acute and chronic) associated with impaired excretory function and nephrogenic hypertension, because it increases the diuresis, improves blood circulation in the kidney and removes toxic nitrogenous base.
Astragalus is used as a standalone tool and as part of various charges. Here is one of them: — take 3 pieces of Astragalus root and chamomile flowers, and 1 part of horsetail herb, gryzhnika, corn stigmas and knotweed. A couple of tablespoons collection pour half a liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for the night. To take 150 ml three times a day during meals, collecting effective as in pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and cystitis.
Antitumor activity of Astragalus is confirmed by many herbalists in practice. Medicinal herb used in the treatment of benign tumors (fibroids and uterine fibroids) and malignant (ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, esophagus, throat, stomach, liver and intestines).
Astragalus prevents accumulation of excess water in dropsy and swelling of the brain. For the treatment of tumors of the female genitalia used a decoction of Astragalus for irrigation: — 2 tablespoons of dry herb Astragalus pour 500 ml of boiling water and simmer on low heat for ten minutes. Then let stand for about an hour, strain and use for douching twice a day (a glass one).
A malignant ulcer in the open form of cancer to make a lotion of a decoction of the herb Astragalus, which add a little honey. At the same time, extract taken inside. Preparation of infusion and decoction of Astragalus for cancer: — infusion. Dry herb Astragalus (one tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water, again bring to a boil, let steep for a few hours, then strain. Drink a quarter of an hour before meals 1-2 tablespoons three or four times a day decoction.
A tablespoon of dry herb Astragalus pour 200 ml of water, then on fire at a low boil for ten minutes. Give half an hour to stand in the heat, then strain and drink SIPS throughout the day. What's great about Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo is the lack of toxicity and its mild effect, therefore it can be combined with such potent poisonous plants like Hemlock. This combination increases the effectiveness of treatment of malignant tumors...
Astragalus was used by the Scythian tribes. The Scythian chiefs, who crossed a certain age limit, mandatory according to custom it was necessary to drink a decoction of this herb. The Scythians Astragalus was called the "herb of immortality".
However, Astragalus is sometimes applied to treat not only those from privileged layers. Old, took a decoction of Astragalus, does not suffer from high blood pressure, didn't suffer from cardiovascular diseases and other internal diseases peculiar to the elderly. And while they for years have kept not only the youthfulness of body and soundness of mind, and also a good mash.
The idea if not physical immortality, then at least extend your life, in one form or another came to all the leaders and tyrants. Stalin and Hitler were no exception. The first of the Astragalus found out Hitler. But it turned out that this plant grows mainly on the territory of the USSR.
German intelligence received the personal instructions of the Fuhrer to get the "Royal herb" of the Scythians. Created special reconnaissance, German spies were sent on the territory of the Soviet Union. But Soviet intelligence tracked down the group and put them under surveillance. And when on the territory of the Volga German intelligence found this the most, so necessary for Hitler Astragalus, was immediately arrested and taken to Moscow.
Stalin liked the idea to get the elixir of longevity. And development of preparations of Astragalus were already engaged in the Kremlin doctors. "Father of Nations" did not want to leak information about that wonderful panacea, with which it maintains its shape. So it was fabricated by the famous "doctors ' case". The next leader, hoping to prolong his life and youth with the help of Astragalus, was Yuri Andropov. However, he was not destined to enter into immortality: against court intrigues were powerless even Astragalus.
About the medicinal properties of Astragalus have traditionally been silent. And just recently the ability to publish data on the treatment of them.
Experience traditional healing shows that using Astragalus can cure many diseases. However, giving you into the hands of such a powerful elixir of health, we emphasize: do not use them mindlessly, possible consult with your physician if you have any of the contraindications for administration of infusions, decoctions, extracts of Astragalus.
Because every body is different — remember that. And again. To start with "test": brew yourself easy gulls of Astragalus, astragalo drink water. If you are prone to allergies to this medicinal grass, you'll have to give it up though its healing and rejuvenating effect and obvious. Treat yourself carefully, and you'll be fine.
In the grass Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo detected triterpene glycosides (dianosed), flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, narcissin, isorhamnetin and astragaloside), tannins, coumarins and oksikumarina, essential oil, amino acids, vitamins C and E (mainly tocopherol).
Special medicinal properties of Astragalus woolly-flowered determined primarily by its unique chemical composition and a harmonious ratio contained in the plant of nutrients. According to experts, a "healing cocktail", which is contained in this medicinal plant, its complex effects on the human body is much superior to the individual contained in Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo nutrients.
Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo is a great regulator of blood pressure and at the same time antidepressant. Modern official medicine uses it in chronic cardiovascular insufficiency and kidney disease.
As a result of studies have shown that Astragalus dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow, has a calming, diuretic, expectorant, astringent, antibacterial, hemostatic, coagulation and at the same time antivitamin action. Along with a sedative and hypotensive action of Astragalus acts similar to cardiac glycosides, as well as dilates coronary vessels, blood vessels of the kidneys.
How to harvest medicinal plants
Cleansing the blood vessels of the brain – 5 unique techniques
In the course of treatment with Astragalus disappear headaches, dizziness and pain in the heart area. It stops uterine bleeding, calms and strengthens the nervous system and supports the self-regulating function of the body.
Sherstistotsvetkovogo Astragalus is a great remedy for the treatment of colds, it is effective at high physical and mental stress. Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo improves cerebral blood flow and tissue respiration of the brain, its successful use even in Alzheimer's disease.published
Author: Galina Kislyakova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/probujdeniechelovechnost?w=wall-66683693_6719%2Fall