Interesting facts about nagyhatalmak functions of the respiratory system
For many it is a surprise that not only in the lungs the exchange of gases takes place. They are in fact the largest in the body multifunctional gland and perform some megatominae functions.
In the lungs, the cleaning of venous blood from impurities. The critical role of a capacious channel of the pulmonary vessels in the circulatory system. The lungs actively participate in the activities of blood coagulation and the synthesis of some proteins and fats. Light is inconceivable without the full regulation of water-salt metabolism and maintenance of acid-base balance in the body.
A significant proportion of light to total heat production and the heat of the body. And how important such feature is the apparatus of respiration, as sukaviriya! But people say, sing and play wind instruments during exhalation. Vzdyhala, yawning, whistling, screaming and other types of Zvukovaya produced mutated reductions in respiratory or expiratory muscles.
All human emotions are easily observed by the characteristic change in the breathing. In fact, the objective manifestation of joy or mirth — laughter, there is nothing like quickly following each other short, gusty exhalation. A sob is, on the contrary, rapidly repeated staccato and short inhalations, produced primarily by energetic contractions of the diaphragm. And we drink with the respiratory movements.
At the same time with a slight inhale due to negative pressure (lowering its pressure in the oral cavity) approached to the lips liquid under pressure of air from the outside enters the mouth. In the shell of the nasal cavity laid sensitive nerve endings that respond to odorous and irritating volatile substances, primitivies to breathe air.
In this way, people can distinguish odors. And it not only protects the breathing apparatus from possible aspiration into the respiratory tract of harmful and toxic gases, but also increases taste sensitivity, helping to distinguish between pleasant and foul-smelling (smelly) food.
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Furthermore, nasal breathing has a big impact on the whole body. It will be recalled that for a long period of cessation of nasal breathing, for example, children resulting from diseases of the nose and throat, often accompanied by severe disorders of vital functions, including mental retardation.
Thus, the maintenance of cells with oxygen and remove excess carbon dioxide are the main but not only purpose of the respiratory system, which in various components linked to other functional systems of the body. published
Source: butakova.info/blog/nedyxatelnye-funkcii-dyxatelnoj-sistemy-cheloveka.html
In the lungs, the cleaning of venous blood from impurities. The critical role of a capacious channel of the pulmonary vessels in the circulatory system. The lungs actively participate in the activities of blood coagulation and the synthesis of some proteins and fats. Light is inconceivable without the full regulation of water-salt metabolism and maintenance of acid-base balance in the body.

A significant proportion of light to total heat production and the heat of the body. And how important such feature is the apparatus of respiration, as sukaviriya! But people say, sing and play wind instruments during exhalation. Vzdyhala, yawning, whistling, screaming and other types of Zvukovaya produced mutated reductions in respiratory or expiratory muscles.
All human emotions are easily observed by the characteristic change in the breathing. In fact, the objective manifestation of joy or mirth — laughter, there is nothing like quickly following each other short, gusty exhalation. A sob is, on the contrary, rapidly repeated staccato and short inhalations, produced primarily by energetic contractions of the diaphragm. And we drink with the respiratory movements.
At the same time with a slight inhale due to negative pressure (lowering its pressure in the oral cavity) approached to the lips liquid under pressure of air from the outside enters the mouth. In the shell of the nasal cavity laid sensitive nerve endings that respond to odorous and irritating volatile substances, primitivies to breathe air.
In this way, people can distinguish odors. And it not only protects the breathing apparatus from possible aspiration into the respiratory tract of harmful and toxic gases, but also increases taste sensitivity, helping to distinguish between pleasant and foul-smelling (smelly) food.
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Furthermore, nasal breathing has a big impact on the whole body. It will be recalled that for a long period of cessation of nasal breathing, for example, children resulting from diseases of the nose and throat, often accompanied by severe disorders of vital functions, including mental retardation.
Thus, the maintenance of cells with oxygen and remove excess carbon dioxide are the main but not only purpose of the respiratory system, which in various components linked to other functional systems of the body. published
Source: butakova.info/blog/nedyxatelnye-funkcii-dyxatelnoj-sistemy-cheloveka.html
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