Here's how to behave as a true knight under the guide 1483

Relatives of the popular Australian actor Ethan Hawke discovered in the basement of his house a letter that their ancestor wrote to his children, setting out the Rules of the knight — life lessons that sir Thomas Lemuel hawke wanted to pass on to their children.

Thanks to Ethan Hawk rules were published in the book titled "Rules of the knight". The actor claims that his own family tries to live exactly as bequeathed to a distant ancestor.
"I just always liked the idea of chivalry — said Ethan. — It means to be a good person — cool. Or strive to be a good person is great."
The website sends word sir Hawk their distant 15th century. "Today," he began, " I will share with you some of the most valuable stories, events and moments of my life, to somewhere deep in the recesses of your imagination these lessons and my experience has been preserved and served to you."
20 rules рыцаря1. The loneliness take care of yourself. Silence is a useful tool in the search for wisdom and clarity of his own mind. The voice of our soul, you will not hear in the noise of other voices. As it is impossible to see your reflection in muddy water, and with a soul. In silence we can feel dormant in us forever.
2. Humility Never shout that you are a knight, just behave like a knight. You are better than others, and others are not better than you.
3. Gratitude is the Only reasonable response to the current gift of life is gratitude. For all that was, knight says, "Thank you." Everything that comes, knight says, "Yes!"
4. Pride Never to pretend that you are a knight and don't try to belittle yourself, believing that others then you will be more comfortable. We show the greatest respect for others, comfort the best that we have.
5. The interaction of Each of us goes his own way. We are born at a certain time in a certain place and our problems are unique. For us, the knights, understanding and respect for identity is vital in our ability to use collective power. The use of force may be necessary for protection in an emergency. But only justice, honesty and joint action can be truly successful in people management. We must live and work together as brothers or perish together as fools.
6. Friendship is the Quality of your life will largely be determined by who you choose to spend your time.
7. Forgiveness Who can not easily forgive, he will not gain a lot of friends. Looking for the best in others.
8. Honesty Dishonest dishonest language and mind wasting our time, and therefore wasting our lives. We are here to grow, and the truth is water, light and soil from which we rise. Armor of lies forged from the darkness, it hides us not only from others but from our own soul.
9. The bravery of All that gives light, must endure burning.
10. Elegance elegance is the ability to perceive changes. Be open and flexible.
11. Patience is No such thing as one chance in life. Fussy mind is the mind is confused; he can neither clearly see nor clearly hear; he sees what he wants to see and hears what is afraid to hear or misses a lot. Knight turns the time into its ally. There comes a time for action, and with a clear mind this time is obvious.
12. Justice Is only one thing that will not endure knight: injustice. Every true knight at all times fighting for human dignity.
13. Generosity You were born, not owning nothing, and leave this life. Be frugal, then you will be able to be generous.
14. Discipline On the battlefield, as in all things, you will succeed as long as you are prepared. With practice, you build the road to achieving their goals. Superiority is rooted in attention to detail. The better the knight prepared, the less he will be inclined to give up.
15. The dedication of Ordinary effort is the usual result. Every day make an effort to better comply with these rules. Luck is the residue of design. Be steadfast. The anvil will outlast the hammer.
16. It's Not speak ill of others. Knight does not distribute the news, which I'm not sure, and don't judge things that does not understand.
17. Faith Sometimes to understand more, you need to know less.
18. Equality For each knight the equality of people — an unshakable truth. Knight never watching the humiliation of men or women. If it is present, it must stop, the perpetrators of hurtful acts or saying offensive words.
19. Love love is the ultimate goal. It is the music of our lives. There is no such obstacle which it cannot overcome.
20. Death Life is a long series of goodbyes; surprise may be only circumstances. Knight thanks for the life that was given to him. He is not afraid of death, because the case, which began one knight, can complete the other.
In the rest of the rules knight details the above ideas. Despite the fact that the book belongs to the category of fiction, it is full of reflections on the theme of self-improvement and what it means to be a parent.
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