SUPER rejuvenating face mask with phytoestrogens: 3 recipe
If you decide to do business rejuvenation in earnest, and not from case to case, then it's time to try on your skin active anti-aging mask with oils. And oil these are not simple, and essential fatty acids and, in our case most importantly, phytoestrogens, which are meant to rejuvenate us, turning the clock back to the days when the estrogen our body produces alone and in need for youthful skin quantity.
Homemade rejuvenating face mask with rosehip oil and grapes
Clean the grapes from the skin and if they have, of the bones, mash with Shea butter and lightly thicken the mask with soy flour.
Apply finished rejuvenating mask a thick layer on the skin (neck, decollete, forearms...). You can apply it on the skin around the eyes.
Rinse after 20-30 minutes with cool water. Be sure to moisten the skin a light and intense means better moisturizing serum.
Rate anti-aging homemade masks: 1-2 days for 6-8 weeks.
Evening primrose green tea for an active home rejuvenation
Mix aloe Vera gel with evening primrose oil, add green tea and apply the mask on your skin for 20-30 minutes. The rest also use the same as the first mask.
This home rejuvenating mask can be prepared ahead, and stored in clean and dry containers in the refrigerator, carefully making sure it did not get water.
Homemade anti-aging mask with avocado and rosehip oil
Carefully RUB the oil with the pulp of banana and avocado, then add the serum. If the mask is too liquid, thicken soy, chickpea or pea flour.
Use the same as the first mask.
Rate homemade anti-aging masks: 2-3 days for at least 6 weeks.published
Do this simple procedure every morning and minus 10 years guaranteed.
This mask will cleanse and tighten your skin
Source: 1001maska.ru/facepack/antyage/1131-domashnie-omolazhivayushchie-maski

Homemade rejuvenating face mask with rosehip oil and grapes
- 3-5 berries of red grapes (for dry skin – sweet varieties, a fatty acid),
- 1-2 teaspoons of rosehip oil,
- soy meal.

Clean the grapes from the skin and if they have, of the bones, mash with Shea butter and lightly thicken the mask with soy flour.
Apply finished rejuvenating mask a thick layer on the skin (neck, decollete, forearms...). You can apply it on the skin around the eyes.
Rinse after 20-30 minutes with cool water. Be sure to moisten the skin a light and intense means better moisturizing serum.
Rate anti-aging homemade masks: 1-2 days for 6-8 weeks.
Evening primrose green tea for an active home rejuvenation
- 2 teaspoons evening primrose oil (evening primrose),
- 2 teaspoons ground in a coffee grinder into a powder of the leaf (not the powder) green tea without additives
- 2-3 teaspoons of aloe Vera gel.

Mix aloe Vera gel with evening primrose oil, add green tea and apply the mask on your skin for 20-30 minutes. The rest also use the same as the first mask.
This home rejuvenating mask can be prepared ahead, and stored in clean and dry containers in the refrigerator, carefully making sure it did not get water.
Homemade anti-aging mask with avocado and rosehip oil
- 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil,
- 1 teaspoon black currant oil (you can substitute fish oil),
- 1-2 teaspoons of pulp of ripe, without dark spots, avocado,
- 1-2 teaspoons of mashed into the tender mashed potatoes too ripe and without dark spots banana
- 1-2 teaspoons of whey or any other dairy product.

Carefully RUB the oil with the pulp of banana and avocado, then add the serum. If the mask is too liquid, thicken soy, chickpea or pea flour.
Use the same as the first mask.
Rate homemade anti-aging masks: 2-3 days for at least 6 weeks.published
Do this simple procedure every morning and minus 10 years guaranteed.
This mask will cleanse and tighten your skin
Source: 1001maska.ru/facepack/antyage/1131-domashnie-omolazhivayushchie-maski
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