How to deal with jealousy
Do you check your partner’s phone almost every night or do you worry about who your partner is talking to? Astrologers believe that it all depends on who you are by the zodiac sign. Among the signs there are the most calm in matters of jealousy, and there are simply intolerable. That's what the stars are.
Editorial "Site" How jealous are the different zodiac signs?
How to Stop Being Jealous
Who would have thought that even jealousy determines the stars? I'd like to argue, but it's a perfect match. Did it work out for you?
Editorial "Site" How jealous are the different zodiac signs?
How to Stop Being Jealous
- Aries.
Aries are hot-tempered and hot, no wonder the fire sign of the zodiac. They become jealous, even if they know that their partner just had a good time alone. This zodiac sign always wants to feel the most important and important. The spirit of competition leads to the fact that Aries jealousEven if there is no real reason. However, Aries calm down as quickly as they flash. The main thing is not to give them reasons to be jealous.
- Taurus
These are big owners. Often they treat their soul mate as personal property, considering this as the order of things. Of course, if someone infringes on the property of Taurus, he will burst into anger. Jealousy can sometimes reach universal proportions, it is difficult to calm Taurus. However, Taurus are not jealous of trifles, only if there is a reason. They are always straightforward in their feelings, attacks of jealousy are easy to prevent.
- Twins.
Gemini is a sign that is flexible and calm, with them jealousy rarely becomes a problem in a relationship. They understand their soul mate perfectly and allow a certain freedom. Twins are not offended by small things, and especially not jealous in vain. They feel jealousy only if it is justified. Geminis are very rational and rarely let emotions control them. Therefore, with them in a relationship calm and good. - Cancer
Cancers are very sensitive, they take relationships very seriously, and this eventually leads to jealousy. They are prone to mood swings, and their jealousy can turn the life of their chosen one into hell. But then they will apologize and explain their feelings in detail. Despite the sensitivity, in a fit of jealousy, Cancers can behave quite sharply. They need emotional and honest relationships. Then everyone will be comfortable.
- Lev
Lions need to be loved and the only ones, and they are used to show their feelings on a grand scale. If Leo loves, he is ready to trumpet about it to the whole world, demanding the same from his chosen one. If you pay attention to someone other than your beloved Leo, it hurts him. Jealous, he can make a stormy scandal. Lions easily flare up with jealousy, can offend the opponent, and then retreat. When the attack of jealousy passes, Leo will begin to give his chosen one attention, gifts and love. Their jealousy has its advantages. You'll know exactly what this man needs.
- Virgo
To call Virgos jealous or obsessive is very difficult. They are used to doubting everything, but there are no attacks of jealousy. Virgos are very rational and picky in choosing a partner, and do not allow emotions to overwhelm themselves. They know their partner well and can easily guess when there will be a serious reason to be nervous. Until then, jealousy cannot be expected. They are calm and balanced, although sometimes they can invent things that are not really there. But these momentary weaknesses can be forgiven.
- Libra
Libra values relationships more than others. However, this is an air sign that does not mind flirting. They are quite open by nature, they enjoy communicating with other people. But they do not like when their chosen one allows himself to flirt. If there is a serious threat of a third party in the relationship, they can be very jealous. But they will not shout and quarrel, but will concentrate all their efforts on how to fix this situation.
- Scorpio
This is not just a zodiac sign, it is pure jealousy. They believe in love for life. If Scorpio loves you, it is a very strong and deep feeling. Just as serious as jealousy. They give themselves to their loved one at all 200 percent, demanding the same return. It hurts if your partner is thinking about someone else. Often this is very romantic, of course, but sometimes anxiety and suspicion take over the mind of the Scorpio. In such moments he can not prove anything, they will stand their ground. Not everyone can stand such love, so Scorpios need to loosen their grip. Their chosen ones need to be extremely honest and open.
- Sagittarius
Sagittarius are extremely freedom-loving, there is no word “jealousy” in their lexicon. They love it when their partner is open and honest. Injections of jealousy are not alien to them, but they do not arrange scandals on this occasion. Sagittarius know that keeping a person close to you is not the best way to keep a relationship. - Capricorn
Capricorns are calm, balanced, but slightly turned on control. They will not quarrel over trifles. Making empty accusations is not their method. They spend a lot of time starting a relationship, giving them their strength and resources. They crave the perfect relationship, they are very hurt if the partner neglects it. Capricorns can show jealousy when their partner treats the relationship inappropriately. If the partner somehow violates the ideality of the relationship, Capricorn this causes anxiety and jealousy.
- Aquarius
Friendly and cheerful rebels are not famous for great jealousy. They are open to everything new and appreciate friendship, without denying themselves good relations with the opposite sex. Aquarius will not mind if his chosen one communicates with others, for him this is not a problem. They can show jealousy only in cases where they do not feel special in the eyes of their beloved. It hurts them to the core if their partner finds someone more interesting than them. It is important for Aquarius to be unique and meaningful to the loved one.
- Fish
Pisces is a double sign. They can be very jealous and completely indifferent. On the one hand, they are touchy and vulnerable, they have a rich imagination. On the other hand, they are considered the most understanding and forgiving sign. Jealousy is not so much anger as grief. They will be upset, they may be withdrawn, but they will scandalize only in the most extreme case.
Who would have thought that even jealousy determines the stars? I'd like to argue, but it's a perfect match. Did it work out for you?