Honey knee health

The knee question is one of the most frequently asked questions. Moreover, my knees are not quite all right (due to the daily and quite serious load), and if I did not deal with them, I think it would be quite sad. But thanks to all that is described below, my knees are quite happy with life.

Work with the knees is operational and restorative. Operational is when something sharp, painful, urgent, or even, God forbid, even trauma. This situation, as a rule, in the field of work of trauma specialists. They do all the necessary actions, prescribe all the necessary drugs. But when the acute phase of the problem has passed, and specialists-traumatologists we no longer seem to need, we are forced to solve the question - how to restore the knees, how to heal them, and most importantly, how to repair them.maintainAre they healthy? If the knees are a weak point, then given the constant load on this part of the body, further problems cannot be avoided (if not helped in any way).

Those who understand this, develop their own ways to maintain the health of the knees. And there are challenges.
Almost everything that medicine offers us in the face of a pharmacy is creams and ointments of the therapeutic spectrum, i.e. for the acute phase, for urgent, operative work: pain to remove, functionality to restore, but in a deep sense, in a causal sense, they do not work. There is almost no recovery in the pharmacy.

The main criterion of the regenerative drug is the absence of artificial components. For a restorative drug implies long-term, almost regular use, and if there are many synthetic components, they will also accumulate and turn out to be “one treatable”. . . ?

Even the wonderful ointments and balms of Dikul, which I also often use, along with really good active ingredients, have an artificial basis, contain preservatives. And, therefore, they also belong to the curative.

For restorative purposes, from what is always and easily available to us, honey is best suited, as well as restorative creams of the Perm beekeeping company "Tentorium", which are based purely on beekeeping products (they also play the role of preservatives, since honey, propolis, and wax are excellent preservatives in themselves). To describe how natural and physiological they are, suffice it to say that these creams in some indications are used even orally (absorbed under the tongue)! That is, they are really alive and natural.

And now, the specific applications.

First, the cream "Tentorium" is the main cream that is always used first. This cream for joints is a great joy. All my wonderful results on arthritis-arthritis are largely due to this cream. This is a restorative, nourishing cream, not a healing one.

Cream Tentorium in the acute phase, in the short term is not so strong, but as a reducing agent (gradually, not hastily, but reliably) - just super. And here I rub it just regularly - a couple of times a week for sure, and it happens every day if the load is large.

Again, this cream does not contain a single synthetic component, because it is made on the basis of beekeeping products that have excellent conservation and stabilization properties. Therefore, this cream is exactly food for tissues, including cartilage.

Applications with Apicrem

It's also tentorium cream. If in Tentorium cream the main active component is bee venom, which animates the nervous system and thereby accelerates all metabolic and regeneration processes, then in Apicrem the main active component is pollen, which is known to be the best natural multivitamin complex. Therefore, the consistency and color of this cream is very different from the cream "Tentorium". Apicreme is thick and brown, if it is long rubbed, then coils are formed - this is the hard fraction of pollen behaves this way. This cream saturates the joints with the necessary microelements.

The application with these creams should be done as follows: first, apply the cream "Tentorium", and then, from above, apply Apicrem, and not only on the front of the knee joint, but also on the hamstring. And rub it in until it's full. And the coils that are formed in this case, then just swipe and throw away. It's a solid fraction of pollen, it doesn't matter anymore. The main thing is that all the active components of pollen entered the skin and penetrated into the tissues.

By the way, it should also be noted that the cream "Tentorium" is also a wonderful "vehicle" (due to the microdose of bee venom contained in it). That is, it helps to absorb deeper and better all the components that are contained in any other creams with which it is rubbed.
Even when I use pharmacy creams (apizatron, voltaren, dolobene, etc.) - I rub them together with the Tentorium.

Then we do the same with the second knee (by the way, this is a very important point - even if the problem is only one knee, then these creams, unlike pharmacy ones, are better rubbed into the other knee - so there will be a more complete recovery). Of course, you can do all this with two knees at the same time - how convenient.

The next way is more effective and deeply working. It's wrapping.

At first, everything is the same: rub the Tentorium cream, then - Apicrem, and then take the usual food film and wrap the knee (both, in turn). If there is a kneecap, you can wear it on top. If there is no kneecap, then it is quite possible to do without it.

Hold the tape for 30-40 minutes. In principle, you can do it longer – experiment yourself. One customer told me he was doing it for the night, and he was very happy. I didn't hold it for more than an hour and a half.

Then we take the film and rub the rest of the creams, swiping the coils.

Exactly the same procedure can be performed with a wonderful therapeutic mud - Peloid. It's really unique dirt!

Remember paleontology. There is such a paleontological period – Perm (which, by the way, is older than the famous Jurassic films). It turns out that this period is called Perm because it is in the Perm region that there is a place for the release of layers of this ancient period to the surface of the earth. The truth is not on the surface itself - but as the bottom of several lakes, the largest of which is Aspen Lake. This mud from the bottom of Aspen Lake was mined since ancient times and used it for local health resorts.

The company "Tentorium" this dirt began to extract and enrich it with beekeeping products. In terms of joint restoration, this mud in my practice just proved itself perfectly. There was a period when I left this application on my lap for the whole night, wrapping it with film.

By the way, let me briefly talk about the wrapping mechanism itself. The film, hermetically covering the surface of the skin, prevents its free breathing. In such conditions, there is an intensive flow of oxygenated blood to the appropriate places, and the body vigorously replenishes the oxygen deficiency in these places. Oxygen-enriched blood "pierces" slagged vessels and capillaries and "breaks through" to the joints and superficial layers of the skin.

Bioactive substances contained in the blood itself, and oxygen intensively nourish tissues and accelerate metabolism. And with the acceleration of metabolism, respectively, the absorption of useful components of our creams is an order of magnitude more intense than just rubbing. Simple and effective!

Such wrapping can be done only with Tentorium cream, if, say, Apicrem is not. At the same time, you can use tea tree oil, sage nutmeg, mint, rosemary, cloves, cinnamon, lavender.

The following ways of restorative knee practice involve honey.

If the products of the company "Tentorium" are not everywhere, but mainly only in large cities of the CIS, then honey is exactly everywhere. In terms of efficiency, we lose nothing. If you work well with honey, you can do without creams. I just want to say that honey is very good! Otherwise, you can also harm if you apply some melted badagu.

Now the technicalities. The first thing, of course, is a honey massage! So, put honey on your knee. Then rub it for 10-15 minutes with massage movements. Palms... With thumb pads... As long as the honey does not thicken at all and massage movements will be difficult to do.

After that, we pat for 15 minutes: press the palm and intensively tear off so that the skin rises.

You don't have to hurt yourself too much. If the whole palm is painful - do only with your fingers, or even with your finger pads.

So, we slapped it for 10-15 minutes, then we washed it off with hot water without soap. After that, it is very important to apply a moisturizer, since honey also cleanses the skin, removes the outer layer of obsolete cells, and therefore after such a massage, the skin should be “covered”. To do this, we apply the Tentorium cream from above, which, among other things, also perfectly moisturizes the skin. If it is not, then grape seed oil is well suited, well, or extreme olive cold pressed “extra virgin”.

After this massage - an hour and a half without physical exertion to complete all the processes inside the knee.

And finally, wrapping with honey. The execution scheme is the same as with Apicrem. Only, of course, you do not need to clap, but only rub honey into the knee. And in time you can hold longer - a couple of hours.

That’s all you can do in terms of healing your knees.

If we talk about the knees quite adult, then everyone who is seriously interested in restoring and improving the knees, you need to know that the most important factor in restoring the knees is a good deep study of the lumbar spine, because it is from there that the knees innervate.

What is a completely healthy lower back? This can be determined without any MRI and other expensive toys. You just need to do a good full-fledged massage, sharpened for cleaning the capillaries: gua-sha, canned, shock-dynamic, apply vacuum technology.

If the lower back is completely healthy, the capillary blood supply is normal, then there will be no bruises after these techniques, and during such work you will feel bright pleasant sensations, like a broom in a bath steaming - a pleasant pain.

If the lower back is what is called “clogged”, then after these techniques there will be bruises (more precisely, scientifically called “extravasates”).

No less powerful is working on slagging the lumbar "Alkaline system of recovery". Moreover, all alkaline techniques work simultaneously on the lower back and on the knees themselves.

By the way, as an alkaline procedure for the knees, you can use the same knee pads, which are described above. The principle here is exactly the same as in the technique of “alkaline socks”.

Moreover, ideally, these alkaline techniques should be performed BEFORE honey - then honey will work much deeper and more powerful (alkaline techniques are cleaned, and honey - filled).

Over many years of practice, I have already clearly convinced of the close connection between the lower back and knees. Even if a person did not set the task of improving the knees, after a good study and cleansing of the lower back, everyone unanimously declare an improvement in the condition of the knees.

How to “feed” your knees from the inside out.

Eating Knees will help speed up the rehabilitation process if you are in it and you need to restore your knees as quickly as possible.

For this, necessarily need nutrients for enhanced nutrition of cartilage tissue. This is primarily a bunch of such nutrients: chondroitin, glucosamine, omega-3 and MSM. Supplements containing this "gentleman's set" - a lot. Almost any self-respecting company producing dietary supplements has such a product in the range.

For categorical dislikers of dietary supplements - you need to lean on the cold, and even better - khash.

With such a comprehensive approach, the knees will be perfectly fine - checked!

By the way, I note that everything about the “honey part” of this article may well work for the shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankle joints. published

Author Alexey Galkin

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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Source: alg-massage.ru/raznoe/koleni.htm


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