The healing properties of astragalus

It’s amazing how little we know about a plant called Astragalus. But this herb was used by folk healers more than a thousand years ago. The ancient Scythians called astragalus “the herb of immortality” and kept the recipe of the medicine secret even from their wives. It was believed that women could not keep a secret from neighboring tribes.

Classified information about the astragalus was in Soviet times. Only the most prominent members of the elite had access to this kind of treatment. Rumor has it that on behalf of Stalin, who suffered from atherosclerosis, were successfully tested. therapeutic properties of astragalus. Later, astragalus was treated and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Yuri Andropov, who has problems with the kidneys.

Only nowadays ordinary people learn about the preventive and medicinal properties of astragalus. Let’s talk more about this amazing plant, which today is much more accessible than it was ten years ago.

Astragalus woolly-flowered Astragalus was recognized as a valuable remedy in ancient times, long before it became known about the diversity in the roots and stems of the plant of macro- and microelements. But there was a place and calcium and iron and selenium and magnesium and cobalt and zinc and manganese and silicon and molybdenum and chromium.

But healers have successfully tried the grass in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system. The herb cured diseases of the brain and nervous system. And astragalus tinctures nursed the elderly and children after prolonged illnesses.

Today, astragalus is used even for the treatment of cancer. The fact is that this herb has an antitumor effect, and also prevents cardiomyopathy developing in cancer patients.

Valuable. tincture and to normalize blood pressure. It is proved that its use dilates blood vessels, accelerates blood flow. In addition, decoctions of grass serve as an excellent antidepressant, soothe, have sweatshop and diuretic properties, slow down aging and rejuvenate the skin.

It is not surprising that in folk medicine there are many recipes that allow you to take at least a part of its great benefit from astragalus. But this is enough to significantly improve your health.

So, with hypertension, it is recommended to add 2 tablespoons of astragalus grass to a cup of hot water and hold on a steam bath for about two minutes. Strained and cooled liquid should be taken 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 6 weeks.

But with atherosclerosis, purified astragalus pour vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 3 and insist for 2 weeks. You should take 30 drops of tincture twice a day before meals. And after every 10 days of admission, breaks of 10 days should be taken. Continue until a sustainable outcome is achieved.

For the general strengthening of the body, you can brew ordinary tea from the plant, because grass Among other things, it strengthens immunity. Just pour 2 teaspoons of prepared grass with a cup of boiling water and let it brew for a couple of minutes. A few cups a month and a cold will bypass you.

When stressed or in a bad mood, you can add a decoction of plants to the bath along with a few drops of any citrus essential oil. Allow yourself to soak up in such a bath for 20 minutes and your mood will improve.

Herbalists are sure that astragalus is contraindicated except for pregnant women or those who have an individual intolerance to the plant. Therefore, if you are not aware of the allergic features of your body, then start using astragalus carefully, and if unforeseen reactions occur, consult a doctor.

When you look at the vast and varied astragalusYou understand that nature has a salvation from all diseases. Just a person needs to be closer to nature, cherish it and cherish it. Not destroying them, as they do these days. Isn't that right?


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