Reward. Very pleased
- King said that the door of his treasuries open in front of me! - Knight growled.
- They are open - responded peacefully storekeeper. - Right in front of your nose.
- Then let me in.
Storekeeper not descended from the doorway.
Knight frowned:
- You do not comply with the order of the king?
Storekeeper shook his head:
- If you enter, the door will not open the treasury before and after you. Here it is - is a serious violation of the order.
- Why should I open doors, if I can not go inside? - Flared knight.
- I have no idea. Speculate about the intentions of the king is not in my habits.
- King wanted me to chose his treasure reward!
- He just said so?
- No, - confessed knight. - He said: "As a reward for what you are struck by the dragon, the door of my treasury open in front of you!»
- Yeah, - the storekeeper nodded. - I thought so.
Knight took up the sword.
- I'm in the execution - recalled the storekeeper. - I do not advise.
Frowning, Knight said:
- Fair Enough. I'll be back soon.
He turned and walked away.
- As soon as you came here, the door immediately before you open! - Assured the storekeeper knightly batted back and sash.
After half an hour at the entrance to the treasury rumbled iron glove.
The storekeeper looked:
- Quickly you.
- Skip! - Knight threw him peevishly.
Storekeeper raised eyebrows:
- The king said something else?
- No, - said Knight. - He did not say. King wrote.
Knight storekeeper handed the scroll, he unfolded it slowly, syllable by syllable, read: "The bearer of this, knight, hit the dragon, allowed to enter the royal treasury and take it that the knight deems worthy reward for yourself».
- And then you put that took place on? - Asked the storekeeper.
- Read more - ordered Knight.
Storekeeper rewind from the scroll some more and continued: "Taken Knight is free to make use of the treasury, and according to their understanding, for their own benefit and without any restrictions. Signature - King ».
- What the king is meant? - Said the storekeeper.
Knight pointed to the very end of the roll - there was a postscript: "our kingdom." Under the text adorned with three seals - ink, wax and red sealing wax.
- All right, - regretfully agreed storekeeper. - Well, choose.
Knight stepped across the threshold, her nose and walked along the shelves.
- I'll take it - he said, pointing to a nearby jewelry.
- Are you sure? - Storekeeper all kind knight advised to abandon the idea.
- Absolutely.
Storekeeper something scribbled on a paper sheet.
- And this is - a knight, puffing out his cheeks and strained blushing, took off the top shelf of a huge chest.
Storekeeper ruefully added doodles.
- What is the need to write? - Knight asked suspiciously.
- For the order.
- The King will see a list?
- It is possible. If His Majesty suddenly wanted to know what reward you choose, I'll be ready to report.
- All right, so be it - Knight rubbed his hands together. - At that time it and it and won it.
- Not too much there? - The value of voice noticed storekeeper.
- At the time. Especially because I have not finished.
- I think it would be better if I'm also told the king that there is - sadly sighed storekeeper.
Knight casually took from his pocket a piece of parchment and showed him the storekeeper. On parchment read: "Knight - not to interfere!" At the bottom, as expected, the signature wound "King. Our kingdom. "And could see three seals.
Puffing, Knight dragged out of the corner tightly packed bulky bag.
- Mi-shock - the storekeeper said aloud, bitterly karyabaya pen and added: - What goes good!
- Who goes and who added - Knight muttered, staggering under the weight of a thick roll.
- Why do you need a carpet? - Outraged storekeeper.
- In addition to the tapestry! - Cut Knight and reached for tapestries.
Storekeeper turned his sheet to the other side.
- What's that? - Knight inquired, looking at the massive wrought-iron structure of unknown purpose.
- I do not know - shrugged storekeeper. - Since there is probably something valuable.
- Beru - decided knight.
Storekeeper brought in the registry: "Zhulezyaka tizholaya - 1 shtu." - And sniffed.
- Well, now that large chest, two drawers and a box with a box. Perhaps all - Knight wiped the sweat from his forehead. - Oh yes! Another truck!
Storekeeper startled:
- The order was written "to endure." All that you can not carry, stay here!
Knight fumbled in his bosom. At the next piece of parchment had a short resolution "Let exports!", Certified by the royal signature and three seals.
Putting the cart on his award and tied her with ropes to a bunch of not crumbled, Knight tried to move the truck from the scene. It did not work out.
- Helps! - He panted wearily.
- Not! - Shook his head storekeeper. - This speech was not.
Knight reached inside his jacket. Storekeeper sighed and leaned on the trolley. The wheels squeaked painfully.
They hardly pushed out luggage through the doors.
- Continue on I do not count! - Maliciously said the storekeeper. - My place in the treasury!
- And you did not need more.
Knight whistled.
The floor and walls were shaking, and stepped into the gallery dragon.
- Bring! - Cried the knight and the dragon threw the end of the rope tied to the truck.
- Well, you give! - Chuckled dragon mountain surveyed values.
Warehouse opened his mouth and slid back against the wall.
- Can you imagine? - Dragon storekeeper winked and nodded at the knight. - That son of a gun has collected four princesses! Four of a Kind!
Knight shrugged.
- You claimed that struck the dragon! - Desperately shouted storekeeper.
- Of course, impressed! - Confirmed the dragon tie the truck in. - This knight and now continues to amaze me.
- They are open - responded peacefully storekeeper. - Right in front of your nose.
- Then let me in.
Storekeeper not descended from the doorway.
Knight frowned:
- You do not comply with the order of the king?
Storekeeper shook his head:
- If you enter, the door will not open the treasury before and after you. Here it is - is a serious violation of the order.
- Why should I open doors, if I can not go inside? - Flared knight.
- I have no idea. Speculate about the intentions of the king is not in my habits.
- King wanted me to chose his treasure reward!
- He just said so?
- No, - confessed knight. - He said: "As a reward for what you are struck by the dragon, the door of my treasury open in front of you!»
- Yeah, - the storekeeper nodded. - I thought so.
Knight took up the sword.
- I'm in the execution - recalled the storekeeper. - I do not advise.
Frowning, Knight said:
- Fair Enough. I'll be back soon.
He turned and walked away.
- As soon as you came here, the door immediately before you open! - Assured the storekeeper knightly batted back and sash.
After half an hour at the entrance to the treasury rumbled iron glove.
The storekeeper looked:
- Quickly you.
- Skip! - Knight threw him peevishly.
Storekeeper raised eyebrows:
- The king said something else?
- No, - said Knight. - He did not say. King wrote.
Knight storekeeper handed the scroll, he unfolded it slowly, syllable by syllable, read: "The bearer of this, knight, hit the dragon, allowed to enter the royal treasury and take it that the knight deems worthy reward for yourself».
- And then you put that took place on? - Asked the storekeeper.
- Read more - ordered Knight.
Storekeeper rewind from the scroll some more and continued: "Taken Knight is free to make use of the treasury, and according to their understanding, for their own benefit and without any restrictions. Signature - King ».
- What the king is meant? - Said the storekeeper.
Knight pointed to the very end of the roll - there was a postscript: "our kingdom." Under the text adorned with three seals - ink, wax and red sealing wax.
- All right, - regretfully agreed storekeeper. - Well, choose.
Knight stepped across the threshold, her nose and walked along the shelves.
- I'll take it - he said, pointing to a nearby jewelry.
- Are you sure? - Storekeeper all kind knight advised to abandon the idea.
- Absolutely.
Storekeeper something scribbled on a paper sheet.
- And this is - a knight, puffing out his cheeks and strained blushing, took off the top shelf of a huge chest.
Storekeeper ruefully added doodles.
- What is the need to write? - Knight asked suspiciously.
- For the order.
- The King will see a list?
- It is possible. If His Majesty suddenly wanted to know what reward you choose, I'll be ready to report.
- All right, so be it - Knight rubbed his hands together. - At that time it and it and won it.
- Not too much there? - The value of voice noticed storekeeper.
- At the time. Especially because I have not finished.
- I think it would be better if I'm also told the king that there is - sadly sighed storekeeper.
Knight casually took from his pocket a piece of parchment and showed him the storekeeper. On parchment read: "Knight - not to interfere!" At the bottom, as expected, the signature wound "King. Our kingdom. "And could see three seals.
Puffing, Knight dragged out of the corner tightly packed bulky bag.
- Mi-shock - the storekeeper said aloud, bitterly karyabaya pen and added: - What goes good!
- Who goes and who added - Knight muttered, staggering under the weight of a thick roll.
- Why do you need a carpet? - Outraged storekeeper.
- In addition to the tapestry! - Cut Knight and reached for tapestries.
Storekeeper turned his sheet to the other side.
- What's that? - Knight inquired, looking at the massive wrought-iron structure of unknown purpose.
- I do not know - shrugged storekeeper. - Since there is probably something valuable.
- Beru - decided knight.
Storekeeper brought in the registry: "Zhulezyaka tizholaya - 1 shtu." - And sniffed.
- Well, now that large chest, two drawers and a box with a box. Perhaps all - Knight wiped the sweat from his forehead. - Oh yes! Another truck!
Storekeeper startled:
- The order was written "to endure." All that you can not carry, stay here!
Knight fumbled in his bosom. At the next piece of parchment had a short resolution "Let exports!", Certified by the royal signature and three seals.
Putting the cart on his award and tied her with ropes to a bunch of not crumbled, Knight tried to move the truck from the scene. It did not work out.
- Helps! - He panted wearily.
- Not! - Shook his head storekeeper. - This speech was not.
Knight reached inside his jacket. Storekeeper sighed and leaned on the trolley. The wheels squeaked painfully.
They hardly pushed out luggage through the doors.
- Continue on I do not count! - Maliciously said the storekeeper. - My place in the treasury!
- And you did not need more.
Knight whistled.
The floor and walls were shaking, and stepped into the gallery dragon.
- Bring! - Cried the knight and the dragon threw the end of the rope tied to the truck.
- Well, you give! - Chuckled dragon mountain surveyed values.
Warehouse opened his mouth and slid back against the wall.
- Can you imagine? - Dragon storekeeper winked and nodded at the knight. - That son of a gun has collected four princesses! Four of a Kind!
Knight shrugged.
- You claimed that struck the dragon! - Desperately shouted storekeeper.
- Of course, impressed! - Confirmed the dragon tie the truck in. - This knight and now continues to amaze me.

How to wash a cat. During the photo shoot the cat did not suffer
Pretty strong work - Crying children