Fibroids - resentment, cyst - jealousy
The cause of many gynecological problems can be strong emotions.
Often appears in women to take care of their adult children.
What to do?
To stop playing the role of "nursing mothers". Take away, finally, from her adult babies and take care of yourself. The health of mammary glands directly depends on your personal level of happiness. Therefore, put on first place their desires. Nothing wait for tomorrow. The most important day in your life — today.
The endometriosis.
This disease develops in women who can not be happy, prone to alarmism. The feeling of despair of life and, as a consequence, the indifference to yourself and your health provoke endometriosis.
What to do?
Live with the feeling that all the suffering is left behind. Every day start with thinking about the happiness that you already have now.
Myoma of the uterus.
This is the end of a long resentment toward their loved ones, tendency to low mood and depression. Such a state mentally inhibits the metabolism and leads to changes in hormonal levels.
What to do?
Forgive all who have offended you. Stop looking for people's faults. Look for them in dignity. Honestly tell yourself: "nobody promised a Paradise on earth". Do not make claims to friends and strangers. Rescues from depression any activity that gives pleasure, even homemade pudding.
The ovarian cyst.
Appears from excessive fears. The most common of them — "nobody loves me". Jealousy, fear of loneliness, the desire to constantly argue with people — is also the cause of this disease.
What to do?
To realize that most fears of childhood, and you just have to grow up. Become necessary first of all for themselves. After all, if you live — then you are loved by God. What good can you do in response to his love? Strengthen your belief in yourself.
Erosion of the cervix.
Usually it is the result of resentment on male relatives: husband, father or brother. High expectations and requirements: "he should" "he must", the inability to deal with the problems "caused" men.
What to do?
To lower the bar of their expectations and stop hold grudges. By and large, no one owes nothing. If you accept that, life will change for the better. And again, look for causes of quarrels and disputes in itself. After all, the woman is 80% determines the fate of men: his health, life expectancy. And only 20% he does it by himself in virtue of his education, physique and heredity.
Candidiasis, or thrush.
Arises from the constant desire to control the situation and actions of people, because of the confidence that only you (with your experience) can deal with the situation.
What to do?
Allow loved ones to live by their own rules. Learn to respect the actions of others. Fencing from possible errors the closest you're standing in their way. Be patient.
Debbie Shapiro: the Body reflects everything that happens in the mind
Pain in the joints and the gut: what is the connection
Heavy climax.
So it flows in women who are dissatisfied with their lives, with an inferiority complex, accumulated years of fatigue and a habit to neglect their own interests.
What to do?
Take your age as a time of wisdom. Learn to enjoy every moment of life. To find like-age friends, together to do good works and be sure to communicate with the young. Well, if you have grandchildren. They have their own rhythm of life, but they need you, and you in their energy. Set yourself new goals, find new meaning of life. Don't waste your time, start to create. Invent new recipes, write poems. Tune in to longevity. published
Author: I. V. Vekshina
Source: vk.com/wall-48978_22493
Often appears in women to take care of their adult children.
What to do?
To stop playing the role of "nursing mothers". Take away, finally, from her adult babies and take care of yourself. The health of mammary glands directly depends on your personal level of happiness. Therefore, put on first place their desires. Nothing wait for tomorrow. The most important day in your life — today.

The endometriosis.
This disease develops in women who can not be happy, prone to alarmism. The feeling of despair of life and, as a consequence, the indifference to yourself and your health provoke endometriosis.
What to do?
Live with the feeling that all the suffering is left behind. Every day start with thinking about the happiness that you already have now.
Myoma of the uterus.
This is the end of a long resentment toward their loved ones, tendency to low mood and depression. Such a state mentally inhibits the metabolism and leads to changes in hormonal levels.
What to do?
Forgive all who have offended you. Stop looking for people's faults. Look for them in dignity. Honestly tell yourself: "nobody promised a Paradise on earth". Do not make claims to friends and strangers. Rescues from depression any activity that gives pleasure, even homemade pudding.
The ovarian cyst.
Appears from excessive fears. The most common of them — "nobody loves me". Jealousy, fear of loneliness, the desire to constantly argue with people — is also the cause of this disease.
What to do?
To realize that most fears of childhood, and you just have to grow up. Become necessary first of all for themselves. After all, if you live — then you are loved by God. What good can you do in response to his love? Strengthen your belief in yourself.
Erosion of the cervix.
Usually it is the result of resentment on male relatives: husband, father or brother. High expectations and requirements: "he should" "he must", the inability to deal with the problems "caused" men.
What to do?
To lower the bar of their expectations and stop hold grudges. By and large, no one owes nothing. If you accept that, life will change for the better. And again, look for causes of quarrels and disputes in itself. After all, the woman is 80% determines the fate of men: his health, life expectancy. And only 20% he does it by himself in virtue of his education, physique and heredity.
Candidiasis, or thrush.
Arises from the constant desire to control the situation and actions of people, because of the confidence that only you (with your experience) can deal with the situation.
What to do?
Allow loved ones to live by their own rules. Learn to respect the actions of others. Fencing from possible errors the closest you're standing in their way. Be patient.
Debbie Shapiro: the Body reflects everything that happens in the mind
Pain in the joints and the gut: what is the connection
Heavy climax.
So it flows in women who are dissatisfied with their lives, with an inferiority complex, accumulated years of fatigue and a habit to neglect their own interests.
What to do?
Take your age as a time of wisdom. Learn to enjoy every moment of life. To find like-age friends, together to do good works and be sure to communicate with the young. Well, if you have grandchildren. They have their own rhythm of life, but they need you, and you in their energy. Set yourself new goals, find new meaning of life. Don't waste your time, start to create. Invent new recipes, write poems. Tune in to longevity. published
Author: I. V. Vekshina
Source: vk.com/wall-48978_22493