Why harmful armopoyasu and wrapping with cling film
Surprisingly, the gyms are still full of people, dressed from head to toe in the most warm (and rustling underneath the film) or with different thermophase. Friends, this is not just useless and unscientific but harmful.
"Thanks" series of articles on the Internet and sites for weight loss in Russia will never be the people who believe that the more of them will sweat for wrapping a film (or thermophase), the more they will lose weight or the more "toxins" leaving the body.
Even sold food film disguised remedies for weight loss legs (well at least cheap):
While a huge number of sites (mainly intended for female eyes and pop) seriously discussed the positive effect of taping cling film. Well not all do it or run, a little less harm to your body.
So, a few facts about the body wrap, which is useful to know everyone.
1. The fat leaves your body through sweat
The sweat is fat you carefully wrapped film (though there is a small composition of volatile fatty acids). The composition of the sweat mainly consists of products from which the body must get rid of, for example, the products of protein metabolism: urea, lactic acid, uric acid, ammonia, some amino acids, and sulfate compounds, phosphate, potassium chloride, calcium salts. But not fat.
Over sweating caused by wrapping cling film – only will cause you to lose more moisture during a workout. Naturally all the lost moisture back. But it's not all negative consequences.
2. Increasing the risk of dehydration
The liquid that you are beginning to lose through sweat, liberally wrapped with film, in General your body needs, which is why gyms are strongly recommended to drink at least a pint of water per workout.
The body part with the liquid by lowering the plasma volume (liquid, "aqueous" part) of blood. The heart pumps less amount of blood he has to beat faster to deliver in the tissue of oxygen and other necessary substances.
This reduces the oxygen supply to the cells and withdrawal of the decay products of harmful substances from the cells is difficult. As a result the muscles faster zakislate ("hammered") and generally begins to suffer in the aerobic mode.
Simply put, due to dehydration you overload the heart, impair the removal of harmful substances from the cells.
3. You spend less calories during a workout
In addition, because of the difficulties associated with metabolism (due to excessive water loss), body temperature may rise. This physiological deviation, for example causes fatigue and even without a proper load on the muscles.
In the end of film you will spend less calories, but you came into the hall for a decent load, which contributes to fat loss (with a deficit of calories, of course).
4. To compensate for the greater moisture loss can not be instantly
Signs of fatigue appear when water loss is approximately 2% of the weight (about 1.5 liters of water) that is quite capable, if wrapped film as taught on some sites. The loss of 7% of body weight through sweat can result in hallucinations, with 10% loss – you can lose consciousness.
To lose so much moisture. Not even wrapped in cling film player on average loses per game (with 30-degree temperature) approximately 3% of body weight. And Wikipedia reports that in the hot weather, coupled with hard physical labor may allocate up to 12 l of sweat per day.
To fill such a volume of the liquid the faster the body is simply not able, absorption of fluid of the digestive system in an hour much less. In some sources write that in a hour the body "learns" about half a liter of liquid.
5. When wrapping the tape no increased output of "toxins" on the contrary – you "bathe" in their waste
Moreover, rather, the process is reversed: due to the decrease in blood volume (due to moisture loss), the output products of metabolism from the cells difficult. The body lost too much moisture, it begins to suffer in order to display unwanted substances from cells.
Finally, homotaurine film the poor guy literally bathed in their waste (the waste products that are excreted with sweat), which, having no other alternatives, can partially get back into the body, contributing to at least irritate the skin.
This mask is a devastating blow to the black dots!
When tired feet, tired all the body: How to properly take care of your body
Friends, never ablatives film, do not use armopoyasu, don't try as hard as you can to sweat, take care of your health.published
Source: www.zozhnik.ru/pochemu-vredny-termopoyasa-i-obmatyvan/
"Thanks" series of articles on the Internet and sites for weight loss in Russia will never be the people who believe that the more of them will sweat for wrapping a film (or thermophase), the more they will lose weight or the more "toxins" leaving the body.

Even sold food film disguised remedies for weight loss legs (well at least cheap):

While a huge number of sites (mainly intended for female eyes and pop) seriously discussed the positive effect of taping cling film. Well not all do it or run, a little less harm to your body.
So, a few facts about the body wrap, which is useful to know everyone.
1. The fat leaves your body through sweat
The sweat is fat you carefully wrapped film (though there is a small composition of volatile fatty acids). The composition of the sweat mainly consists of products from which the body must get rid of, for example, the products of protein metabolism: urea, lactic acid, uric acid, ammonia, some amino acids, and sulfate compounds, phosphate, potassium chloride, calcium salts. But not fat.
Over sweating caused by wrapping cling film – only will cause you to lose more moisture during a workout. Naturally all the lost moisture back. But it's not all negative consequences.
2. Increasing the risk of dehydration
The liquid that you are beginning to lose through sweat, liberally wrapped with film, in General your body needs, which is why gyms are strongly recommended to drink at least a pint of water per workout.
The body part with the liquid by lowering the plasma volume (liquid, "aqueous" part) of blood. The heart pumps less amount of blood he has to beat faster to deliver in the tissue of oxygen and other necessary substances.
This reduces the oxygen supply to the cells and withdrawal of the decay products of harmful substances from the cells is difficult. As a result the muscles faster zakislate ("hammered") and generally begins to suffer in the aerobic mode.
Simply put, due to dehydration you overload the heart, impair the removal of harmful substances from the cells.

3. You spend less calories during a workout
In addition, because of the difficulties associated with metabolism (due to excessive water loss), body temperature may rise. This physiological deviation, for example causes fatigue and even without a proper load on the muscles.
In the end of film you will spend less calories, but you came into the hall for a decent load, which contributes to fat loss (with a deficit of calories, of course).
4. To compensate for the greater moisture loss can not be instantly
Signs of fatigue appear when water loss is approximately 2% of the weight (about 1.5 liters of water) that is quite capable, if wrapped film as taught on some sites. The loss of 7% of body weight through sweat can result in hallucinations, with 10% loss – you can lose consciousness.
To lose so much moisture. Not even wrapped in cling film player on average loses per game (with 30-degree temperature) approximately 3% of body weight. And Wikipedia reports that in the hot weather, coupled with hard physical labor may allocate up to 12 l of sweat per day.
To fill such a volume of the liquid the faster the body is simply not able, absorption of fluid of the digestive system in an hour much less. In some sources write that in a hour the body "learns" about half a liter of liquid.
5. When wrapping the tape no increased output of "toxins" on the contrary – you "bathe" in their waste
Moreover, rather, the process is reversed: due to the decrease in blood volume (due to moisture loss), the output products of metabolism from the cells difficult. The body lost too much moisture, it begins to suffer in order to display unwanted substances from cells.
Finally, homotaurine film the poor guy literally bathed in their waste (the waste products that are excreted with sweat), which, having no other alternatives, can partially get back into the body, contributing to at least irritate the skin.
This mask is a devastating blow to the black dots!
When tired feet, tired all the body: How to properly take care of your body
Friends, never ablatives film, do not use armopoyasu, don't try as hard as you can to sweat, take care of your health.published
Source: www.zozhnik.ru/pochemu-vredny-termopoyasa-i-obmatyvan/
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