Dmitry Likhachov: the Person must be intelligent
The person must be intelligent! But if his profession does not require intelligence? And if he could not get education: so there were circumstances. But if the environment does not allow? But if intelligence would make him a "white crow" among his colleagues, friends, relatives, will just undermine its rapprochement with other people?
No, no and no! Intelligence is needed in all circumstances. It is needed and for others, and for the man himself.
It's very, very important, especially in order to live a happy and long – Yes, long! For intelligence equal moral health, and health is necessary to live a long time – not only physically, but also mentally. The Bible says: "Honor your father and mother, will live long on earth." This applies to the whole nation, and the individual. It is wise.
But first define what is intelligence, and then, why is she linked to the commandment of longevity.
Many people think that an intelligent person is that I read a lot, got a good education (and even predominantly humanitarian), well-traveled, knows several languages.
Meanwhile, you can have all that and be unintelligent, and this does not have to a large extent, and to be still internally an intelligent person.
Education should not be confused with intelligence. Education lives the old content, intelligence – creating a new awareness and the old as new.
More... Deprive a truly intelligent man all his knowledge, education, depriving him of the memory. He forgot everything in the world will not know the classics of literature, will not remember the greatest works of art, forget the most important historical events, but if it will retain susceptibility to intellectual values, love of learning, interest in history, an aesthetic feeling, will be able to distinguish a real work of art from the "stuff" made just to surprise if he will be able to admire the beauty of nature, to understand the character and personality of another person, enter in his position, and realizing the other person to help him, not show rudeness, indifference, malice, envy and appreciate the other's dignity, if he shows respect for the culture of the past, the skills of the educated person, the responsibility in addressing moral issues, wealth and precision of his language – spoken and written, — that it would be an intelligent person.
Intelligence is not only knowledge, but ability to understand the other. It manifests itself in a thousand and a thousand little things: the ability to argue respectfully, to behave humbly at the table, the ability to quietly (just quietly) to help another, to protect nature, not to litter around you – not to litter cigarette butts Il swearing, bad ideas (it's also trash, and another one!).
I knew in the Russian North the peasants, who were really intelligent. They comply with remarkable cleanliness in their homes, knew how to appreciate good songs, they could tell "byvalschiny" (that is what happened to them or others), lived an ordered life, were welcoming and friendly, and was sympathetic to the misfortunes of others, and to someone else's joy.
Intelligence is the capacity for understanding, perception, is a tolerant attitude to the world and to people.
Intelligence is necessary to develop, to train – to train mental strength as coach and physical. And training possible and necessary in all conditions.
That exercise physical strength contributes to longevity is clear. Much less realize that for longevity training is necessary spiritual and mental strength.
The fact that evil and the evil reaction on the surroundings, rudeness and lack of understanding of others is a sign of mental and spiritual weakness, human failure to live... Pushed in a crowded bus – a weak and nervous person, worn out, wrong on all responsive. Quarrels with neighbours, too, people who aren't able to live, deaf, mentally.
Aesthetically insensitive man too miserable. Not able to understand the other person, ascribing to him only evil intentions, always offended on others is also a human being, depleting your life and hindering the lives of others. Spiritual weakness leads to physical weakness. I'm not a doctor, but I am convinced. Long experience had me convinced.
The friendliness and kindness make a person not only physically healthy, but also beautiful. Yes, it is beautiful.
The man's face, distorted with anger, it becomes ugly and evil man devoid of grace – grace is not deliberate, but natural, which is much more expensive.
Social duty is to be intelligent. It is a duty to yourself. It is the key to personal happiness and "aura of goodwill" around him and to him (i.e. addressed to him).
SECRET: How to get what you want
13 of the rules of conservation of energy
All I'm talking with young readers is a call for intelligence, physical and mental health, beauty health. Will long, as people and as a nation! And honoring father and mother should be understood broadly – as the veneration of all our best in the past, in the past, which is the father and mother of our time, the great of modern times, which belong to great happiness.published
Dmitry Likhachev "letters of good"
Source: grani.agni-age.net/edu/likhachev4.htm
No, no and no! Intelligence is needed in all circumstances. It is needed and for others, and for the man himself.
It's very, very important, especially in order to live a happy and long – Yes, long! For intelligence equal moral health, and health is necessary to live a long time – not only physically, but also mentally. The Bible says: "Honor your father and mother, will live long on earth." This applies to the whole nation, and the individual. It is wise.
But first define what is intelligence, and then, why is she linked to the commandment of longevity.
Many people think that an intelligent person is that I read a lot, got a good education (and even predominantly humanitarian), well-traveled, knows several languages.
Meanwhile, you can have all that and be unintelligent, and this does not have to a large extent, and to be still internally an intelligent person.
Education should not be confused with intelligence. Education lives the old content, intelligence – creating a new awareness and the old as new.
More... Deprive a truly intelligent man all his knowledge, education, depriving him of the memory. He forgot everything in the world will not know the classics of literature, will not remember the greatest works of art, forget the most important historical events, but if it will retain susceptibility to intellectual values, love of learning, interest in history, an aesthetic feeling, will be able to distinguish a real work of art from the "stuff" made just to surprise if he will be able to admire the beauty of nature, to understand the character and personality of another person, enter in his position, and realizing the other person to help him, not show rudeness, indifference, malice, envy and appreciate the other's dignity, if he shows respect for the culture of the past, the skills of the educated person, the responsibility in addressing moral issues, wealth and precision of his language – spoken and written, — that it would be an intelligent person.
Intelligence is not only knowledge, but ability to understand the other. It manifests itself in a thousand and a thousand little things: the ability to argue respectfully, to behave humbly at the table, the ability to quietly (just quietly) to help another, to protect nature, not to litter around you – not to litter cigarette butts Il swearing, bad ideas (it's also trash, and another one!).
I knew in the Russian North the peasants, who were really intelligent. They comply with remarkable cleanliness in their homes, knew how to appreciate good songs, they could tell "byvalschiny" (that is what happened to them or others), lived an ordered life, were welcoming and friendly, and was sympathetic to the misfortunes of others, and to someone else's joy.
Intelligence is the capacity for understanding, perception, is a tolerant attitude to the world and to people.
Intelligence is necessary to develop, to train – to train mental strength as coach and physical. And training possible and necessary in all conditions.
That exercise physical strength contributes to longevity is clear. Much less realize that for longevity training is necessary spiritual and mental strength.
The fact that evil and the evil reaction on the surroundings, rudeness and lack of understanding of others is a sign of mental and spiritual weakness, human failure to live... Pushed in a crowded bus – a weak and nervous person, worn out, wrong on all responsive. Quarrels with neighbours, too, people who aren't able to live, deaf, mentally.
Aesthetically insensitive man too miserable. Not able to understand the other person, ascribing to him only evil intentions, always offended on others is also a human being, depleting your life and hindering the lives of others. Spiritual weakness leads to physical weakness. I'm not a doctor, but I am convinced. Long experience had me convinced.
The friendliness and kindness make a person not only physically healthy, but also beautiful. Yes, it is beautiful.
The man's face, distorted with anger, it becomes ugly and evil man devoid of grace – grace is not deliberate, but natural, which is much more expensive.
Social duty is to be intelligent. It is a duty to yourself. It is the key to personal happiness and "aura of goodwill" around him and to him (i.e. addressed to him).
SECRET: How to get what you want
13 of the rules of conservation of energy
All I'm talking with young readers is a call for intelligence, physical and mental health, beauty health. Will long, as people and as a nation! And honoring father and mother should be understood broadly – as the veneration of all our best in the past, in the past, which is the father and mother of our time, the great of modern times, which belong to great happiness.published
Dmitry Likhachev "letters of good"
Source: grani.agni-age.net/edu/likhachev4.htm